
  1. ''r'' reg cupra sport 8v - Wheel arch trims?

    hi guys does any one know where i can buy a set of wheel arch trims <flared arches > the black plasic ones like on the mk3 gti golf? my 17s have ripped the front arches to bits and need a cheap and cheerful fix without replacing the wings and jacking the suspension up and putting 15s on lol...
  2. ibiza cupra sport 8v has a mind of its own???

    hi all well ive had my cupra for a little while now and its started to misbehave a lot!. The problem with her is she revs herself every now and again up to 1500 rpm and stops every second or so (its like you pressing and letting go of the accelerator quickly) and every now and again the...
  3. MK5 1.6 Sport

    Hi Asking on behalf of a mate whos getting the runaround with the dealership Hes got a MK5 Ibiza Sport 1.6 still with SEAT warranty and theres two faults with the exhaust 1) A hole just before or on the join of the the middle sliencer 2) A hole on the rear sliencer where the right...
  4. What next?? MK4 TDI Sport

    Ive got a MK4 TDI sport(130) pushing 175bhp, its got a jabbasport map and panel filter, im thinking of getting the PD160 intake, any other little tweaks for abit more power that dont cost an arm and leg?? also i want bigger brakes at the front, whats the cheapest/best to go for? cheers.
  5. Ibiza tdi sport annoying rattling when cold!!!

    Hi folks need help and advise as this is really peeing me off I know ibizas are not the best made cars but im having real problems finding this fault on my 130bhp Ibiza sport Basically when the cars cold there a rattle which seems to be coming behind the dash board (engine maybe) every...
  6. Ibiza 2003 TDI sport speakers.

    Anyone know the standard sizes?? and how easy are they to change, ive got a few speakers that i wouldnt mind putting in, did a quick search and couldnt find much. cheers.
  7. Picked up my new Sport TDi today!!

    As in title, collected my White sport 1.6 TDi and absolutely love it, really happy with it!! :D A lil pic for you and will get some more pics once i am home and with my GF car aswell as she has a black sport 1.4!!:happy:
  8. shox

    Some Ibiza mk4 1.4 Sport Pictures =)

    Hey everyone, weather was good these days (well, cold but sunny) so i decided to wash my ibiza and take some shots of it. So what the heck, i thought, lets share! If anyone wants the full resolution image let me know =) ps. Leave a message if u liked them =)
  9. Ibiza 5dr Sport - User Manual

    Hey people, I was wondering if anyone has a .pdf version of the user manual that I could get my hands on. I won't be receiving the car till May, but I like to know how everything works, and hopefully it will help me contain my excitement. :D
  10. IvorBign's Eclipse Blue Sport 130. Now Selling :(

    Hello All! I bought this car a couple of weeks ago and have loved every minute of it!! some of you may recognise it from a few years back! Oh and yes i know its a lil multi-coloured but i cant afford to get that sorted, ill just have to live with it for now. Please not none of the work on...
  11. Newbie - Ordered Ibiza 5dr Sport - Now Collected & Pics (Pg 3)

    Hi people, I've been reading the forum for a while and have decided to take the plunge and join. ;) I'm not really a "petrol head" but do appreciate a nice looking car, and I'm a bit of a gadget geek. (I'd drive an Aston Martin if I had the cash!) So I've ordered myself a brand new Seat...
  12. does a seat sport strut brace fit 56 reg. cupra tdi?

    really want one but how hard/easy is it to fit? totally new to this seat carry on so be gentle, have tried to search for info on here but can't find any...: (. the left hand side has a huge metal box over the so don't want to purchase if it doesn't fit. ta! craig
  13. Seat Leon 1.4 Tsi Leon Sport 2010

    Hi, I bought a new Seat Leon Sport last week with most of the options on it. Absolutly loving the detail and the care put in the car. The look and feel of the car is top notch. Will post some pics up later once the car is detailed. I was a bit unsure of how the car would be as even with...
  14. facelifting a leon 1.8T sport

    Hi guys I have just brought myself a 2001 leon 1.8T 20v which the dealer described as the sport model and I would like to replace the original bumpers with the cupra bumpers as they look alot better in my opinion. Just wondering if anyone knows where to buy direct replacement bumpers for my...
  15. Tom03

    Sport or Formula Sport?

    Hey SeatCupra community, this is my first post so go easy on me :happy: I'm looking to buy a SEAT Ibiza but after discovering the different models I am now clueless on which to get. First of all I would like to know the difference between the Sport and the Formula Sport, which is better...
  16. Lifecrisis

    Ibiza Sport 17inch Alloys question

    Is the style of the optional 17inch alloys the same in black as they are in standard colour? (apart from colour)
  17. warren_cox

    MV Sport turbo back exhaust system: 2.0TFSi

    As some of you know, I've been running a variation on stage 2+ for a while, and due to the inconveniences that keep you from dipping your hand in your pocket for an exhaust, I'd been without a decent one for nearly a year longer than I should have been. After much consideration, research and...
  18. olliep

    AP seat sport pads

    Hi i'm struggling to find pads for my beeza cupra tdi. do any of these AP caliper numbers correlate with the ibiza? CP2195D38 CP2340D43 CP2372D52 CP2399D43 CP3215D50 CP3894D46 CP5070D51 why are pads for this car so hard to find?!?!?! [:@]
  19. flat sport , mk4 1.4

    hi all . ive got a ibiza sport 1.4 05 reg and it seems to have a flat spot in 1st gear its very hesitant to pull away at a slow speed or from parked postion. ive taken it back to the dealer once as its under the warrenty , but they didnt find anything wrong, im taking it again next week and...
  20. seat cupra sport origonal sticker

    in the front wings there is the seat cupra sport stickers which i personally think look well once car is clean but someone in a special washing place took one of mine off with a jet washer im wondering are these still made i check in the dealer ship and got a big no no so does anybody know...
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