
  1. Sam_p_m

    Front Diferential Lock (eLSD) Service - Seat Leon Cupra 2015

    Hello Everyone, I will be servicing the front differential lock (eLSD) of my Seat Leon Cupra ST 2015. During the service procedure, I will have to remove the oil pump to check the filter and O rings. The thing is that after removing the pump, I will have to prime it so that the oil gets in...
  2. 2019 Leon Cupra VAQ Differential Service

    Seems a little ridiculous I have to post this question here, but how on earth do I go about getting my VAQ front differential serviced? I drive a 2019/2020 Seat Leon Cupra 290. I've spoken to a dozen people across Seat garages, independent garages, and main franchises like Kwikfit, and no-one...
  3. Radiator caused damage to coolant pipe

    Few days ago was driving home and the Low Coolant level warning light came on ! Rang dealership and advised to top it up. Two days later it come on again. I checked levels and was low again. Rang dealership ans moved my service forward a week (as is due end of April). Road side assistance...
  4. H Rafiq

    Parts price

    Had a service yesterday. They flagged that the rocker cover gasket needed replacing, and the front lower arm rear console bushes are beginning to delaminate, so I’m guessing they’d need replacing too. Any idea how much these parts would cost? They also flagged a minor oil leak at the rear of the...
  5. Service - What and When?

    I have done a bit of a search for an answer on this but cannot find. My 18 plate Ateca 1.4 DSG is only coming to 23000 miles and has had 3 oil changes so far in it a life but nothing else. MOT is around the corner and with it I want to service but cannot find any info in terms of what is needed...
  6. Ross6392

    Diesel fuel filter change

    I have recently had the fuel filter changed in my car by a garage, I was going to do so myself but from what I’ve read the fuel system needs primed by software after the filter had been changed, has anyone done this before or had any issues? I’m driving a 2014 Leon 1.6tdi but I imagine it will...
  7. Servicing Question

    Hi all, I've got a leased '19 Cupra 290. It's done ~6700 miles and is about 14 months old. Lease is 24 months duration with ALD. The oil service notification has just appeared. Can someone explain the whole 'fixed interval' vs 'long-life' servicing regime please? Doing some searching here it...
  8. Legojon

    Servicing Jacking the front & oil+filter change guide

    Getting started: It's your cars birthday. And what do cars love more than cake? That's right oil! So first let's assemble the tools you'll need. As well as a jack, axle stands and wheel chocks (or house bricks) you'll need: Something to catch the oil! Newspaper to avoid messing up your...
  9. Lozzy15

    Servicing Service guide - How to change the oil & filter - 1.4 MK3 Leon

    Hi guys & gals, A nice simple guide today on how to change your oil & filter at service time. I'll also show how to change the pollen filter. I won't be talking about the air filter as I have a custom one on my car so there's nothing for me to change/clean just yet. Another point to note is...
  10. Leon 1.6 TDI - Fuel Filter Help

    Hi Guys, I am currently ordering bits to service my Leon 5f 1.6tdi, but I stumbled on something here with the Fuel Filters... It seems they come in 2 different sizes? The outer diameters seem to be quite different, one being 77mm and the other 93mm and my question is, can I check which filter I...
  11. Yerda1390

    DQ200 Oil Change/Service?

    Hi chaps, I am currently in a bit of a pickle, I have a 2011 Seat Ibiza FR TSI DSG and ive just hit 50k miles, now, I have read online that the box is "Sealed for Life" and all that, but ive also read that it can be serviced and the oil and filter can be changed. Is there any definitive answer...
  12. DrEv1l

    EDIFF Service for FWD 280/290/300 anyone done it?

    I just watched this video on the EDIFF service for the GTI performance pack. I think thats the same as the one in our cars. Has anyone done this service or asked a garage to do it? I asked my local and they said it was not needed... DrEv1l
  13. Returning Lease + Inspection Light?

    Hi guys, Was hoping somebody could advise :) I have my Leon going back to VWFS on the 15th May, BCA couldn't pick it up earlier, and I haven't done a service yet since it never came up. I have checked in the settings and it says that it's due in 40 odd days but afraid it will come up with...
  14. Servicing on contact hire

    Hi, Will be taking delivery of my first Seat in April and wanted know about servicing specifically on contract hire. I understand servicing is required however according to the leasing options rep ''as long as it's a vat registered garage and uses Seat parts then its classed as a valid...
  15. Service Cost Question (Cupra)

    Hi All! Have a 18' 300 which is due a service in approx a month, checked Seat's website. Have been quoted £200 for its first service, it's a lease so only require 1 service. Is £200 reasonable? Thanks
  16. ryzzey

    Air Con Service

    Hi, I did do a bit of searching but couldn’t find anything relating to air con servicing. My Leon FR is due an air con service (at a cost of £149!) and although I have a servicing plan this is not included, as I was already aware. My car is coming up to two years old and Seat have said I need...
  17. Service Interval and Q's - FR 115 MY2019

    Hi Everyone, I've been watching these forums for a while on the build up to collecting my Ibiza. (FR 115, Desire Red, MY2019 model) My dealer never explained the service intervals required, I was hoping to have a service book but I've not found it yet within all the docs. Does anyone know...
  18. Service schedual

    Hi everyone my 1.2 tsi leon is coming up to 30,000 miles i was just womdering if anyone could tell me what needs changed at this point spark plugs ect do seat have a schedual showing you what they would change thanks
  19. 1st Year Service

    Hello, Just wondering if anyone has had a 1st Yr service on the Cupra yet? As i'm just phoning around, and the cheapest price i've been given is £180!:cry: to me that sounds very expensive for a 1st yr as they don't really change much so i can't see if taking very long.
  20. F2 Ed

    adjusting service intervals

    Well i didn't know that:happy:
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