
  1. lcrb

    Temp warning light and buzzer!!!!????

    Need some help guys , in these cold morning temp warning light and buzzer comes on run the car while I'm scraping the windows jump back in turn off and start back up and all is fine. I have the proper amount of genuine coolant in so cant see why this is happening. Any help much appreciated
  2. Dash Warning Lights

    Hiya, probs covered before but, has anyone got a picture of the dash lights? Mine have been flashing at me this morning but they came on and went so quick i couldnt tell what the picture was of... i just need a picture of all the dash warning lights so i can work out which one is was...
  3. Airbag Warning Light..

    I drive a 2003 Ibiza 1.2s 12v and after fitting a sony xplod headunit i noticed after about three days i lost power to the headunit and my airbag warning light came on and I have taken it to a car audio specialist who said that when the headunit was fitted a wire got trapped underneath it and...
  4. cyphnar

    Warning lights ont he dash :(

    Hey, I was driving home just now and i noticed two ligths come on randomly. One is the TCS "skidding car" symbol and is solid, according to the Manual this means there's a fault with the ABS, but normal braking seemed fine... Any ideas/experience with this fault? The other one is the...
  5. just bought a leon, warning light illuminates on oil and beeps 3 times?

    hi i just bought a 2001 leon 1.6 16v, on startup the oil indication light illuminates and the car beeps 3 times, once the beeps have stopped the ligh continues to flash constantly. i have read in the manual that this car should not be driven, their appears to be plenty of oil and the car drives...
  6. ATP

    warning buzzer

    the beep to tell me i've left my lights on, or if its icy has stopped working - is there anyway i have turned this off?
  7. wurzel

    1.4 - Flashing Oil Warning Light & Car sounds awful

    My sister just rang me to say her oil warning lamp is flashing with 3 beeps (definitely the oil light and not temp gauge) The car sounds like a bag of nails. Car is a 1.4 16V She drive about 1/2 mile home with very little power from the engine. I've done a quick search and found that it...
  8. First aid kit, warning triangle and fire extinguisher kit

    Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked before but does anyone have any pictures of the first aid, warning triangle and fire extinguisher mounted in the boot please? cheers matt
  9. Warning Chimes....?

    Hi The car has no warning chimes when: 1-u open the driver`s door and the engine is running 2-Turn on the igntion It only has: 1-Seat belt warning 2-Lights on notification Is there a way to fix this?? by VAG-com maybe...? I did not buy the cable or software but I can go to a...
  10. Dashboard Engine warning light is on and running rough from cold start

    Hi, I have a 52 plate Leon cupra 1.8 20v T and the amber engine warning light has come on. When its is started from stone cold it coughs and splutters into life, fine if I keep it revving at about 2,000rpm for about 30 seconds and once warmed up a bit idols fine. Also fine if I turn the...
  11. Coolant level warning when cold

    Hi, I wonder if anyone has seen this before. The last few days have seen sub zero temperatures here, and every time I've started the car I've had the coolant light flashing red and a beeping noise. According to the manual this is the coolant level being incorrect, however from what I can see the...
  12. /dev/null

    Water temp warning light

    A few times recently when it has been a little cold I have started the car and the red warning light below the water temperature gauge has flashed red and a siren like noise gone off! When I turn off the engine and restart, everything is fine. I asked the dealers who said this can happen in...
  13. Washbottle warning when nearing empty ??

    Is there no warning for this in the new Ibiza ??? I've been driving round for the last week thinking ice was blocking the pipes, but i decided to look into it this morning and filled up the wash bottle, seems it was just empty !!. I was surprised that there's no warning of it on the dash...
  14. rabe187

    Air Bag warning light won't go away

    a few days back my air bag sensor lit up and stayed on after the whole system check, i even took it to the dealership this morning and they scanned the fault and removed it, and a few hours later its back. what could be causing this? much appreciated...
  15. Sam221

    3 beeps, TC light on and ABS light with red warning symbol

    hi guys, just dropped someone home, its mega icy out and the abs kicked in once or twice whilst braking. but after setting off from a set of lights i had 3 beeps, the red warning symbol come up along with ABS and and the TC warning symbol. Is it just low brake fluid or something more serious ? I...
  16. woody1986

    airbag warning light vagcom cant clear

    Did some work on the car the other day and found that airbag light was unplugged, low and behold plugged it in and it was on constantly. so plugged into vagcom and got this error 00588-airbag igniiter driver side (n95) 32-00-resistance too high tried to clear it and it worked for 1sec...
  17. Warning light flashing next to temp guage

    Hi, I have the red warning light coming on (with 3 beeps) when I start the car - the light continues flashing also. This is the light next to the temperature guage. I think it might be to warn that the radiator is low? Can anyone confirm and also advise what I can top it up with...
  18. Warning light and cambelt

    Hiya all, now it has got damp and cold me car is making noises at me, sometimes when i put me key in and turn it the coolant gauge beeps and the red light flashes. If i turn the ignition off and then on again it usually sorts it. Is this a common fault? Also i have just done 52,000 miles and...
  19. Leon FR Outside Temperature Audio Warning

    Hi Quick question. When I first start up my motor, my dash display shows the frost symbol as it should when the temp drops below a certain level. However, when I pull away, there is no audio alarm to warn me of the frost outside although the manual states it should. The book states...
  20. 2nd'ary air pump fixed - why the warning light?

    Hello, I've just had the secondary air pump replaced on my MK1 Leon Cupra 20VT. All seemed well, then the warning light came on a week later. Diagnostics showed same air pump problem although the air pump is fine. The garage did some resets (or something) and the warning light went out...
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