
  1. Balf2k

    LCR Secondary Water Pump quick fix guide

    I noticed my secondary water pump was spinning slower that usual today so I WD40'd the electrical connector up, wiggled it about the revs of the pump went up when the connector was held one way, then it would slow down when pushed very slightly the other way. I got the multimeter out and had a...
  2. gnormy02

    water pump part number

    could anyone tell me if this is the right part code for the metal blade water pump, cheers. part code:- 06A12012X
  3. Seat Arosa Fuel Pump?

    My girlfriend drove her car to work as normal the other day but when she came out that evening the car would not start. Essentially as soon as you turn the key the engine actually fires but then dies instantly. The AA man who came suggested it may be the fuel pump but couldnt be certain. i went...
  4. messer

    Auxiliary water pump

    My 'auxiliary water pump' is leaking. This is the pump that sits underneath the slam panel and just above the drivers side radiator fan. Are these a sealed unit? How do you get them off and the new one on and where is the best place to get one from? Seat want £85 plus the dreaded!
  5. Olly20VT

    LCR S3 fuel pump help ( IHI )

    I hope to be doing a IHI convertion on my ibiza, Jabba use a S3 fuel pump and mod it to fit the ibiza, as the S3 and LCR have the same BHP and engine IIRC could I use a LCR fuel pump insted of a S3 one? Are the flow rates and pressure the same? is it the same pump? Do you change the fuel pump...
  6. After run pump

    my auxillary pump on my car always ran for awhile after switching off a warm engine , have read on another forum that it should never come on unless your really booting it ,if that is the case my engine must be running at a bit higher temp but the gauge reads spot on anyone any ideas on this
  7. auxillary pump

    does anyone know if the recirculating pump situated on the top of the rad can be found on any other types of cars for example volkswagens, trouble getting a hold of one, also need to know what the switch on the side of the power steering pump does mine has snapped and i have put it back together...
  8. auxillary pump

    needing an auxillary pump , the small pump which circulates the water when the engine is switched off sits on top of the radiator any help would be appreciated
  9. recirculating pump

    the pump that recirculates the water in the engine after the engine is switched off is it situated right on the top of the radiator , and is it called a recirculating pump need one as mine is broken
  10. BCM

    Secondary Water Pump

    I know its an age old problem with many people talking bout it, Now before it starts - I' searched! How do i fix or replace it! Prices or Guides? It doesnt come on, ever! The car is always left to cool down after a run etc... But i want this to work! Tried "shaking" the wire, still...
  11. Secondary Water Pump

    Hi The bearings in my secondary water are shot and can anyone tell me how much its likely to be to replace it and if its safe to run the car with it unpluggeduntill i get it sorted (as it's loud as :censored: ). Also anywhere i can order one from to avoid a trip to the stealers? Cheers
  12. OllieL

    Cam Belt and Water Pump Change

    Hi Just wanted to ask the opinion of the price Been quoted £200 from a local garage all in Including all parts labour Vat. What you think??
  13. Water pump.

    Hi just joined today as hopefully buying at urbo tommorow!!! Ive just got a few queries, i gather i should be looking out for door seal problems and wet carpets as well , but ive seen a few vague postings about waterpumps and plastic impeller blades? Is this something which needs to be...
  14. fuel pump upgrade

    hello , i have 1998 audi a3 1.8T (agu) transverse engine.i bought atp gt28rs turbo kit and i need a new fuel pump.which one do you prefer ? do you have any suggestions about this ? someone told me that seat leon cupra R (BAM) 's fuel pump can handle about 300-350 hp and it can fit to my car...
  15. water pump ayp

    anyone know where to buy a metal impellor water pump for the ayp code 1.8 t ibiza and part number please
  16. water pump

    any one know of a company where i can get the metal impellor pump for my ibiza mk3 1.8t ayp code
  17. Craig!

    N112 Sec. Air Pump Valve Removal...

    As people know I've done the N249 bypass, junked the secondary air injection system and soon won't require the second vaccum pipe going down to the standard K03. So I was just going to remove the N112 valve giving a totally clean rocker cover. Anyone done this yet, any adverse effects due to...
  18. power steering pump problem

    recently my power steering pulley sheared off damaging the pump so i replaced the pump with one from scrappy.It runs ok, but I still have no power steering. Do you think its just a dodgy pump or have I done something wrong?
  19. Secondary Air Pump Fault

    Hi, I've recently bought a SEAT Leon Cupra (1.8T) and my immediate happiness :D has been spoilt by the Excess Pollution (engine) light coming on. :cry: I was told by the seller that it came on a while back but then went off on its own, well seems like it's come back on again. He also said...

    LCR fuel pump

    Can anyone point me in the right direction ? I’m trying to find technical data on the fuel pump for an LCR. Without striping mine down the info I require are thinks like inlet and exhaust bore sizes and thread sizes, current draw etc sectional drawing would be really handy. Thanks to...
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