
  1. elcristoff

    A little help to fit front upper strut brace :S

    Hi all, i recently aquired a OMP front upper strut brace, but i have no idea how to fit it (No0b) There is about 3 randon screws coming through the turret on the drivers side, then you have the washer bottle mount and alarm on the passanger side. Has anyone got any pics of there strut...
  2. momo strut brace question

    daft question really just had my momo seat sport strut brace powder coated does anyone no if you can get replacement seat sport stickers for it ???:p
  3. A rear upper strut brace question.

    I have a question about a upper rear strut brace of a golf mk1 gti. Does it make a noticeable difference on a ibiza cupra? I have replaced the springs and shocks and fitted a front upper strut brace. I also intent to fit a lower front strut brace ande a front and rear arb. Also all the...
  4. Seat Leon 2006 1.9 TDI reference Strut Diameter???

    getting coilovers and need to know whether the strut diameter for the aboe is 50mm or 55mm can anyone out there with a bit of experience let me know asap?? cheers:)
  5. benuk

    strut brace vibration question..

    So poped my new seat sport strut brace on tonight (thanks David @ SERE!) [B)] Everything on fine, all bolts tight and everything replaced. Took it for a quick test drive, only issue I noticed was that there was a definite new vibration noise when pulling away slowly ONLY using the clutch or...
  6. mazzerati

    strut braces

    omp make strut braces for 1.9tdi ibizas and i was wondering if there is any difference in distance between the mounting points on different models?:think: cos i usually see when you buy some things for 1.4 they usually fit 1.9tdi aswell :think:
  7. S3 upper front strut brace Q:

    Just picked it up today. Was like £90 here in Sweden... How do you go about fiddling it in under the bonnet strut? And while drilling the holes... can anything go really south? I think my coilover is safe....
  8. AntneeUK

    Front/Rear Upper/Lower Strut Brace Priority

    I can't seem to find this answer anywhere so I'll ask what I'm sure has been asked before already: Am I right to understand that there are 4 possible strut braces that you can fit to an LCR? Front and rear, upper and lower? Also, I've read some people say that the front-upper one stops the car...
  9. NickLCR

    Golf Mk4 Strut Braces on LCR

    Does anybody know if the rear strut braces for a Golf Mk4 will fit LCR's? I know the front upper ones will go on an LCR, but what about the rears?
  10. knocking noise from front strut?

    got a mk3 ibiza cupra, it had coilovers on before and iv now replace them with some standard suspension that i got off ebay the guy said they were only on the car for a year and then removed! now theyve been fitted and everything seemed ok once it was all back together i now gettin a...
  11. Faisal

    Lower strut brace problems

    Hello, iv recently hit a pothole and mangled my front lower strut brace. ordered a new one form the dealers, when it came to fitment, i had an attempt myself but i couldnt get it off because the back of the bolt keeps spinning when i try to take it off...and it looks like its inside the...
  12. Hub Strut Hub carrier??

    Hi all, I did search first but couldn't find the answer to my problem. I had a bad case of understeer and slid into a curb with the front right (drivers side) wheel. The guy at the garage said I have bent the hub and very possibly the strut. He has advised me to buy a second hand...
  13. gazR

    strut brace

    hey been looking a strut brace for my next mod, searched the forum and most have the S3 brace but i want a silver/polished brace so i scanned through ebay, does anyone have this one? is it any good or where to go to get a good one? would it fit it says it for a audi a3...
  14. Faisal

    OMP front lower strut brace

    My front lower strut brace is bent out of shape, and iv been quoted a bit over £70 for a replacement from SEAT, so iv checked on eBay and found this OMP front lower strut brace which is a wee bit cheaper has any1 tried this?will it be a straight fit? iv done a big long search but...
  15. slim20vt

    fitting strut brace to lcr??

    right boys got my strut brace ,havent got round to fitting it yet. i know i need some m10 nuts and bolts,to secure it. and i can see where to mark and drill the holes! BUT do i need to take the front wheels off,to fit the nuts /bolts to the STRUTS? which is the best way to do it? got...
  16. Rear Strut Brace

    For all who is interested in a Rear Strut Brace (As purchased before through SCN) these can be obtained from Hughes Engineering their E Mail address is : [email protected] the guy's name is Mike. These can be purchased @ £75 all in P & P included no limit on how you can buy...
  17. torque settings for lower front strut brace

    hey guys as the title says do you know what the setting for the lower strutt will be? im am putting it on this afternon with THS dog bone mount, i have the setting for that but was wondering about the strutt brace, its a S3 one cheers
  18. s3 strut brace?

    hi all does anyone know where i can find upper and lower audi s3 strut braces ive got the part numbers but cant find anywhere to order dont really fancy going to the local stealer thanks dave
  19. ChrisUK

    Custom Upper Rear Strut Brace

    Hi guys, Just thought I'd put up a quick post to remind everyone how good the upper rear custom strut braces are for the MK1 Leon. I've had mine now about 3 years, & totally forgot how good it improves the handling of the car. I took it out for the 1st time at the weekend, as I was...
  20. would mk4 strut brace fit mk3

    hi guys as title saids above can anyone tell me if a strut brace off mk4 will fit mk3 ibiza many thanks and soz to be a pain over stupid thread :help:
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