
  1. ben-ducky

    Snow foam lance?

    Why do they seem so expensive for? Anyone got any links to a cheaper option. Thanks
  2. v5er

    Snow, prangs and alloy wheels

    I managed to hit a kerb at under 5mph in the damned snow on a right turn and whacked my front drivers side alloy into the kerb. The result is a small chunk across the outer diameter of the wheel missing. A local Seat dealer cheerfully informed me that a replacement will be £220 incl. VAT. For...
  3. Snow foam with Karcher, not the same concentration anymore!

    I got myself a pressure washer after xmas and having used the original foam lance with the hose pipe, i also wanted to try the karcher snow foam lance, so i picked one of them up aswell..which aren't cheap! Anyway, when i first used it the results were great! The stuff came out like shaving...
  4. cuprakris

    snow foam in east anglia??

    hi all could anybody tell me where i could get some snowfoam from in east anglia. thanks
  5. ESP in snow

    Is it better to turn the esp off in the snow? Just had my first go in heavy (well 1 inch of snow). The esp worked against the car up a cambered hill ( dragging the back end and breaking for me) On a gritted road I think it would help keep me in a straight line but when there is no traction it...
  6. gazman

    worst car..........EVER in the snow

    Well I had to abandon mine this morning Zero grip despite having plenty of tread (205x45x16s) Tried traction on and off I have never driven a car that is so bad in the snow :censored:
  7. help got a snow flake!!!

    Hi there i,ve got a TDI 90bhp on a 98. Just recently i,ve got a warning light on the dash in the shape of a snow flake. Only the left of the car but not the right. Can anyone shed any light on what this light is as i dont have the owners book
  8. Snow foam ?

    Is this something that can be bought form anywhere ? Halfords, local motor spares etc ? Or can it only be bought online ? thanks
  9. Snow Foam Lance? Q's

    I have just bought a snow foam lance and looking at the description of the product..... it advises a mixture of snow foam and a shampoo. Does this mean the entire bottle is filled with mainly snow foam and part shampoo? This is what I have bought seen the pictures of it working on...
  10. Danny_FR

    Now the snow has melted...

    ... I thought I'd take some pics! I've had the Leon about 12 months now and not posted any proper pics yet so here they are. I've never taken night shots before so apologies that they're not that good and it's not been washed for a couple of days either...
  11. snow foam?

    anyone on here used it, experience, views etc? got a 5 litre bottle of it in the garage, and not used it yet....
  12. Gib83

    Snow foam - what quantity???

    I've just treated myself to a new pressure washer and have got some Autobrite supa snow foam partly to clean the car and partly because it looks so much fun. :funk: Anyway, whats the best quantity of snow foam to use in the lance bottle?? I've read on here that its best to add a...
  13. coxxic

    how you feel on snow ? :)

    how do you feel on snow ? :) I had spent annoying few minutes to get snow off , but then ... that was fu*** funny ride :funk:
  14. sheffboy

    Eagle f1's and snow

    Just thought i'd ask the question. What do the gsd3's perform like in snow? I had a bad experience last winter when i had some P zero's on which nearly resulted in a front ender. Where i live is very hilly and prone to getting a good covering of snow over the winter months. Looking at the...
  15. Tam

    Snow + Leon FR TDI = :(

    OMG! Just took the Leon for it's first time in the snow, and okay the tyres are not the best since they are 14K old, but still have tread on them (about 2.5-3mm) but ...... ah holy bajasus, I've driven all sorts of cars in the snow over the last 12 years, but damn .... tonight's was the worst...
  16. AdamRoutley

    snow foam

    whats this all about...ive seen a few pics of some cars coverd in a thick this the stuff? any info worthwhile, and links on how 2 do it/purchase the equipment...thanks!
  17. AshCupra300

    Some snow Pics

    Went to Scotland for the rugby last weekend (yes I know Wales were shite) stopped off in Worcester to drop my daughter at her aunties on the way to Birmingham Airport, loads of snow so thought I would take some pics of the FR Hope you like them, I havn't really taken any proper pics of the...
  18. LCR vs Snow Plough

    The snow was fun this morning, only problem was that it was so deep my front splitter was acting like a snow plough, the guys behind were loving it. I found people following me along our country lanes!! I'll charge for the service tomorrow! Also, bad driving conditions make it glaringly...
  19. Cordy in the Snow this Morning

    Couple of pics i took on my phone this morning :) Cordy in the snow:
  20. loadswine

    Traction in the snow and DSG

    I just wonder whether any of you folks have found the car to be an absolute pig for pulling away on even the slightest incline in the snow with the DSG box. I had a couple of moments today when the car just couldn't get going and needed a push. One of them wasn't even much of a hill ,but there...