
  1. ibizasport16v

    showing the view more than the car

    Car is manky, covered in bird shite that ive wiped off with a wet wipe, weathers been too unpredicatable today to clean it, but im off wednesday so im prayin for the sun anyway i went a wee drive tonight and stopped for a few pics about 15 miles outside stirling, stunning view, even better in...
  2. rear view mirror

    Hi everyone, Is it possible to get a black rear view mirror in the cupra? Mines an old one (01) its black, looks lovely, but stuck on the windscreen is a cack looking whitish mirror that stands out like a sore thumb. Is this black in any other models? if so is it easy to change? Thanking...
  3. woodyTDI

    My View on Parkstone Motor Company

    Hey guys this is my letter i am sending to SEAT UK about my local dealer as my problems have not been sorted. I will post the reply from SEAT UK and if any from my dealerhsip. If i get anykind of good will gesture i will let you know. Also anyone else had these problems with the car /...
  4. Auto Dimming Rear View Mirror

    Anyone on here got one of these, extra on the leon from 05 onwards, you can get them with a digital compass built in, look pretty cool.
  5. Importcupra

    Rear View mirror

    The auto rear dip mirror on my cupra has stop working! only a quater of it is workin now? any idears! im starting to wish i had keep the CTR!!![:@]
  6. Molehill_Mike

    Gave In.. N249 Bypass Done...My View

    Yesterday after having a bit of a cleaning session with FlashBSD ((AKA Banned) Pics To Follow)... I decided to tackle the N249 bypass....well.. when I say tackle I mean, allow Flash to complete the procedure on my car :D :roflmao: Have to say, DV response is much better, and car feels better...
  7. Galfer view on scored disks anyone?

    When I first got the galfer pads and noticed the scoring I rang them and they said if was due to the disks and they had probably not run in right??? Now every one else seems to have had the same problem but only with galfer pads etc has anyone gone back to galfer and got a responce?
  8. davels

    auto dim rear view mirror

    can you get an auto dimming mirror for a mk4 04 ibiza, if yes how much, where from, how hard to fit etc.. thank for all replies
  9. Brummy

    schematic/exploded view..

    anyone got any pics of the rear end of a MK2 in shcematic/exploded parts 'view' (with part numbers would be ace, but beggars cant be choosers) as this bottle of T-cut i have might not be enough to get this crease out ;) :D TIA John
  10. Bizz

    Cant view the Calendar?!?!

    I can't get on the calendar when I'm logged in!!! It's fine if I'm not, which is why i think its strange when it says that I dont have access priviledges, or my account has been disabled. Not a major problem just wondered wots up cheers
  11. carl4x4

    Changing rear view mirror ?

    I picked up my Leon TFSI this weekend and on the whole I'm pleased as punch with the car. The driving position with the long windscreen takes a bit of getting used to but is fine. However the rear view mirror is bugging the hell out of me at the moment and I'm trying very hard to get used to it...
  12. ibiza owner

    Removing Rear View Mirror

    Hi, does anyone know the best way to remove the interior rear view mirror preferably without removing it totally from the windscreen itself- will it pop off somehow with a bit of jiggling and a bit of force? I wanna remove it to paint the plastic part black. had painted it before (used...
  13. orca

    auto rear view mirror

    Just had a loan caar with the electric auto dipping mirror, really liked it. Can they be retro fitted? If so is it easy and any idea about costs? cheers
  14. Brighton Femme

    Auto Dimming Rear View Mirrors

    Can you fit a Mk4 to a Leon? Is the wiring there? so any Leons come with it as standard? Sara
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