
  1. Latest Seat Leon TV spot

    The latest Seat Leon TV spot kicks ass!: Translation into English: "Think in this. When someone gives you a watch he gives you something that is yours but that it is not your body, something that you have to attach to your body with its...
  2. cupra2007

    white fr new tv spot!

    white IS a good colour! :)
  3. p34ch3y

    spot the difference

  4. tener

    spot lights

    hi guys,can any one tell me wot bulbs are in my front fog lights on my 54 plate seat leon fr? and how easy they are to replace,as one off them has packed up,cheers.
  5. Jonny95 SXE

    Flat spot at 4200 - 4300

    Hi all, Justa aquick question for yea, recent got the biza RR'd and got 128 BHP outta her in 5th gear, but looking back at the chart the RR also gave a top speed of 106MHP , so took to a private road to see that there seems to be a flat spot in 5th at 105 - 106 mph, which dropping back to...
  6. Murdered LCR

    hid head lights full beam and spot lights

    hi i have main beam 6000k hids but the spot and full beams look to yellow are there any whiter bulbs i can get as i dont see the point in getting hids for all of them thanks dan
  7. Empi5

    Sunday - Nantwich Meeting Spot

    Im sure there will be loads of meeting places being organised but for us anyone that is passing we are meeting at Morrisons Car Park, Nantwich at 7.15 am (Stupid O'Clock). Look forward to seeing you there. 1. Empi5 2. Lordstorm ( the meat fetcher) 3. martycr
  8. Me rust spot has been sorted!!!!

    Well after my previous post ref the rust spot on the rear hatch of my Cupra it has now been sorted. Dropped the car of on mon morning and collected today - a great service from the dealer - Holders of Congresbury near Bristol. Rather than treating the area they have completely replaced the...
  9. Small rust spot!!!!

    Ok so i washed the car yesterday and noticed that beneath the rear wiper to the left slightly there is a small bubble under the paint!!!! Nothing severe at them moment but i would imagine in time it could grow and cause problems. Is this a common problem and if so what causes the water to...
  10. spot whats missing..

    32psi on a GT28RS OWCH!
  11. psq43

    Another flat spot thread

    I know that there is another thread going by a similar name but the information on there is sketchy at best. I have a LCR225 and is just past it's first birthday with 17k on the clock and have noticed several times that there is a noticeable flat spot or momentary drop off in acceleration at...
  12. Shaggy

    Flat Spot

    Decided not to take my car to the dealers with the flat spot trouble. The Leon has decided to start behaving since last night on the way home. Had a bit of a set too wth a Beemer 325 (which did not stand a chance) Since then no flat spot. So perhaps a bit of shite in the Air Filter or...
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