
  1. Curious Chris


    Hey guys, i was wondering if i can get a wastegate (rally chatter) for my 1.8 20vT, i know it has a recirculating turbo and i cant find any of the wastegates on the internet, but i have found ones that fit subaru impreza's which also have recirculating turbos, will the fit, if i got a fitting...
  2. Wastegate for an Ibiza FR 1.9TDI 130PD?

    Hi all. I was wondering if its possible and/or worthwhile putting a wastegate onto my Ibiza FR 1.9TDI PD130? I havn't come accross many threads about this topic, I tried searching but found mostly turbo problem threads. If it is possible etc where can i get one from? Is it likely to...
  3. Scotty_b

    Wastegate chatter

    I want to here my waste gate chatter like a good en! i have a quick shift induction kit, a baily re-circ DV and she is going to be revoved. Any ideas on how to get this noise louder?? my mates cupra bezzer makes a little chatter every so often and he has just got a turbo smart DV. Another...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)