
  1. Invisible

    Yes another Tyre Fred!! Toyos?

    Just a quickie, Seen many recommendations for Vredestein and Goodyear F1's on here but both out of stock on camskill at the moment. Anyone tried the Toyo PX4's (Proxes 4). I think these are meant to be a performance tyre. I'll probably want to steer clear of the super sticky track tyres...
  2. original tyre size?

    HI all, hate starting a new thread when i havent made a post, im not using your knowledge honestly :) i have searched allover and nobody has asked this stupid question. i have a Seat leon diesel cupra, im currently on with changing the wheels, for some BBS CHBE's im plus sizing to 18" so...
  3. Tyre Pressure Monitoring

    I havent got it on my 1.4 sport, but i have an FR TDI on order which comes with it. How are you notified when they are too low etc. Is it an icon on the dash. Does it tell you which one? Also, not related at all, but do models with climate control come with a manual for it, because my...
  4. brightsideteeem

    Tyre Size Recomendation's?

    205/55/16 is the standard size of the standard 16x7J alloys I had on my Leon SE tdi. I then moved onto 225/40/18 tyres on 18x8J alloys. Im now planning on having 18x8.5J wheels up front, and 18x9.5J wheels. What tyre size sould I put on the back? I wouldnt mind a little bit of a strech as...
  5. bmb779

    tyre pressures

    What are the tyre pressures for 225/40x18 tyres on 8J rims,, Its on a 2.0sport TDI thanks
  6. Tyre's

    I have a MK1 Cupra R and need a new set of boots in the front what would you recommend, I have Goodyear Eagle F1's and the back.
  7. AntneeUK

    Tyre mould marks still there after 100s of miles

    Took the car to el dudes to get the brakes pressure bled yesterday (last thing that needed doing after the refurb) and when we took the wheels off I noticed that the mould join is still there on the middle of the tyres (F1 GSD3s). My first thought was "wow, these really don't wear quickly", but...
  8. front tyre wear

    after lowering my car the front tyres are wearing very fast and from the inside. i guess this is the camber but has anyone eles had this problem ? :wtf: cheers
  9. JamJay

    I Need Tyre Advice!

    Hello all. You MK2 people seem very focussed on tyres and know alot about them, not alot of info seems available in the MK1 section. I have done a fair amount of research between 2 tyres that I was interested in, Sessanta's & T1-R's both of which I have gone off of due to the reportedly soft...
  10. Change of tyre size????

    Hello I am getting old and grouchy with the terrible ride in my ibiza cuppra 2004. Is there any major problems involved in changing the tryre size to say 205/55/17 from 205/40/17???/ would this make the ride better??? OR make it unstable. The car has been chipped to 192bhp so if the...
  11. rich146

    Tyre Pressure Sensors ? How does it work?

    I want to change my alloys on my new Leon but something that struck me was the tyre pressure sensing. I have heard of sensors in the wheel but this was an aftermarket system on ebay. will I be able to change the alloys as normal? How does the tyre pressure system work? Cheers
  12. Tyre buying time - Confusion

    its that time to buy some new tyres, however confusion was quickly instilled I currently run Toyo T1R's all round and so I looked at Toyo T1R's on mytyres.co.uk which were £106 a corner then I looked at Goodyear Eagle F1's which were £101 a corner, so a little more reasonable BUT then I...
  13. cupra-rich

    tyre tread depth which axle?

    got myself some secondhand fr+ alloys with tyre's already on, 2 with 4mm 2with 6mm tread depth, i was gonna put 6mm on the rear's, until i went to get them balanced today when the tyre fitter said, i should put the 4mm tyre's on the rear? :confused: which way round should it be???
  14. SeanCorky

    Losing Tyre Pressure

    Dont worry, this isn't the usual "what pressure should my tyres be". My front passenger side tyre looses it's pressure after about 10 days of topping it up back to 32psi. It sounds like i have a slow puncture but i have spoken to someone in work who has the same size tyres/wheel...
  15. Guffers

    Tyre FUBAR'ed - Cause?

    Was driving down the motorway earlier when i heard a loud BANG and then started pulling to one side, all ESP, ABS , ECU lights on and a scraping noise coming from the rear. Obviously i shat myself and pulled into Granada services to fit the space saver (car is now like a tripod). Whats...
  16. Tyre pressures

    Hi All Ive seen comments on this forum regarding harsh ride from 17inch tyres fitted to Ibiza MK5, I took delivery of my 1.4 S mid Sept 09, really pleased with it, but again ride did seem a little harsh, was it due to the newness of the components? After about 1500miles I had to drive from...
  17. gb

    tyre deals at the mo

    dose anyone no of any im needing 4 for the lcr and i new i should have got them before crimbo before they put the VAT back up:censored:
  18. Tyre Recommendation

    Need some new tyres for my Toledo 1.8T. Currently got GS-D3s, they're OK, but not overly impressed if im honest. Think the originals were Bridgestone Turanzas of some type - anyone know? Or some recommendations? Probably just get a couple of fronts for now as the rears seem OK.
  19. Trublu07

    what tyre pressures for winter?

    So the winter is upon us. What pressure are people setting their tyres at. My fuel cap sticker states 33 but I have had them at 35. What is best for this kind of weather? I have eagle f1's assys for my lcr alloys.
  20. tyre speed rating

    Toledo 1.9tdi 110 Need 2 new tyres and have been looking on net. Have used Blackcircles for last few years as good price and local(who I trust) tyre centre fits them. Previously speed rating has been V but Blackcircles do not have the ones I want in stock at this rating. Does anybody know...
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