
  1. USB key : supported filesystem

    Hi All I have a question about supported filesystem by the new model 2007 which are with USB host connector : do you knwow which filesystem is supported and what is it the maximun capacity?? Fat/Fat12/Fat16/Ext2/ Fat32/NTFS??? 512MB,1GB,2GB 4GB more??? many thanks in advance for...

    Has anyone got the USB connection on new LEON

    Just wondered if anyone has the USB option as opposed to the IPOD connection. What is the difference between the two and would this also mean that the aux in jack would be replaced as with the IPOD socket?
  3. USB or Ipod link

    I'm thinking of getting myself a new Leon to replace my Cupra TDI. I was just wondering what the USB link is which people are talking about ? How is this different to the Ipod adapter and where does it go, what does it do etc ?? I have a USB based memory stick which is also an mp3 player and...
  4. USB Interface

    Had a look at a petrol FR on Sunday morning and thought it looked very nice in Luna Grey. I had root under the pax seat looking for the USB port but it wasn't there. I can't find any mention of it the Leon brochure I picked up and not much mention of it via search either. Is it still...
  5. help with USB lead...

    MY VAG-COM lead eventually came yesterday but i had trouble setting it up, i have got the USB lead but could not use it as i had trouble installing the drivers for the cable, are you ment to get a disk with these drivers on with the lead? how have you lot got on using this lead? ? any help...
  6. andy_dea

    help needed getting usb lead to work

    got a usb lead of ebay like many others, now the usb software off the ross tech website searches for a ross tec lead, which mine is not, any way to get it to read my usb lead? or a diff version of vag com? please help cheers andy
  7. Scotty_b

    How bad are the USB leads?

    Ive got a small problem, iv found a place that do the leads etc and ive bought one with a serial connection but ive not got a new laptop which only has USB ports etc. Now I went to PC world and found a serial to USB converter but it was £30 more than a new lead! Ive now provisionally sold the...
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