
  1. elBurro

    ipods and tape units

    is anyone running the tape head unit connected to an ipod that it thinks is a boot changer? I like the idea of it but I'd have to think of somewhere clever to hide the ipod? I wondered if the cd text worked properly and if the ipod charged and where you've hidden your ipod (since there's no...
  2. 2nd hand OEM head units...

    how much would one be worth if i were thinking of getting shot of it?
  3. Can any 3rd party head units control OEM CD changers?

    The Symphony head unit in my Octavia has packed up. I'd like to find a 3rd party head unit that will control the OEM (Panasonic?) CD changer. I've found adapotrs to use a 3rd party changer with the original head unit on many car audio sites on the web. However I cant find one to go the...
  4. robby71

    Water in light units

    Is this a common problem on 03> Leons - i have water ingress on the inside of the front foglights (i'll take them out, dry them and silicon seal them at the weekend) and i also noticed ingress in the high level brake light (does this dismantle)? cheers
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