
  1. Flameboydan

    split rims

    Hey guys, I remember reading somewhere about someone who made split rims from one-piece alloys, can't for the life of me remember where or even if i just dreamt it :blink: anyone know anything about this? any help appreciated! :D
  2. Empi5

    Split pipe, Help Please

    Noticed quite an oily residue on the charge pipe, after closer inspection, noticed the smaller pipe on the picture was split almost in half. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a replacement. Thanks.
  3. mk 4 forge split r

    any 1 fitted 1 of these 2 there mk4 does the trumpet face upwards or down its working both ways
  4. cupra_brown

    split r vale

    just curious on this one. currently running a 007 forge valve through a green panel filter. there is no noise whatso ever from the valve. just curious as to what sound level is achieved from the new forge. I noticed a few peeps on here have them now and that is all they are running. as a...
  5. N249 & Split R

    Hey ppl, just done the N249 bypass, have to say, what? my d.v now sounds crap. responce seems a lil sluggish? and to top it all off, i burned my finger :( checked all hosing for leeks etc, dv has been reset... the white/black thing is the right way round (double checked!!!) my dv...
  6. chrisbond69

    Split rim choice

    Hi all its time now to properly think of the old euro spec split rim wheels for my project, im such a fickle person i cant choose so heres where i turn to you lot please give me your opinions on the following wheels and maybe throw down some of your own choices into the mix, looking for 17"...
  7. ZBOYD

    Motorbase split with Gareth Howell

    BTCC racer Gareth Howell has split with the Motorbase Performance SEAT team. Team principal Dave Bartrum said the number of incidents that the Motorbase cars had been involved in during the first half of the year had left the team in a difficult position. "The amount of accident damage we've...
  8. sargey

    Split bloody crankcase breather hose!

    mine has a hole in and inside is nasty nasty nasty with oil and crustyness!!! part number 06A103221AH split is right on the corner of the hose that comes out of the top of the engine, Can i drive it even though ive wrapped around a shed load of PTFE tape and then insulation tape around...
  9. M87NER

    Split R - Strange Noise

    Right, got out me car tonight and heard like a 'fast vibrating' noise from under my bonnet.....opened me bonnet and located it to me Split R :confused: If i touch it you can feel it virbrating slightly but its the noise am more concerned about. ?
  10. G2232

    Heres one for the split R owners

    can you tell me if you are all getting an audiable whoosh (dump) in every gear with a split r DV as once i get past 4th no matter how much i cane it there is definately nothing there. Im wondering if i am loosing boost pressure at top end :confused: or if my waste gate is dumping too...
  11. RickC

    So... Forge Split R. Final Thoughts?

    so those of you who has them what are your opinions, i have read on other posts they are a little quitet, but im sure once chipped will be 'loud' enough, do you get any limp mode or problems,
  12. cupraNCS

    fitted split r

    Fitted my split r today, but to be honest i thought it would be louder, also it doesent make a noise everytime i change gear or come of the accelerator just does it sometimes:confused: could this be cos i have a standard airbox? or is this just normal?
  13. cupraNCS

    Split r in stock?

    Anybody know anywhere that has the Split R in stock at the moment? Tried a couple of places including Forge and awesome GTi but none have them in stock:(
  14. npd

    forge split r dump valve

    hi guys i just want to know wot people fink off the new forge split r dump valve, how gud are they and how loud they are any help wud be great? thanks:think:
  15. arron2004

    Split R

    Hi ppl! doese any 1 have a picture of there forge split r fitted to there mk3 cupra with standard pipes ???? as i have fitted it and there seems to be no air coming out the trumpet?? what could be wrong? it seems as if all the sound is coming out my induction filter?? thanks arron
  16. sargey

    Turbo chatter dump - Split R

    My split-R's dump sounds a bit like turbo chatter, but saying that it also sounds like a group B racing diaphragm dump valve, like the ones on rally cars. The car runs fine, boost guage is really sensitive (i expect due to my setup on the N249 bypass) Can anyone shed any light on this? It...
  17. M87NER

    Split R vs 007

    Quick Question, which is the best and what kind of noises do they both make? thinkin of purchasing one of them but want peoples oppinions 1st, cheers,
  18. Dan Cupra R

    Split R Question

    Any of you lot with this valve fitted on a Ibiza Cupra got any pics of how you have fitted it? Ive got the trumpet facing upwards on mine, tried changing it round so the trumpet faces the ground (reversed) and it was silent after that. Anyone?:confused:
  19. Coilpack Split

    Had a misfire on the way back from town, warning light came on and I thought it might just be a bit a moisture from all the snow we've had. Today started the car and permanent misfiring so checked the coilpacks and :wtf: Bloody thing is in 2 pieces :censored: Just ordered a...
  20. 4th boost pipe split

    Hi Guys. I am a regular reader on here but this is my first post. Had a service in Oct last year. Dealer picked up leaking boost pipe and replaced under warranty. 3 weeks later lost boost. Car would be very loud accelerating with a noticeable dump when letting off the gas, then car would go...
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