
  1. pd160/130 questions

    greetings ppl can anyone answer me the following questions: how much boost does a pd160 stock? bars? how much can a kkk from a pd130 can do, reliable? bars? are the injectors the same? I'm going to remap my pd130, and i was thinking, for starters, input de pd160 map and then tune de...
  2. Couple of questions

    Having just bought a ibiza i was wondering whether it is possible to change the head unit to a CD without having to lose the heating screen (or what ever its called) or do i have to put a CD changer in? Also what wheels will fit on without any work its a 2000 Ibiza TDI cool s as its only got...
  3. AntneeUK

    Diesel Questions

    Are diesels worth more than petrol equivalents (serious question) Was looking on Autotrader yesterday and the cheapest FR cost more than my LCR, even though it had something like 160k miles on the clock Do diesel owners only buy them to do mega miles in? As above, nearly all of the FRs I...
  4. Soon to be owner - couple of questions

    on the very serious look out for an tdi fr around the £10.000 budget. i have tried to read the forum as indeapthly as i can but i still have a couple of question i hope some maybe able to help with. i have noticed very few FR have inbuilt sat nav, i have read several threads on replacement...
  5. Few questions about Cupra

    Hey all, this is my firtst post to this forum. I ordered new Cupra few weeks ago and now I have few questions.. How is the audio and speakers in cupra? Are they any good? Is is prossible to get Cupra without the front bumper Cupra text/sign?
  6. Newbie with questions

    Hello and Happy Christmas to you all! this is my first post, I'm Matt and i'm interested in replacing my Passat 1.8T for a Leon FR. The Passat is a great comfy cruiser but no fun whatsoever so come April it's going. I like the look of the FR, it's cheaper than an equivalent Golf Gti and...
  7. Binksy

    Disconnecting the battery ? and few questions

    Ok i have no errors or faults but i want to just see if it likes an ecu restart! by disconnecting the battery "is this a wise choice" The car still has warrentie with the garage I bought it off and had allot done to "her" this last month inc cambelt full kit/water pump MAF censor, door seals...
  8. AndrewJB

    Couple of Questions for MK2 FR Before i pick her up

    Hi All Got a couple of questions for MK2 Leon Owners especially FR 2.0 16V PD170 Owners before i pick mine up on 30th 1.On me MK4 Ibiza at the moment i have got 6000K HID's + Led 501 Sidelights , Will i be able to take me HID'S of Ibiza and fit them straight to the Leon? ive read about...
  9. chaazza

    GT2X HYBRID questions

    After Christmas im gonna be getting a GT2X HYBRID Turbo for my ibiza cupra I no the GT2X turbo it rated around the 280 bhp mark but with it being a HYBRID i should see a bit more Couple of things worrying me though do you think the standard internals will take this also will the gearbox...
  10. 2 questions

    1, wheres best to get a stereo kit to put an aftermarket unit in? looked on ebay but they look a bit mickey mouse also is it poss to lose your remap when taking off a battery? i heard its happpened and im not keen ahh also gotta put a kenwood unit in and wondered if the oe changer would...
  11. Problems and questions

    I recently bough myself a 57 plate Cupra TDI, but I have a few problems to fix (which I was aware of at the time). 1. The electric mirrors don't work - I've checked the fuse and its ok, is there anything else I can check before getting it booked in under warranty? 2. The cigarette lighter is...
  12. ChrisGTL

    312mm Brake Setup Questions

    I had my 312mm brake conversion done yesterday, so spent last night bedding them in per Bill's instruction on his sticky. Came to work this morning and nearly rammed somones arse end (ooo-errr), the brakes feel much worse then my old 288mm Do the ferodo DS2500 pads only...
  13. newbie with a few questions

    Hi, I am looking to buy a new (well used) car in about 6/8 months time. Or sooner if my car dies, hope not as I need my savings for my house. I am wanting a Diesel due to doing 350 miles a week for work, also something with a poke in her and fun, mostly though something that will not kill...
  14. james.g

    Cupra questions - advice please!

    OK, here goes. I need to replace my current car and I’ve whittled down a shortlist to the following: Leon Cupra (FL) VW Golf Gti Skoda Octavia vRS Focus ST Mazda 3 MPS (I’m restricted to 5 doors due to company car policy) Now each has strengths and weaknesses, although I can imagine...
  15. elcristoff

    1.8 Ibiza GTi questions

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, After completely distroying my first Ibiza (worst thing I have ever done) I'm looking to get a new one. I have found a 1.8 Ibiza GTi which the bloke is advertising as a 16v (there are no pics of the engine). However all the signals are making it look 8v; silver 5...
  16. Cupra questions

    Apologies for asking what are probably stooopid questions but I'm considering buying a cupra (probably a year old unless anyone knows where you can get a good deal on a new one!) and after trawling the FAQ's and other threads on this site I have a couple of questions that would help me with the...
  17. Got a couple of questions about the leon

    Considering getting one as my next car as my mum has the fr and i love it but just got a few questions about them really. 1) Is there much difference between the ecomotive sport (2l tdi) and the FR tdi other than 30bhp 2) whats the dsg box like to live with? or is it best to go with...
  18. theycallmepaul

    Few newbie questions?

    Basically trying to get everything ready for when i pick up my car :) Firstly can anybody tell me the best route to run the power cable for an amp any grommits that would help? Secondly best earth point in the boot for the amp? and a final one does anyone know the size of the throttle...
  19. Gooner_Mike

    A couple of bulb questions

    :confused: Today I noticed that one of my front fog light bulbs has blown, so I was wondering: 1. What type of bulb are they? (55 plate, pre-facelift Mk4 Ibiza) 2. Any recommended bulbs? Also, one of my number plate bulbs seems to be dimmer then the other (drivers side). When I had the...
  20. Just new to here so a few questions any help would be great !!

    Hey guys just new to the forum. Ok got my 2006 Ibiza cupra 4 days ago so here i am !! Right just wanting to know is standard diesel fine are should i be using BP ultimate. What results if any ? I will stick a few pictures up of my car later on. But it is totally standard so nothing...