
  1. Whining Noise After Start Up On 1.9 TDI

    Hi, just joined this site any help would be much appriciated :) I have i Mk4 Ibiza FR 1.9 TDI, on the mornings when the engines cold i will drive to work and after about 2 mile a whining noise will start coming from the engine then go off after about 15 minutes. Its really annoying lol and...
  2. joshpmc

    Changed Head Gasket and car wont start

    As the title really i have a mk3 ibiza tdi 110 asv engine and i have put a new head gasket and cylinder head on it. I locked the timing off and also marked it all up before starting the job and now everything is back together and nothing seems to have moved with regards to the timing but the car...
  3. Dashboard Engine warning light is on and running rough from cold start

    Hi, I have a 52 plate Leon cupra 1.8 20v T and the amber engine warning light has come on. When its is started from stone cold it coughs and splutters into life, fine if I keep it revving at about 2,000rpm for about 30 seconds and once warmed up a bit idols fine. Also fine if I turn the...
  4. 2.0L GTI - Won't start?

    my r reg 2.0gti was running perfect stoped it to go in shops came out and wont start now will not fire any ideas please:(
  5. krussel

    Heater, fan,temp lcd display flashing on and off at start up !

    It was really cold today and the car was iced up (the temp displayed -1.5) so I ran it for about 10 mins to warm up before turning it off to go inside. When I came out 5 min later and turned on the ignition the air/con heater display showed every numeral on the lcd screen! It then began to...
  6. Car wont start

    Hi all Started my last day in the year with a car that couldnt start. The alternator i turning over, there is sparks from the spark plug, but the car wont start. I'm suspecting the fuel to have ice crystals in it(Running vpower), and to be sure I added 20L of fuel to the tank, but the...
  7. ((Urgent help needed)) seat coradoba wont start

    seat cordoba 2000 w reg petrol 1.4 8vHi guys my Car will not start and i have tried everything i no , so i thought i would ask for your knollege. All the plugs are sparking , fuel seems to be getting their fine and no engine managment lights are on. I have even took the air box off and ran...
  8. EPC Light on dash and Car wont start, like immobiliser is stopping it but can bump it

    On my 51 reg seat ibiza MK3 i have an epc warning light on my dash, also the engine was running roughly going from 500rpm to over 1200 rpm constantly revving up and down. so we then put it on a machine in the garage it said that the light switch is faulty, but we had just put a new one in but...
  9. Al_G

    LCR Wont Start!

    Hey! I’m after some advice before my friend arrives tomorrow. I tried to start my car an hour ago and noticed the key fob wasn’t unlocking the doors (the light wasn’t flashing on the fob). When unlocking the car with the key I noticed I couldn’t stop the lock light on the drivers door card...
  10. car failing to start, anyone able to assist?

    Hi all I was wondering if anyone can help me A few weeks ago my car gave up the go (V-reg 1.4l petrol), driving along and the engine just stalled out under acceleration, it began to behave itself again but only for a few days where it completely gave up firing up (starter turns over but...
  11. Mechanical sound after cold start

    Hi, i have noticed a problem in my new ibiza 09 Sc 1.6 petrol manual. after a cold start/ after engine was turned off for a long time, when i put in the first gear and drive a few meters (till engine hit 2/2.5 RPM, 18-20 kph) i hear a short mechanical sound, it appears to come from the...
  12. cold start problem + other bits

    Hi, Ok so here goes my 2001 tdi is a bugger to start in the cold it finally coughs into life sounding like I have just fitted a new fuel filter (cough cough etc) I have new glow plugs and never had the problem in the summer in addition my coolant level drops under normal temp operation...
  13. Binksy

    Engine cooling fans on - On start up !

    Well I thought I would make a direct thread about the engine fans coming on when you start the car. My LC started doing this a couple weeks ago at 1st I noted it down and forgot about it until I saw this thread I have had it about 5...
  14. ljpacey

    cold start

    hi guys just wordering if anyone elis is haveing this problam, as we all no the weather is very cold, wen i start my ibiza from cold it miss fires of abit then stops then dose it agen? untill its warm and the lights on dash dim then go nomal, just wordering if anyone havein same problam or...
  15. allbutt55

    my fr did not start

    this morning half past six -2 tried to start my car which is a 08 fr tdi engine cranking over but would not start after three times it went spoke to seat they said all pd s do that they said u need to leave the glow plugs going for about 60 seconds are they right or are they just fobbing me off...
  16. Strange idle from cold start

    Hey! I'm new here, been lurking and using the search function for the last month, and I have found everything very useful and informative! Recently purchased a mk1 2001 leon TDI SE 110, with the ASV engine. However I have a small issue, sorry if this has been covered but i can't find a...
  17. ringer

    weird noise on start up??!!??

    Hi,the last week,everytime i have started my car from cold there is a very weird noise that lasts a min until the auto choke kicks off.The way i can explain it is, its like someone putting a bit of plastic into a turning fan and the noise you get off that and very loud.after the choke goes...
  18. ibiza mk4 noise on start up

    hi, wonder if anyone can help. when i start my ibiza (1.2s) for the first 1-2 mins it is quite noisy with a loud ticking/rattling noise but after 2 or 3 mins it settles down to its normal soft purring noise. is just during the first couple of mins that i get this funny loud-ish noisy tickover...
  19. NottsLCR

    Thought it was coil pack but now wont start?!

    Hi, My LCR started to sound rough and misfire when idling to the point the battery light would come on then car would cut out. I thought it was coil packs so checked each one as per threads on hear but and seemed ok but now the car wont even start. Battery is fine and charged so at a real...
  20. well it doesn't start with a 5 but I guess high 4's will do.

    Finaly got the 2l run in with the owens turbo, and was at stealth for an oil change, so thought it'd be rude not to run it on the dyno. Results 391tq 481hp Crap phone photos unfortunately. It now flat spinds 3rd on anything but a dry surface, and strugles for traction in...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)