
  1. cbr40017

    1.6 Sport Almost Ready for a respray

    Hi, my 1.6 Sport is giong in to have both sides resprayed in a week & a half, the work is being done through a mate at his body shop, but i have to strip some bits off prior to the respary to keep cost's down. I have sereched the forums but to no avale. Can any one please tell me how to take...
  2. SEAT SPORT kit at clearance prices, get ready for Brands!

    Anyone used these guys before? Thinking of kitting myself out with a few choice pieces of SEAT SPORT things ready for Brands!! (Hope I don't need the Brolly!!)
  3. Bling! ( Shades at the ready )

    Got home today to find a package waiting for me [B)]
  4. m0rk

    New site & Server almost ready

    You may have noticed that is 'down' at the moment. All the information, guides, reviews, motorsport, pictures etc have been transferred to the new site We've got a couple of new bits that we've not had before, and a whole new look to the forum & main site too. No longer...
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