
  1. Murdered LCR

    hi temp charge pipe and mani

    so yesterday i decided to spray my inlet manifold,throttle body and charge pipe in hi-temp paint i got the paint from halfords it was only £6 for one can and it done every thing its really easy to use and drys in no more than 1 min .. i sprayed the manifold still on the car im happy with the...
  2. MikeO

    Coolant temp sensor query

    Hi folks Looks like the coolant temp sensor in my Ibiza TDI 130 sport is faulty. Other than going to a SEAT dealer (nearest is the best part of a 4 hour round trip!), is there anywhere else I might be able to purchase one? Is there likely to be anywhere O/L? Anyone out there know the part...
  3. jamandspoon81

    lcr,temp sensor falling

    hi,ive had this problem for a while,when driving down hill and i take my foot off the gas but leave the car in gear the temp gauge starts to fall from 90c slowly and as soon as i put my foot down again it starts to climb again,ive changed the temp sensor a few time but it keeps happening,there...
  4. location of outside temp sensor

    Can anyone tell me where under the bonnet the outside air temp sensor is located. I have had a problem before in that the compartment that its located in fills with water and the temp reads wrong. Usually very high like 58c. It's a pain when it happens as it messes up the climate control so i...
  5. Cooling, fan, temp guage and more problems

    hi having a few problems but it might take me a while to explain firstly we are talking about a seat toledo 2002 1.9 tdi 110bhp i was getting drips under the car also it was using water and me and the mechanic attributed to a blocked radiator worn water pump or headgasket damage. So I...
  6. G2232

    Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62)

    Which sensor is this?? Is it the coolant sensor in the coolant bottle? got the following error code and trying to solve 16502/P0118/000280 - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62): Signal too High
  7. What year did Leon start installing the green temp sensors?

    Just wondered when they started putting them on the leons straight from the factory?
  8. Ibiza125

    Water temp sensor location?

    Well my water temperature gauge in my car doesn't work too well so I have bought a new one and I am going to check all the wiring at the same time. The only thing is a canni find it!! Anybody care to point me in the right direction? :) Also if I replace it am I going to loose alot of...
  9. drue1

    temp gauge

    my temp gauge keeps playing up.some times its at the norm temp then when i take a corner it goes back to nothing.it most be a loose wire but where is the temp switch on the engine chers drue
  10. Outside Temp Sensor Problem

    Recently the outside temperature stopped being displayed on the LCD on the dash, and instead was a couple of lines. This didn't really bother me too much, as I grew up in South Africa, so the temperature for me here is always cold! However, I gave the car a good wash today, and now its...
  11. Coolant Temp Sensor

    Hello guys I'm after some advice , the engine management light has shown up on my 1.4 leon , i have had it checked out and the code had brought up the Coolant Temp Sensor , i have replaced this bit and it has not fixed the problem :confused: , i have also changed the thermostat and the front...
  12. craig lcr

    oil temp auto gauge fitting

    ive just got an temp gauge that i am trying to fit but im a bit confused with the wiring.:wtf: ive searched but carnt find the answer. the gauge has a yellow,purple,orange and black wires coming from it but which one do i connect to the sender that goes into the block?
  13. outside temp gauge

    Hi there, first post, so bare with me. I've got a 2000 X plate Ibiza 1400cc Cool and for some reason the outside temp gauge on the centre console is giving no reading. I know its only a small problem but is annoying. have a look at pictures and see what you think (and no, i don't...
  14. danmarley

    Water Temp Gauge - Help please

    Can anyone help?? Got a 2003 1.9 Tdi 130 and noticed this morning the water temp gauge read 70 degrees even when the ignition was off!! After the 15 mins driver to work it was reading 120 degrees!!! Opened up the bonnet and oil and coolant levels seems ok, the coolant wasn’t boiling over...
  15. Rocky Rocastle

    Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor & N75 issue

    Hi guys I have done a search on this, found some answers to what i was going to ask but the main question is still unresolved. I had my car scanned for faults earlier today and one thing flagged initially was Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor - Closed Circuit, I take it this means I need a new EGT...
  16. seatcupra2001

    oil temp?

    Hi ive recently fitted a boost gauge to my seat leon cupra but i want to fit a oil temp gauge now ive been told there is a blank bolt or some thing that i should remove then fit like a sensor well its like a brass pin about 8mm thick by 10cm long does any one now how or where to fit it on my car...
  17. ET CUPRA

    Auto gauge 7 led oil temp

    Anyone have a wiring diagram of how to wire ones of these up using the 7 wires on the gauge? cheers guys
  18. n11tht

    Changing temp sensor

    Hi all, I know this may have been covered before i have searched for it but cant find any useful info. I bought a new temp sensor to replace the old faulty one, I took out the old one swapped over the rubber o-ring and put back into place. The problem lies with the retaining clip, i cant...
  19. NowGottaIbizaMk5

    Temp guage gone mad!

    My temp gauge usually goes to the middle position - 90degreees - within 2 miles of driving. The last 2 days it has stayed on the cold, 60 degrees, setting for up to 14 miles before moving, fairly speedily, to the middle, normal setting. Today it was fine after 4 miles then dropped back to the...
  20. Temp Sensor Problem

    Hey My cardoba vario 1.6s/.cool with an alm engine temp sensor has major problem. Replace the sensor 4 times with the same result no change in the problem so changed the coolant and lambda sensor water pump was replaced at 80k changed sparks and coil and ht leads. Any ideas? Also wont pass...
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