
  1. MACKERZ217

    Alarm - only had spare key...

    Hi everyone, My brother recently bought a leon fr mk1, part of the deal was a timing belt change, the garage is coming to collect it on wedensday, my idiot brother took the main key to work he's a hgv driver in england! so i have the spare, everytime i go near the car...
  2. toonfiend

    Spare Parts..Which Dealer??

    Alreet Folks, I need to source some new bits and am wondering which dealer to go to, Theres a main Seat and main VW dealer where I live but the Seat dealer hasnt got the best rep locally ie. they are clueless! so can I get the same bits at either dealer or has it got to be Seat?? Cheers in...
  3. need spare key..

    i need a spare key for d car...(waranty is up etc) wants somethin like 80 quid or more... where can i get a key cut...and programmed...or can i programe it?!?!:( tried a local locksmith...he tried it in his machine but no luck and sent me 2 d dealer... 80-100 quid is robbery...:ban:
  4. StokieShinobi

    Mounting amplifier in spare wheel well - is it safe?

    I might get one of these StealthBoxz - can't bring myself to buy the amp box too it is just too expensive to get both. I was thinking of removing the spare wheel mounting the amp in the spare wheel well. Is this ok, will the amp overheat under the carpet?
  5. ski_tzo

    Anyone got a spare Veh handbook?

    Just bought a 2001 ibiza s but no handbook in the car Could live without it but would prefer to know the best way to use everything and sort any probs eg is there a seperate windscreen washer reserve for the rear window? phoned a few scrappers but none have any so just wondering if...
  6. nog

    Driving on a space saver spare wheel. 50mph?

    Ran over something this morning which has burst one of my tyres so I'm driving on a space saver at the moment. New tyre is on order for tomorrow. I've left the manual at home so I'm not sure what allowances I should make. A colleague has said I shouldn't go above 50mph. Is that correct? Thanks
  7. rickisgrate

    Getting a spare key

    Ive only got the 1 key for my cupra and i dont have the barcode thingy, the previous owner said he would send it but he never did, is it possible to get another key made from my dealer, im the registered keeper of the car and ive got photo i.d, is it just a cas of going to the parts dept. with...
  8. Spare parts question!!

    Hi, my front passenger side break calliper has seized up prompting me to buy a new one, i was wondering if the standard mk 3 seat ibiza(1.4) has the same calliper? if not has the cupra got the same brakes as the octavia or the golf?
  9. Spare Key & Immobiliser

    Hi, I've just found my spare key for my car after it was safely stored after I got the car (4 years ago :hide: ) and went to use it and it didnt deactivate the immobiliser. I'm guessing this is because a long time ago the clocks were changed under warranty because the speedo was sticking...
  10. Spare Oil

    Just picked up my FR TDi a few days ago and remembered when I bought my Golf, I also got a VW bag with a bottle of oil in the boot. Are you supposed to get this with the Leon? Also, does the Leon have a low oil level warning like the Golf?
  11. johnboy98

    LCR Spare Wheel Dimensions

    Hi folks, im gonna be buying me either a LCR or FR in January 08 but need to satisfy one important fact b4 i make my decision I currently drive a Corrado VR6 with an LPG conversion that ive ran for over 7 years but due to there only being space for a skinny tyre in the boot then I had to lose...
  12. spare wheel

    I have the dreaded foam and compressor... I tell you if i could find the muppet that specced my car i would give them a right talking to... no spare wheel and no MP3 headunit... no Bluetooth either Humpff. Anyway, sorry about the rant. Does anyone know if its possible to buy a spare wheel...
  13. Robbie C

    Spare wheel bolt?

    Can anyone plase provide a picture of their spare wheel well in a MK3 Cupra as mine appears to be missing a cap that screws onto the top of the threaded bolt going through the spare wheel? At the moment I have a bungee cord holding the jack over the wheel and it's rattling like buggery so I'm...
  14. james_tiger_woo

    Spare Key

    I've done a search with no luck - so apologies if this has been covered: Is the Seat dealer the only place i can get a spare key done (and coded)?
  15. Alloy Spare Wheels

    Hi I have just bought a set of 4 standard 16" TDI Sport Alloys. I only wanted 1 as a spare, so 3 others up for grabs. What do you reckon I would be able to sell these for?? Penfold
  16. Spare Wheel

    Didn't notice when I bought my car but it didn't come with a spare, just a expanding foam and compressor kit. Does anyone know where you can get hold of a spare wheel, as I am not convinced about relying on a can of foam. Penfold
  17. Spare key sets off alarm.

    Using my spare key sets of the alarm. Why does it do that and is it easy to resolve? (Main dealer reckons on two new keys.)
  18. Spare tyre

    Every time I get a flat tyre I kick myself for not sorting this out, but then every time my tyres are all functioning, I forget about it. Does anyone here have any kind of solution to just using a the crap 'space-saver'? I've tried looking out for a single Cupra alloy, to no avail, but is there...
  19. Buying a Cordoba 16V, same spare parts as 8V

    Hello. Im maybe going to buy a Cordoba 16V 150HP tomorrow. How much parts is the same as Cordoba 8V. I do not think there is so many Cordoba 16V here in Sweden so it can be hard to get spareparts... So... How much spare parts is the same like 8V or as MKIII(?) Golf? Really need...
  20. spare parts

    Hi folks I am looking for a passenger side heated door mirror for my seat leon 2001/52. I only really need the arm but will happily take a full unit as I can't find a spare anywhere and begrudge paying what seat have quoted [:@]. Any help appreciated!
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