
  1. No power!!! Turbo? Coil Pack? Intercooler? Help

    Hi guys. I had my LCR 225 for a week, and yesterday the enginem management light came on and straight away i felt that the car loss power, the turbo was not working no more. Went straight to a garage of a friend that have a vag com. Reset the error that was reading high pressure in to turbo...
  2. phatchoonz1

    FR Tdi intermittant power loss

    Hi, I've been looking at a 150pd (ARL) FR Tdi, it's got a problem with intermittant power loss, which rectifies itself when the engine is turned off and back on. The codes i've got out of it are: 17957 - Boost Pressure Regulation Valve (N75): Open or Short to Ground P1549 - 35-10 - - -...
  3. paulfs

    12v Power supply (fag lighter)

    Strange one here, my Mk1 Leon's fag lighter was always powered (even with ignition off) - this was dead handy for my work, being able to leave things on charge in the car. However my Mk2 FR this is not the case (powers on/off with ignition). Can I change this simply? :think:
  4. mk4 golf 130 pd tdi fuel usage/low power

    hi guys need some advise i have a mk4 golf which i fitted a 2003 130 pd tdi 6speed into which as run like a dream tbh , but these pass few months mpgs and power seems sluggish until the turbo comes in . i replaced and bought a brand new 130 tdi turbo unit ,the engine starts first time every...
  5. Whining sound with rev's, bad MPG, power loss. Please help! :( Pics+Vid

    Hello people, im calling upon some advice please!! This is a 130PD Sport 1.9TDi 2004 with 70,000 miles. For quite some time now I've had a whining sound coming from the engine bay, I cant hear it unless the revs are going up and down. Worse mainly on the return to tick-over. It happens...
  6. revere

    Adding Stainless into manifold power increase?

    Hi All, The guy I bought my LCR from said that if i put in stainless from exhaust back up into the manifold then I'll get a power increase without having to do the stage 2! Is this true? He said it might get you up to the 300BHP mark but I find this hard to believe ! I imagine it would...
  7. Sudden Loss of Power

    Hi, I need your expert advice. I picked up yesterday a Seat Leon 06 2.0 16v (140) TDi Sport drove it to the nearest garage as it had literally zero fuel and must of been running on vapour, filled it up drove it home (25miles) and all seemed well (apart from a cup full of water under the middle...
  8. Sudden loss of power

    Hi, I need your expert advice. I picked up yesterday a Seat Leon 06 2.0 16v (140) TDi Sport drove it to the nearest garage as it had literally zero fuel and must of been running on vapour, filled it up drove it home (25miles) and all seemed well (apart from a cup full of water under the middle...
  9. sdownie1

    power surge/hesitation

    Hi All Have a bit of a problem with my FR LEON 170PD sometimes when i put the foot down the car will hesitate go then hesitate and go and so on, its like the old saying of kangaroo petrol(only its diesel) mainly happens in 3rd and 4th gears but only does it once in a blue moon? Any ideas? im...
  10. What kind of power are you guys achieving?

    Hi, First post... (don't have any intentions of buying/owning a VAG again - I had a tuned Audi 8l S3 225 some years ago) but just curious... I was driving through Hedge End, Southampton towards Botley tonight (about 5.30ish) and a guy with a Black Ibiza Cupra R (silver mirrors) was driving...
  11. up the power

    hi guys i have a ibiza cupra thats been to jabbamotorsport and its last dyno was 230bhp with a live map turbo back exhaust and induction kit since then its has a ko3s fitted by jabba but there was no dyno print out :confused: boost is set at 1.5bar goes like **** so i am gessin its got...
  12. alex 80

    bonnet seal? power cable fitment?

    couple of questions for you knowledgeable lot 1. where do you get the bonnet seals that alot have you all fitted to the inside of your bonnet at the front?? how much? 2. where have you run your power cables through for your amps in the boot can't seem to see any gromets that mine might go...
  13. elcristoff

    Loss of all power, including power steering

    Hi all, just got back from no rice, but on the way back my car started to jerk every time I put it in gear, the revs would go mental with the clutch down, and lost all electrics including power steering and essentially engine. Anything I should be looking at? It's the first time it's done...
  14. RabReith89

    power steering problem

    Today when fitting my new intercooler pipe the one which i think the vaf sensor plugs into?? anyway befor doing that i unpluged one of the power steering hoses to make things easy lol, this made the fluid drain empty. After refilling the power steering the pump now makes a noise when i turn left...
  15. Cupra Power from the FR thanks to superchips..

    Just been looking round for info on remaps. Looks like superchips have sneaked a map out for the FR. Nothing for the cupra through: 177BHP & 272Nm for £445 http://www.superchips.co.uk/index.php?option=com_frontpage&task=searchcat&Itemid=134 I wonder if they are simply uploading a...
  16. Power Steering Light

    When I start my car the power steering light will light up and make the steering heavy, if i turn off the ignition and turn it on again it goes away. Does anybody have any suggestions what this could be? It's a 03 plate 1.9tdi Ibiza SE in case that makes a difference. Cheers for any help offered.
  17. Random1989

    Power problem when turbo hits 0.5 bar please HELP

    Please help me yesterday i replaced the the sparkplug with iridium plugs and i must have dispurbed something and now the car looses power and sounds very strange when you get near 1 bar boost :think: i replaced the vacuum valve and blow through it and it seemed to be working right to my...
  18. dervpower

    Engine Knocking under power. Help.

    This is a strange one, only noticed on way home from work today. Issue is that under any slight acceleration in high gears/low revs there is a loud knocking noise which is constant until you take your foot off the acceleration, at which point is stops! Most obvious around 40mph in 6th (don't...
  19. TDI 110 Loss of Power

    Can anybody please help me? Got a Leon 110 TDi SE, every now and again it feels like the turbo just dies and i have to restart the car to "reset" it?! Spoke to Seat specialist locally who told me it was airflow meter, which i then replaced but same prob keeps occuring, and there are no faults...
  20. donovan2123

    No power after 4k revs?

    Ok just had golf turbo remapped and car seems to struggle to go past 4k revs also power doesnt feel right i have a few tuners look at the file that was put on car and it has been confirmed file is spot on and should be producing some good gains. Now what could be causing this problem could...
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