
  1. mitch2028

    Removing bonnet seal?

    Right ive searched the forum high and low and cant find any info on this apart from for a leon. The seal that sits between the scuttle and bonnet, i read that removed can improve cooling in the 'bay' can also improve the amount of noise you hear from your dv. Has anyone done this...
  2. water trapped in lower door seal

    In my -04 LCR I have noticed a couple times when I open the doors a little water flush out. Its trapped between the door and the rubber seal at the bottom of the door. kinda.. any obvious solution for this now then? I imagine it can become a problem when its raining then freeze over during...
  3. paint at window seal peeling off on door

    hi there any1 else had this problem?? the top of the door at the window seal on both doors above door handle at corner the paint has flaked off right thorugh to the bare metal and has started to rust and paint seems to be flakin off more and more i have tried touch up paint but making matters...
  4. part no. for window seal

    Anyone got the part number for an inner window door seal (nearside) I ordered what i described as said door seal, dad picked it up and it turned out to be "SOUND ABS" sound absorber, ie: sound deadening. Clever lads at SEAT parts dept.
  5. Engine Bonnet seal

    Hello has any1 actually got a picture of this or this fitted to the bonnet sick of all the crap from the roads and lovey weather getting in the engine bay. wondered how it fitted. and where it sat. 1M0 823 737 FB 41 - engine bonnet seal
  6. seat leon door seal leak

    i've had my seat leon cupra for a week but have today noticed the back drivers side floor is wet??? any1 know if this if comin from the door seal??? the front is dry so i'm guessin its the back!
  7. mk 3 crankshaft seal

    Does antone know the correct part number for the clutch/flywheel side crankshaft oil seal. Ive got an ihi cupra 2001 ayp/auq engine, which is a new TSR 20vt unit. It dumped oil, 5litres of it, almost immediately on first...
  8. is my window seal bust?

    Ok so I washed my car this morning and noticed this..... Is this "normal" and do you think that this may cause my wind noise porblem. H
  9. sargey

    Out side window seal

    OK, so you know the seals that are on the outside of the doors at the bottom of the window that clip into the door? Two have popped out, drivers and rear passenger. Rear passenger has popped back in place but i dont know for how long plus its been letting water in and the drivers door wont...
  10. delaxm

    Turbo oil seal?

    No boost, loads & I mean LOADS of white smoke out the zorst & tailgate covered in oil - turbo oil seal? It is an Allard VT2 with about 5 thousand miles on it
  11. Help after dealers door seal repair...............

    Peeps, Recently my car went into friendly dealership for warranty door seal fixing (whats new I hear you ask). However yesterday I noticed that on a 4 doors, they have made cut-outs underneath all door drain holes on the rubber drainage strip (the piece of rubber at the bottom of the door...
  12. Craig!

    Drive Shaft Oil Seal... Replacing??

    Well my freshly rebuilt gearbox leaks like kate mosses nose, and I'm not very happy since the car has never leaked any oil ever in its 82,000 mile life. But the big question is, can the drive shaft oil seal be changed with the box in place or does it have to come back out?
  13. 1.9 fuel injector seal

    on the injectors is there a small ruber seal. part no is 2FH KBEL 58 P 142 are they easily avalble
  14. cmc

    Missing door seal causing leak

    Hi all I discovered a two inch puddle of water in my rear passenger footwell. Done some investigating and thanks to this excellent thread ll I managed to track down the leak. I discovered that my front...
  15. Guinness

    Bonnet seal?

    Hay lads does the mk4 ibiza have a bonet seal? Cos well mine doesnt and as seen on pabs website some of the leons do. Would be nice to know if they do as al go 2 the stealers and buy one and if not is it possible to fit one? Thinking this might reduce engine noice as well
  16. danieltm

    Door seal

    Hi, I have a leon 20vt 2000 and i seem to be getting water coming in through the driver door seal??? It starting to make the floor a bit damp so i need to do something about it. Can anyone help please?? Thanks :(
  17. What are the benefits of a bonnet seal?

    As above? Those who have it, what does it actually do for you? Just thought I would ask the question as I was reading how do you close your bonnet thread and thought why do people get this bonnet seal thing? I have seen the part number and might order one when I am at the stealers...
  18. Bonnet seal?

    what's it all about then?:shrug:
  19. C11PRA DC

    Urgent help please!!! Stub Axle Oil Seal

    Hi all, After some urgent help as I'am now in the Sh*t!!!! Has anyone got a part No for the metal Oil Seal that press's onto the Rear Stub Axle (covering the stub axle bolts) before installing the disk/bearings!!!! Local stealer can't help as their systems down and the VW dealer needs a part...
  20. BHP Addict

    oil in intercooler pipes

    I am fitting a FMIC today I have removed my intercoolers and there is oil in the pipework I havent dealt with turbo car before and im a little worried Should it be there??????