
  1. meltonlad

    water leak on newly purchase car!

    i have just got my toledo 1.8 20v se yr 2000. i did every thing that i should have done before handing over the cash. looked at, test drove it, checked out mot history online, did hpi check and so on. but now ive got it home ive driven all of 9 miles and found a water leak (only leaks when warm)...
  2. v5 150 Water Leak From Rear of Engine

    I have a 2000 Toledo V5 (150) with a water leak which is now quite severe. I have changed the Flange which needed done but their is another, bigger, leak from the very rear of the engine. It appears to be coming from the cylinder head area as water is running down the underside of the exhaust...
  3. meltonlad

    i found a water leak HELP....

    ive just found a water leak its at the side of the engine ive got the temp sender unit and to pipes on the bit thats leaking.... it bolted to the side of the head (i think) its leaking from the edge round the bolts/head. what is this bit called and also is it easy to fix ?
  4. Water Leak Help !

    Just wondering if anyone has had the same problem. My seat has been leaking and flooding the Nearside front and rear footwells with water, My mechanic can not find where the leak is, just wondering if any one knows where he could start looking ?
  5. HallycupraR

    Water pump

    Was on the way home the other night an noticed temp gauge starting to climb so backed off an pulled on the hard soulder, once i stopped it dropped bk to normal. So set off an same happend again had vag com running an logged up to 115oc so backed off on the hard shoulder at 20mph so i could get...
  6. boiling water

    hello people. This is a plea for help!!! got a 1999 Cordoba which has just gone thru MOT, with the help of a little radweld. Think the mechy man has cocked up, cos now the rad header tank is bubbling away like a kettle. rad fans don't seem to be running either. any ideas?
  7. New Water Pump Now Overheating

    Just had cambelt and water pump changed as we bought a car with no service history and it's done just over 100k. Since it's been done the car is blowing cold air out of the heaters and keeps overheating. Phoned the garage who told me to keep an eye on it as it could be the head gasket. When I...
  8. Water temp

    My car seems to warm up to 90C, then sometimes drop off to 75- with the needle being quite eratic between 90 and 75, as if the sensor is faulty. Anyone got any ideas? CHEERS
  9. dangerous10671

    Secondary water pump electrical problem

    right my secondery water pump stoped working so i checked all the fuses and they where ok followed the quick fix guide on another thread and got it to work via a 12v battery but when i put it back in the car still nothing so i took the plug out of the pump and tested the plug with a volts meter...
  10. SidewaysCupra

    Secondary water pump again

    Right, my secondary water pump has packed up. Not working at all. Before anyone bites my head off I have searched. Have checked the fan fuse on top of the battery and it looks fine. Also checked that the plug hasn't come loose on the pump itself. I'm going to try and strip it down and...
  11. kineticz

    Water level

    Hey, Just a quick one - my water level is about a cm over the indicated level, is this OK/safe for the engine? :think: Thanks :)
  12. MK5 water temp gauge mising ?

    Hi, why did they drop the temperature gauge in the MK5 Ibiza ?, i like to have one just to make sure the engine is warm enough to throttle up and also to make sure it's not overheating. But the mk5 has lost it's temp gauge. I have the temp readout on my scangaugeII so it's not of particular...
  13. Water in door?

    Has anyone else ever noticed a fair bit of water in the door? When I stripped the door down earlier I noticed there was a little bit of water, thought nothing of it. As I carried on i felt the wrap around the loom was soaking and there was water around the speaker and in the adaptor too. Do...
  14. water leak

    Hello My 98 Alhambra has started to leak a bit, the water comes through the roof lining by the clock and the passenger footwell is awash. Are there any obvious places for me to look or is it a hose job and hunt for the leak? Dave
  15. p34ch3y

    secondry water pump

    mine been dead for months just found this but unsure weather it is the right one look like it is to me but could some one confirm that this is right...
  16. LCR using water,,,

    Recently its needed toping up around every 1000 miles, Is this normal or somthing that needs fixing? If so, head gasket or seals in turbo? cheers guys.
  17. Help! New leon tdi white/blue smoke when cold/ losing water

    Hi Guys, I bought a mk2 tdi 2.0 2006 (18k miles) last weekend.. When I start the car from cold it is pumping out loads of white / blueish tint smoke until the engine has completely warmed up. Another thing I have noticed is that the coolant level dropped below min from above max in...
  18. mallett

    For Info: The Water Leaking Passenger Footwell

    Just for info really if anyone wonders how much this will cost. From my SEAT dealers today (I took it there because I'd rather pay extra for people who are supposed to be experienced and know about common faults) FAULT: Water ingress from 2 places into the passenger footwell over and under...
  19. illusion

    Water Temp keeps dropping

    Hi all, As the title suggests, the water temp on my Mk1 Leon 20v Turbo keeps dropping from the normal 90degrees to around 75. Anybody have any ideas as to why?
  20. Stamped cambelt change - Water pump?

    Enquired about a cupa r ive seen for sale and owner says its stamped to say its had a cambelt change at 46k. Would the dealer automatically change the water pump at the same time or is there a possibility only the belt would of been done?
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)