
  1. Andybon

    Lowering springs Quick question.

    If i was to put lowering springs that fit on a diesel car onto a petrol car, Would there be any differences? Would it not lower as much on the front as i know that diesels are slightly heavier, or would it effect the handling? Also do they use the same type of suspension on the front...
  2. kineticz

    My first Seat - Leon 1.8t Sport pics

    Hey all, I originally bought the car as a Cat D stolen recovered. Now for the pics! Damaged alloy Bumper removed, fillered, smoothed down, primered My handy compressor
  3. Standard Cupra 16" tyre size?

    As above, could anyone please tell me the standard tyre size fo the 16" 5-spoke star-shaped alloys as found on most mk3 ibiza cupras? Thanks
  4. RussLCR

    Traction Control light on dash quick question

    Hi All My traction control light is now on permanently on on my dash on my 52 plate Cupra R, just had it checked and it seems its a steering sensor thats gone, anyone had this happen if so how much would it be to have this fitted etc.... :confused: any advice or feedback would be really...
  5. danieltm

    2 quick questions BMC CDA

    Hi all!! Im looking to get a BMC CDA kit, I have seen them for 70mm and 80mm outlet? I think i need 70 but not 100% sure? can someone clarify this. I know loads of places do them but can someone recommend a good place to buy from? And if there is anything i should know before buying and fitting...
  6. CupraElliott

    What's this? Quick reply

    Whats this, some kind of valve? I snapped a bit of pipe on it, a vaccum line runs into it, the one off the top of the dump valve. I drilled it out to get a bit pipe in there and realised it doesn't actually go anywhere??? It's just a dead end, no port into the 'box' or anything...
  7. Klang J

    any one tried regal tyres? Need new tyres quick sharp

    how good are these do you think MYTYRES.CO.UK rate them better that Pirelli PZEROS Thet are Regal RD3100 http://www2.sicherbestellen.de/cgi-bin/RDTyreTest.pl?cart_id=61481545.10.4058&kplz=&Cookie=VERWgoogle&language=EN&dsco=10&Marke=Regal&Profil=RD3100&Med=Reifentest.com I seriously...
  8. Elfman

    New Car, and a few quick questions!

    Hey all, i got a 05 TDI FR about a month ago now, and must say, im VERY happy with it :) After browsing the forum and planning what im going to do with the car i wangled my way down to the seat dealer today and ordered myself a front splitter, which will be arriving on...
  9. just quick question!!!

    ive got the chance to buy sum 17inch genuine audi rs4 rims, first thing would they fit straight on? secondly should i do it in first place? my cars brand new 57 plate but it only got crappy 15 alloys on it!
  10. Juclassic

    ...Quick Q...

    Right, put the car in for a service today (should've done it myself looking back, but work is a bit hectic at the minute) and was told 'any problems, we'll give you a ring.' ...so... end of work comes along, phone up, and the guy says 'oh, everything is fine... apart from 1 thing.' Should've...
  11. quick service question

    sis's dab 1.9 tdi 100bhp is due its 1st service, and i have a quick question. gonna get local garage to do the service, now my question is, do the filters etc have to be SEAT, or can they be approved parts, as mechanic says? thanks Paul
  12. djscorch

    Quick check - retro fit wipers

    http://www.wiperblades.co.uk/product_details.php?ProductID=258 Aerotwin Retrofit FLAT WIPER BLADE UPGRADE TWIN PACK 2 x 475mm For Polo Aug 1994 - Aug 2001 These the ones that fit the mk3 Cupra?
  13. nick-barnes07

    quick question about leather interior

    i just won a full leather interior of e bay , its electric and heated , will the electric and heated seats work in my cupra r or will it have to be wired in to work , as i have had some cars and the plugs are some times in there...
  14. Robbie C

    Quick VAG-COM question...

    I know this may have been covered more times than my sheets but just a quick question: I want to use VAG-COM for my 2001 Ibiza Cupra on an XP Laptop so can I just use this cable...
  15. newbie quick shift help

    Hi Guys, Just fitted a forge quick shift, i followed the fitting instructions and all seemed well until the test drive. It is now very difficult to change from 5th to 6th. I can go from 4th to 6th with ease. Having re fitted the original part all gears now work as before. Any ideas...
  16. bryan-1990

    keys - quick question!

    hey, lost my keys for my car yesterday! phoned the dealers and there sayin 21 days if it's a laser cut key? an i'm not sure if it is laser cut or not, anybody advise? thanks!
  17. Need a quick answer to a simple question please

    I need to order some tyres for my 51 LC but I've forgoten to bring the size with me to work. they're 16 inch standard rims but I don't know the profile or width. I'd be grateful if anyone can tell me fairly quickly. Many thanks in advance.
  18. Damoegan

    A quick update of my cupra

    I've done a few mods this month so I thought that I'd show them off :D A new head unit, center armrest and boost gauge Then someone done this to my grill So I got one of these And lets not forget the [B]P-Torque remap[B] :p Next mods are a panel filter and a bloody good...
  19. MikeA

    Quick question for those who fitted 4bar fpr

    On the standard 3bar fpr the hose is clamped on with one of those small metal clips, when I fitted the 4bar I have used a cable tie to secure the hose, however its not all that tight - it could be pulled off with a little bit of effort. How likely is it to pop off? Do I need to get some sort...
  20. Guinness

    Quick Remap Poll

    Got a custom code remap booked in for friday (can easily cancel), but was speaking to revo today and tbh Im seriously unsure on which one to get I can afford both, the revo one costing £470incl VAT and the custom code £315incl VAT. So wondering is it worth the extra £155 for revo? Speaking to...
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