
  1. Immobiliser/Electrical Fault

    Hi all! Unfortunately, I have been having an Immobiliser issue with my Seat Leon Cupra 1.8T 52' (around 95,000 miles on the clock) The car will not start, it sparks, boots up then shuts down after a second. This is due to the orange immobiliser light coming on and blocking the ECU, resulting...
  2. 2015 Seat Leon MK3 1.6 TDI

    Right, Hopefully someone on here can help me with this problem. On random occasions my car won't start/turn over. After trying to start my car 3 warning lights will follow on the dash. 1. STABILISATION CONTROL (ESC) 2. TYRE PRESSURE LOSS INDICATOR 3. HEAD LIGHT RANGE CONTROL Sometimes...
  3. Car won't start but is ticking over

    Hi all and happy new year! I've not been able to drive my Ibiza for about three weeks due to an emergency operation and then some recovery time. When I came to use the car yesterday I noticed the battery had gone flat. I removed it and charged it yesterday and this morning put it back...
  4. Dudelliot

    2.0tfsi start issue

    Hey. The last 6 month my car has been struggeling to turn over the first time of the Day. The rest of the Day is usually fine but just the first startup is weird. When i start it, it stays at around 500 rpm struggeling to get the rpms up. The after around 2 seconds Its back to normal. Any ideas...
  5. Seat Leon start up issue, any help?

    Hi everyone, I've got an issue with my Seat Leon FR 170bhp mk2 2.0 tdi. After leaving the car overnight etc in the morning the car will not start unless I rev it. The car almost starts then just dies. Once the car has started once by revving it, every start after that is perfect with no issues...
  6. Nathan Quigley

    Help! Car won't even crank!!

    Hi so I started the car this morning and started perfectly then when I get to work and shut it off still perfectly fine, when I come to go home it cranked for half a second on the first try and never cranked again, I've tried to jump pack it and use my girlfriend's car to also jump it with no...
  7. VAG specialists stuck, not starting Leon tdi

    Hi all, I have a 2004 Leon tdi 1.9 pd150. Currently the car is not starting and any suggestions or help will be massively appreciated. I will give you the full story below. I’ve written key Parts in capitals. -When I bought the car it would take about 10 seconds of cranking to fire but would...
  8. Stop Start 2010 Leon SE 1.6 Eco

    hi all, First off I know there are a lot of threads about this but I can’t seem to find my exact problem. When I stop at the car in neutral there is a symbol that comes on at the top of my instrument cluster. It’s the start stop symbol with a line through it. The car doesn’t stop though. Does...
  9. Wouldn't start again!

    Hi All, Attempted a cold start on my 2.0 PD engine this morning - it was having none of it! Turned over, nothing there at all. Called breakdown recovery, left it half an hour, it sounded slightly more like it wanted to, but only slightly! Breakdown sprayed eazistart (well, brake cleaner)...
  10. Cold start check list.

    Like alot of people on here I have a problem with my Leon Cupra when starting it from cold. It will stutter quite badly for the firtst couple of minutes and feel as if it is going to stall. It seems that some people put up with this issue and other people have cured it by doing a variety of...
  11. Help please NON START

    Hi guys i have recently bought a 1999 2.0 8v ibiza cupra gti drove it for a week then broke down. now i have no spark from the car i have changed the coil and the dizzy but still no spark. i have tired new leads aswell but still nothing. im lost wer to start looking next can any1 help please.
  12. itfben

    Leon wouldn't start at Brands Hatch BSB yesterday...?

    I was at Brands Hatch yesterday to watch the BSB and when I came to leave the car wouldnt start. the time, trip had both reset back to zero's and then all the digits started going mental and doing funny things. I think the battery was flat as a pancake. does this sound right? We got...
  13. Ibiza fail to start ocasionally immob???

    Hi iam new to this forum and was wondering if anyone could help me.Basically i have recently purchased a 03 seat ibiza 1.4 sport and very ocasionally it will fail to start (just turns over) it seems to happen when the car has been unlocked for a period of time,the most recent time it happend i...
  14. Removed instument cluster in Leon now will not start??

    Hi All Afraid I have another problem :( I look out the instrument cluster of my 2000 Seat Leon today. I disconnected the negative terminal of the battery before I did this. When I reconnected everything back up the engine is cranking but not starting. Its like its out of petrol. Any...
  15. High revs on start up when warm

    Have a bit of a prob with my 2003 lcr did a 15 mile journey so engine was quite warm parked the car on the tuned engine of. Then about 20 secs later Mrs decide she wanted to get out. So started car up the reves shot up to 2000 rpm then when revved it splutters a bit then after about 20 secs went...
  16. remote start help

    hi i am really stuck on the fuel pump and the ignition coil bit as i dont have a coil on my car and also the oil pressure indicator plz help i have been trying for hours can not work it out
  17. remote start help

    hi i am really stuck on the fuel pump and the ignition coil bit as i dont have a coil on my car and also the oil pressure indicator plz help i have been trying for hours can not work it out
  18. My Leon Cupra 180 wont start

    Hiya, HAD my car a little while now its a 2001 leon cupra AUQ, had no probs with it past its MOT first time last week. Went to it this morning its turning over but wont fire up/start Any one got any ideas? Please please please help me!!! cheers si
  19. Remote Engine start

    Does any1 have this? Can u get it done off standard key or is it an expensive 1?? Prices and ideas any1

    Mk4 Ibiza Upgrade Newbie - Advice on where to start and what to upgrade?

    Hi All, I thought I'd start my first decent post with a completely open discussion on upgrading my 2006 Mk 4 Seat Ibiza 1.9 PD130 TDi FR. I'm new to the upgrade market but working with a bunch of petrol heads who spend their weekends gallivanting around the country, taking part in various...
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