
  1. sloppycupra

    Urgent Help please bad running diesel

    Hi all i used to be a regular on here and always found it useful so i have come back, unfortunatly i have an audi a3 tdi now, but i know the engines are similar. right my problem, bought car friday, its a 2003 2.0 tdi se with remap to around 180-190 bhp. car running fine all weekend and...
  2. 1.2 rough running, wants to stall

    Hi All, I am looking for some help, my 1.2 ibiza (2004) 65000 mls recently it wont start first time, in damp weather, and when it does start it runs roughly and has a tendency to stall when moving off unless revved up quite a bit. Reading here it appears that a failing coil pack may be to...
  3. 20vt running bad...Check your plugs

    My golf has been running bad for ages, did all the usuall checks, even got a new maf. i totally discounted my plugs as i fitted them a mere 7k ago. so after all my testing and logging it turned out to simply be the plugs,. It had all the so called symptoms of dodgy maf , just...
  4. valley

    Few Running issues AAARRRRGGGHHH

    Hello all, Just searching for a little help if possible. I havent had my leon too long and have just started to experience a couple of running issues. Idle: firstly with my idle, it will sit below 1k as it should but will dip down to around 600 and shoot back up again. Like it has a...
  5. ibiza staff

    Running power cable for sub (Mk4 Ibiza)

    afternoon, come to putting my sub n amp in the ibiza, but now have a query! where can you put the power cable through the bulkhead?? :confused: i dont really want it through the side of the wing because ill always see it! got all the other wires fitted and ready. cheers guys
  6. leon_in_uk

    How long should I leave engine running before switch off?

    Do you turbo guys leave your engine running after you stop? I heard after you have put your foot down a little your meant to leave the engine running incase the turbo burns out, from not cooling properly?
  7. robcool

    Problem: Car not running right.

    hey people, Just need to ask for advise from you all, as someone out there will know the answer or can help. Well my engine management light has came on took it to the garage so they can put it on the computer just to see what it is and it's saying coolant sensor fault, the guy said it would...
  8. andyc58

    Running Forge 007 means huge Petrol loss?

    Hi i went to buy a forge 007p dv.But was told buy the bloke that i would loose load of petrol.He thinks i would go from about 25mpg down to 10 mpg.Is this true or his he talking crap???.I have a lcr
  9. Day running lights on Leon Mark 1

    Hi folk I've been using a microCAN lead with VCDS/VAGCOM to set up my Skoda Octavia mark 2 for various things, including drive away locking, Scandanavian day running lights etc, and I was wondering if there is the same provision in the Leon mark 1? I know I'm going to have to get hold of a...
  10. Running Lights

    Hi, I ordered an FR TDI a couple of weeks a go with a few toy on it. I have tried searching the forum and can't seem to find anything on the running lights that are part of the Xenon system (as stated in the SEAT brochure). I just have a couple of quick questions which hopefully someone is...
  11. warren_cox

    Modified Leon Cupra's: Are you running cooler plugs?

    As the heading says really, have you bothered to fit a colder plug post modifications. It's a bit of a dark art, and there isn't much conclusive information on the interweb. I've called JKM this morning to enquire about some NGK Iridium BKR7EIX's...
  12. Car running lean

    hello, i have just been on a RR day with the lads from up here and the car has a revo stage 1 remap, forge TIP, scorpion catback and a green airfilter my results where 177bhp and 232ftlbs of torque i was wondering if my car is running down on power? on the AFR graph it shows the fuel to be...
  13. Gooner_Mike

    What boost should I be running?

    Simple quicky question... what boost (Psi) should I be running in my standard 20VT FR? I reckon I am getting about 12psi max and settling at 9psi at the moment (with my flash new boost gauge!) What should it idle at?
  14. What power you Mk4 Ibiza Diesel guys running????

    Hey, As many may well be aware, i need a new smaller more eco car. I think i want to stay with Seat and i'm looking seriously Seat Ibiza'a TDI Cupra PD160. I still want to be able to play around with it and increase the power. So my questions are: What power you running? What did you do...
  15. LCRglen

    re new member with running issues

    my original post "thougt i should introduce myself ,bought a nice red leon cupra r yesterday and discovered this site and i must say the site has loads of info and looks really helpfull , and as for my new car luv it , used to own a mk1 octavia vrs and this feels miles quicker . however think...
  16. Help Please!! running cable from dash to engine

    Hi people, Can someone please tell me or atleast point me to a good thread exlpaining how to run a cable from the drivers side dash (fitting a carbon look turbo gauge) to the engine please Ive taken the side dash off and got past the main fuse holder but cant see an easy...
  17. Nutkin

    costs of running a LCR

    right im thinking if my 110tdi gets written off i might go for a LCR, get the car i always should have got. Fuel isnt an issue anymore. Insurance is 200 quid more. which is fine imo but servicing what would the difference be? My old leon had 18"wheels so thats no different...
  18. stef cupra

    Some help please - vag com results, car running like a fart!!

    had my mk1 leon cupra 180 vag commed today as its running terribly, and shown the following codes. did a few searches but im not very mechanically minded so can someone put them into Lehman's terms so i can go to a garage and say i want this this and this. thanks!! 16804 17705 16514 17524...
  19. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    Running / Idling Issues???

    Slight problem with my ibiza, seems to be getting a bit worse, basicly when driving its fine but when i come to a stop the engine drops to idle and then it seems to be missing / running very lumpy, i have noticed that it happens more when im on the brakes and i have got an ABS fault .. could it...
  20. Running wires from back to stereo to coin area

    Hi, I've installed the rudiments of an Alpine head unit which has two external connectors I need to take elsewhere. One is the iPod lead, which I would like to have sitting in the coin area underneath the ash tray (as typically I will be using my iPhone for music). The second is the...
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