
  1. Faisal

    Vynil stickers on cupras

    well as some of you know iv got my car resprayed liquid yellow. and to contrast the colour i was thinking of some subtle vynils/stickers for my car. i dont want to be over the top,just something nice but dont know what to go for. my friend has got a company (stickerdude) that can make any...
  2. lcr race car stickers

    having recently purchased a seat cupra championshipo race car im trying to get it stickered up. id like the seat sport logo with the flag but cant find anywhere that does them even seat sport uk. ant help anyone?:(
  3. ScotlandToIbiza

    Un-usual stickers?

    not sure if these mean anything or if there just the garage the car was bought from when new :whistle: should i get rid of them? there below the rear lights at both sides
  4. fcuknafe

    Seat Sport stickers (alloys)

    As Above ladies hehe does anyone know where i can purchase these fine looking stickers ... seen them on another ibiza on here with black wheels and red seatsport stickers...! Any info many thanks :D
  5. AdamRoutley

    Where Has Everybody Put Their SCN Stickers?

    As the name states...just ordered one through..curious as to where to put it, was considering rear window, just above the wiper central??
  6. removing vinyl stickers

    got myself a little runabout and doing few bits to bring it back up to standard. im sorting all the bodywork out tomorrow. the cars got some old stickers on the rear quarter pannels that dont seem to want to peel off. these are an eye sore so need to come off. anyone know of an easy and quick...
  7. crezz


    what is the best way to remove the cupra stickers on the front wings? one is in ok condition the other is scabby. im worried that it will pull the laquer off when i try to remove them? any tips or expirence taking them off? cheers
  8. Jib

    "16 valves" Stickers

    I am picking up my new GTI next week and i was wondering if anyone could shed light on these stickers: Are they some sort of a special edition sticker or will the original owner of payed extra to have them put on? Also, are they easy to remove?
  9. Brembo stickers?

    This is my first post so I apologise if it's a bit of a daft one............. after picking up my LCR I noticed a clear sticker on my front brake callipers over the brembo logos and as it was half coming off i decided to help it on its way. This has now left me with a load of sticky adhesive on...
  10. AdamRoutley

    SCN stickers

    did a search but cant find where to get these from...can you get ones that stick to the inside of the window? if so any ifo would be great... THANKS!:lol:
  11. cupra stickers

    just an idea, making some seat cupra stickers to advertise this site so we know when we see one we no thats its someone off this site. just be nice to see people around. what you think? :confused:
  12. MarkJ

    Removing Stickers

    Hi all, I am wanting to remove these stickers from my car Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do it because they are really welded on. Also, once removed will it leave some sort of outline, if so can i get rid of it with something. Thanks
  13. camt149

    Cupra sports stickers

    Does any one no were i'd get replacement cupra sports stickers from?????
  14. gavthelad

    Mk 3 Nomad Pillar + New Stickers...

    Just thought i'd put a couple of photos up of my nomad pillar pod, chose the double to house boost and oil temp. Also new stickers (rear side windows and windscreen). Gauges are Auto Gauge smoked, will get illuminated photo as soon as the sun dies down. Pics aint the best as...
  15. thewiizard

    Cupra Stickers

    Hi, Ive got some CUPRA stickers on my mk2 and id like to move them as the previous owner put them on the wing and across the door. Problem is i cant find them anywhere. the C, U and P are in some weird double lined font and the R and A are single line in bold. Pic below. Any ideas...
  16. __B3NNY__

    SCN Stickers

    Got my SCN stickers in the post today ive placed them in the rear 1/4`s on the car but when ive come to take the backing paper off the etched writen hasnt stuck to the window and comesback off with the backing paper, is it because the weather is cold outside and it need time to adder or should i...
  17. Dolly_Gti

    Engine Bay Stickers? ( pics )

    Im after the sticker that reads... Seat recomends Repsol, the one directly in front on the dipstick... also any comments about my funky vacuum pipes are welcome lol! :funk:
  18. calliper stickers

    i'm going to paint up my callipers in a few weeks time and was wondering where i can get some calliper stickers from to put on them as a finishing touch?
  19. Diesel Fuel Cap Stickers (to remind me its diesel!)

    Hi all, i was wondering if any1 knows where i can get a sticker which would fit on my filler cap (the black one under the fuel flap), which would remind me to put diesel in? Ive had a quick search on ebay and google, but didn't really have any joy. Cheers in advance. Dave
  20. krizz51


    sean a supra the other day with stickers in the window just wondered how u he got them??????????????????
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