
  1. Suspension knock when turning over rough surfaces....

    I have replaced the console bushes and checked the ARB doesn't move and is the metal end piece version but I still get the hammering, clonking noise as I go round a cobbled mini roundabout at the bottom of my road. Dont get the noise in any other situations other turning over bumpy ground...
  2. Ibiza Ticking Over Rough

    Two weeks ago my Ibiza started losing power at speed, like I was taking my foot off the accelerator... it then started to cut out when I stopped at lights/junctions, this became worse and worse till she died, she was taken to a garage and they have done the following: New Throttle Body Diz...
  3. lcr sounds a bit rough!!!!

    when i was driving home the other night my car suddently started juddering and wudnt really go over 2500k in any gear, thought my car had gone in limp mode???? anyone? and the emmissions light on my dash would flash inconsistently! the light was on permanently before due to having a panel...
  4. LCR Missing and running rough. Any ideas??

    Hi, As i was driving home tonight, my car lost power and was missing and running like a pig! Plugged into vagcom and it came up with missfire on cylinder 2. I immideately thought coilpack, so to be sure, i swapped the coilpack on cylinder 1 with cylinder 2 to see if the fault changed...
  5. Running rough and hesitating - struggles to start

    I have had a problem with my TDI arosa now for nearly 2 months. When driving along at a steady speed it will hesitat very badly then carry on, it does it when hot or cold but first started when low on diesel. I have changed the fuel filter and air filter. Over Christmas it refused to start so i...
  6. decat and down pipe making car run rough

    just a d cat pipe and down pipe on my mk 3 ibiza cupra custom code stage one ruining fmic,jetex system,forge tip,green cotton filter,forge 007p,since i had d cat pipe and down pipe on car started runing abit rough.will i need stage two remap on it to run right?
  7. R4cup

    Running Rough

    Guys ive already done a search but not 100% I was on my way home last week when i noticed a great loss of power which also caused my car to misfire. The car sounded to me like 1 of the coil packs were down & it was running on 3 so i decided to replace 1 along with a set of sparkplugs, made no...
  8. Cupra_UK

    Running Rough

    The LCR seems to be running a little rough on idle for the last couple of weeks. Is it likely to be one of the sensors?
  9. Rough idle - which blocks should I log?

    The idle on my Ibiza Cupra 20vt dips down every now and then usually after taking it for a drive then stopping for a while. Stealer replaced MAF sensor but it hasn't made a difference and its now out of warranty. Can anyone give me some advice on which blocks I should log to check if the...
  10. cupraRgstar

    engine rough!

    Engine is sounding a bit rough at the mo what could this be due to and what ways can i tighten the engine up?
  11. Low Power, Rough Idle, Hard To Start

    Hi, Really need some help with this, i have an 01 ibiza S 1.4 THis morning it cut out on me however i restarted it after two attempts, the car ran fine all the way to work. However tonight, i get in the car and go to start and it doesnt start fully. Its ticking over but very little...
  12. Andybon

    Car running rough

    Just nipped out in the car, and as i set off from a set of lights it started to splutter, then seemed like its running on only 3 cylynders. Also the engine management light has come on. Has anyone else had this problem before, and if so what was the cause of it?. Its on a 2002 1.4 16v
  13. ChrisG

    1.8T intermittent surging / running rough

    Hi All My 2001 Cupra has been in the wars recently, at first it would intermittently idle poorly and generally feel flat when warming up which turned out to be the coolant temp sensor. This has been replaced and those symptoms have mostly gone away. The problem is, Im still having engine...
  14. Rough price to get a head Gasket done on a ABF??

    Found the No2 Spark plug swimming in oil so can only assume it's the headgasket gone, anyone had it done, & what did it cost?
  15. ibizaneal

    car idles rough any ideas?

    right, i had my timing chain replaced yesterday and this morning it was idling pretty rough(seems to missfire every so often), took it back to the mechanic and he says its either the spark plugs, a coil pack on its way out or the idle control valve and not a timing problem. Can anyone tell me...
  16. 1.4 16V Rough Idle

    Hi guys... after some advice have recently aquired a 2003 ibiza 1.4 16v. Idle is all over the place when warm... - Carried out throttle body clean and re-set. - Replaced all four coils. Still nothing!! Rough idle car shaking. Can any one advise me on this matter? Also temp...
  17. Need some rough prices for mods

    Easy people, Just wondering how much id be looking at "roughtly" for the following and how much they would cost to fit on an petrol 56 reg FR. 1. Id like to upgrade my breaks before i get a st1 revo, so new discs and would like also like red coloured sports calipers. 2. What would be...
  18. Rough Running No Power ????

    My Toledo SE 20v 2002 recently lost all power above 3000 revs and became throaty. A trip to my usual garage couldn't diagnose exactly what was wrong so packed me off to a dealer equipped with Vag-com. On the machine, "its your cat", changed no difference, "its the maf then", changed no...
  19. CatB1

    Arosa Tdi rough running

    As above,2002,65,000 miles.Initial idling & running seems OK,car accelerates normally & smooth tickover.Once engine warms up the engine starts juddering/shuddering and acceleration is non-existant at motorway speeds.When stationary at traffic lights at 900rpm the juddering/shuddering starts...
  20. Rough running

    :confused: Started car this morning and it was running really rough and sounded like it was only running on two cylinders, also there was a little bit of smoke from the exhaust.I gave it some revs and it cleared and idled as normal. The engine is a 1.6, has anyone else had this happen?:confused:
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