
  1. cozzie121

    Jumping Out of Reverse

    has anybody found what the cause of this problem is, i've only found 1 thread about it, but no fix..... is it a new box? Mine jumps out of reverse quite visciously, even when i'm holding it in. The last time it did it badly, it ripped the whole rubber mount from the rear of the engine, £160...
  2. craig87

    reverse light not working

    Where do i start?? Ive checked the bulbs and they seem fine tbh. I dont really know where else to look its a 2.0 8v gti cuprasport
  3. ringer

    just had someone reverse in to me!!help needed

    hi, i need some help.just had a car reverse into me at some speed,was expecting to get out and the front end would be gone but there insnt much damage to see by eye.The drivers front bumper is slightly hanging out with the drivers light pushed in a bit too but the thing that is bothering me...
  4. Reverse glow dials

    Anybody know about these, i cant find any with 150mph dials. only 120/140. Could you use any from a VW? Thanks in advance
  5. TDC

    Leon - No reverse & stiff into 2nd/4th

    Repairing an accident damaged Leon - it has a hole the size of a 10p piece in the "clutch bellhousing " & an oil leak & minor damage to the the oval VW badge/plate thing y.. still dripping 3 weeks on so im guessing theres oil in it.. its done 50k,, so far i have replaced all the damaged bits &...
  6. Reverse Light Switch Part?

    Hi, I'm new here so go easy on me! I drive a 2002 Ibiza TDI 100 S. Had a quick search on the subject of my reverse ligth not working, bulb and fuse are fine so I'm guessing it's the reverse light switch. Can anyone give me a part number or link me to one on mail order I can order off the...
  7. Boo

    No 1st 2nd or reverse ?

    My assistant managers leon cupra R will not engage in 1st, 2nd or reverse gear. He can start the engine in 3rd but, none of the other gears when he tries the car stalls. Has anyone got a clue what it could be ? He is absolutely petrified about how much its going to cost him to get it fixed !
  8. cupra_brown

    stinky lcr in reverse.

    Had a quick search in the r section on this, but couldnt seem to find anything. Basically, on my lcr, when you reverse, you get a horrid smell. just wondering if anyone else was getting this, or is my car just special........:D
  9. edc

    02A Reverse gear - crunch on engaging

    92k miles, and the reverse gear is beginning to crunch ever more regularly. All other gears engage fine. What can I do to fix it? New Redline MT90 gear oil? (never been changed) Another clutch cable? Had one not so long ago. Must be more to do with the selector mech?
  10. Horrible smell when in reverse !!

    Have been doing some reading up on the searches i have done on horrible smells that maybe a cause of a clutch on the way out, the smell i get is something like rotting rubbish, but this only seems to happen when in reverse, reversing up a slant when the blower goes into recirulation mode ? Does...
  11. Cupra R

    Fan speed increase's when in reverse gear

    Anyone else's car do this. my heating/cooling fans seem to speed up when putting car into reverse First time it happened I thought it was just a coincidence. But now it seems to do it all the time Car's a Cupra, but not that that should matter. Can't see a reason why this would...
  12. russ20vt

    Problem selecting reverse gear

    I have a 2000 model Cupra 20VT and noticed today that it was very stiff selecting reverse gear, it would not select at all at first, but after a bit of faffing about with the lever, it eventually selected it, but was very stiff from the neutral position pushing it forward. Could it just be the...
  13. str8ballin

    Reverse selector?

    Hi there I was hoping if someone with a mk3 ibiza 1.8t can tell me how the reverse selector is on the gear stick please!! Is it push down to the top left like in the recent VW's?? Many thanks!
  14. leon1p

    New Leon - Reverse Light Problem

    My reverse lights stopped working, and triggered the warning light on the dash to come one. To cut a really complicated story short (still complicated) heres a summary of the prob. In reverse gear - No Light (with engine off, on acc and engine running) Switch the bulb holder and bulb onto...
  15. DANNY H

    Reverse light switch

    Hello guys, Just wondering if anyone's had any problems with their reverse light switch on an LCR. Mine has stopped working and been waiting 2 months and counting for dealer to get hold of one.
  16. Reverse light switch?

    Where is it? The reverse lights are sticking on sometimes.. must be the switch because when you put it in and out of reverse a few times they go off
  17. Smart22186

    Reverse Lights Problem!???

    Not gonna go into great detail but basically my reverse lights don’t work, ages ago they seems to stop working and only work part time, I put it down to both bulbs ??? so changed them ages ago still no luck, today I managed to get the boot trim cover off (my god that’s hard work) and checked the...
  18. Rick1.8t

    bent wishbone and no reverse :-(

    Right, ive just gone round a corner just after it started raining, lost it and piled my car into the curb at about 25mph :censored: I now have a very bent wishbone and no reverse gear! Anynbody know why no reverse? has the shaft been forced into the box and ruined reverse? Anybody know...
  19. Rear brake(s) pads rsonating in reverse

    I have an '02 plate V5. Had new rear pads fitted about 3 K miles ago. Ever since they were fitted I am getting intermittent resonating when reversing, only (can be quite noisy & v annoying). No brakes applied, handbrake off. Since then have changed the discs and new pads to both rears. Still...
  20. virdi

    Squealing brakes when I reverse...!!

    Hi all, Sorry - You can probably tell by now - I'm a new LCR owner...:) I get funny squealing sound from me brakes when I reverse... is this a common problem? Do I need new pads on the rear? or shall I try more copper grease? Thanks
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