
  1. OrcaGti

    Radiator Removal

    Radiator Removal Guide? Anyone got tips on removal for a new one, or a Guide? had a we look thismorning but looks like more than half hours work so had to wait, any pointers?? Cheers
  2. Aerial Removal _Help

    I was wondering if anybody has removed there aerial from there car ive tried today but it only screws off so far then nothing i dont want to pull it or anything incase it breaks
  3. rod the sod

    Inlet manifold and egr removal!

    Hey i am just wondering if it is hard to remove the inlet manifold! i am thinking abouteither polishing it or spraying it black! i am going to clean the egr @ the same time - it is just worth getting a removal kit? do i need to get it mapped in or can i do it thru VAGCOM? cheers
  4. Caliper Removal

    Is it easy to remove the calipers from a leon cupra? Thinking of painting them red on my black cupra, hammerite paint okay to use? Thanks guys
  5. pdh 14a

    Front plastic lip removal?

    Anyone know how to remove the front plastic lip on an altea? i've removed all the screws at the back,bu not sure how to remove the front bit?
  6. 2002 ibiza mk4 headlasmp removal, HELP !

    trying to get the nearside left headlamp out as the cover on the back has gotten loose and moisture has crept in, but i canot see how the unit comes out, i have removed the 2 torqx drive screws on top the slam panel screw at each side , it can wiggle a bit now but its not coming...
  7. seat removal

    has anybody got any idiea how to get the front seat,s out because i havent got a clue new to these seat,s.
  8. Diffuser removal???

    Hi mates Anyone able to help on this? I'd like some advise regarding the rear diffuser removal on Ibiza Cupra 1.8T '07 Does one have to pull off the bumper or not? I also need to get the reflectors out of the bumper. The bumper probably needs to come off for that although I unscrewed the...
  9. aerial removal?

    Hello all, just bought a stubby aerial off ebay and went to go fit it. my original aerial just keeps spinning around and around. any ideas. i have tried pulling with no luck. maybe the end the aerial is on is spinning too? cheers bradders
  10. dan_wilson87

    ibiza aerial removal

    Hey guys i am getting my roof wrapped in black vinyl in a couple of weeks and have been told by the garage to remove the aerial myself to save on a few euros. He said to remove the head lining to get a better look, has anyone got any ideas on how to actually do it before i satrt messin around...
  11. daboy3000

    Pic request B Pillar sticker removal

    Thinking of removing the black stickers on the pillars between front and back doors, did this on my old kiwi Ibiza and it looked good, has anyone done this to a Leon? ....and got any pics.
  12. chrisbond69

    engine removal guide?

    Has anyone done a guide or can give me tips on where to disconnect and remove to remove the engine, can it be removed from the top or bottom, how do you disconnect that electrical cylinder thing under the inlet mani etc etc, any guides or tips / with or without pictures would be appreciated, thanks
  13. Seat Gooner

    Spare Wheel removal

    hello everyone Just thinking has anyone removed there spare wheel and put a can of tyre weld in,:think: to drop some weight ;) And if so what did you use to cover the hole a sheet of mdf ?? Thanks Mark
  14. alex 80

    steering wheeel removal

    as i'm new to the whole seat world i've just picked up my leon fr and have brought a lrc225 steering wheel to fit but how do i remove the old one and take the air bag out??? as i'm sure one of you knowledgeable people must have done it before and will be able to tell me all the short cuts...
  15. Si_TDi_FR

    Ashtray Removal

    How the chuff do you remove the ashtray? I cant make it out if its part of the centre console bit but i need it out to access the wires for the cigarette lighter as im using that for the power cables for my boost gauge Cheers
  16. Stiglet

    Front Badge Removal

    Hi there this has probably been on before but please excuse me as im new to all this. id like to take the front seat badge of my car. is it easy to do and how do tou do it please? do you need a replacement grill of anything ? i did my fiesta once and was a nightmare coz it has fixings welded...
  17. wenman

    Front Bumper Removal - Having problems!

    I am trying to take the front bumper off and have followed the Forge guide. I have removed the torx screws from on top of the bumper in the engine bay, the ones inside both arches and the ones from under the bumper. But it just wont budge! It seems to be stuck below the head light area. Does...
  18. Altea-wheel bearing removal

    One of the rear wheel bearings is on its way out on the Altea, It went in to the dealers Tuesday to have both sides replaced but seems they discovered that they did not have necessary tool to remove them!!! Has anyone carried out this Job and knows what tool is neccesary. They have advised that...
  19. greganderson

    radio removal

    hi, i know this has been covered before, but i cant find it for this aura radio, i just want to take it out, but unsure how, as it doesnt have any obvious holes for radio keys that i can see, any help much appreciated :) Cheers, Greg
  20. 65coupe

    rear door glass removal - Leon Mk1

    Anyone know how the door glass attaches to the window carrier in a Mk1 Leon Cupra?? (It's not a screw into the carrier because I can see it - it looks like some kind of plastic push in/push out lug, but knowing how expensive these things generally are:wtf:, I don't want to force it)...
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