
  1. Fl@pper

    last week's Drag race

    my 2 fave pics from the day Wheelie Popping 7 sec Audi Coupe The '34 Fat Rod warming up da Rubber One like mine if i ever finish it
  2. Damaged my car after less than a week

    Last week I was picking my car up at a garage where some work was being done. Basically there had been a concrete bollard on the edge of the pavement which had been knocked over, leaving a small jagged concrete stump which I hadn't seen. As I pulled away I head a horrific grinding sound as I...
  3. TDI PEP

    This week I mostly been buying........

    A Leon Cupra R in Platinum. Pick her up on Friday next week. Will be leaving the dark side as we are doing less miles as I have a company car so thought it a good time to get the R. I think I will miss my TDi as its a great all rounder for economy and speed but am sure the R will impress in...
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