
  1. My debut post - FR TDI

    So (subject to a test drive) it looks like I'll place an order in the next few weeks on a Leon FR Tdi. I've seen it in the flesh and really impressed. So I'm thinking the following extras - ipod prep, heated seats, 18's and xenon's. However, if you have any of these maybe you can tell me if...
  2. Ruddmeister

    Why can't I post in the For Sale Section

    ..............No seriously I do have an 'issue' When sending a PM I tick the 'box' below my reply to send a copy to my 'sent items' box but when I check my sent items there is nothing there :cry: Mail box is only 60% full so I can't understand why :think: Is there a setting that needs...
  3. Jay'sFR

    post modification insurance

    Just weighing up some choices at the moment on modifying v's selling the ibiza. I have just phoned my insurance company who could not quote me for an increase to 210bhp. Whats te best place to get insurance if i do chip it, and roughly what sort of % increase cash wise is it? I have done...
  4. Nath.

    cant post pics

    as title in my user cp it says I maynot post attachments :think: how do I overcome this thanks
  5. Door allignment post repair

    Hi guys, following a pretty hefty accident and repair i've noticed that my door allignment is out by about 8 mm. None of my friends of family can notice it but i can and it pisses me right off, almost to the point where i'm tempted to just buy a new FR. Has anyone else had much experience...
  6. Another ABS/TCS post

    Hi guys, After 3 months of blissful turbo power my lovely Cupra has sprung an ABS/TCS fault. The problem occured about a week ago after I was tinkering with the battery and a set of jump leads to jump start my previous pride and joy (mk3 GTI 16v). Prior to this everything had been hunky...
  7. Sulli

    Where's My Post?

    You guessed it, my for sale ad, submitted 2 days ago, hasn't turned up yet??? Are the mods snowed under or did I miss something? I don't think so, as I submitted it twice after my first ad last week didn't appear, and double checked i'd put all relevan t info in ad, as specified on forum. Mods?
  8. Please post Dyno plots of JabbaSport IHI / VF34 turbo...

    I am getting closer to deciding on a big turbo for my '01.5 VW Golf 1.8T. I'm currently deciding between a JabbaSport manifold & VF34 turbo -or- a GT28RS turbo with some other manifold. I'd like to see what the power curves look like for the VF34 on the 1.8T. I've searched, but mostly found...
  9. Ant FR

    Notification of Post deletes etc

    I listed to items for sale in the for sale thread, both have not appeared, it appears it may be because i have no active email address on it, but this is due to my work one being down and my wanadoo being blocked for some reason, so just left it at PM. Could you please try and tell people why...
  10. djrichard

    Why cant I post?

    Im trying to respond to an advert in the FOR SALE section of the site. For some reason it says that I do not have whatever access to post in that section! What the fcuk is that all about eh? uhuhhu come on surely I do! ADMIN help!
  11. andycupra

    editing existing post

    following the site update, if i try to edit one of my posts after i have made the changes when i click on 'save' nothing happens.
  12. danthemanwhocan

    SEAT don't post touch-up paint...WTF?!

    As the title really. Need to touch up some stone chips (damn SEAT's paint quality). We to Halfords and wasn't surprised to find that they only stock Flash Red. Needing Platinum Silver, I give my SEAT dealership a ring, and they told me they can't post paint to me!?!? Why? :confused...
  13. RikH

    Leon alloys clarification post

    Im after eventually getting some black alloys for summer use ive read alot of questions asking with regard to fitment issues so could all those who know these details from experience post up for us who do not know. PCD 5X100 Offset ET35? in what instances are spacers needed? in my...
  14. cupra R con

    BTCC Brands Hatch post race thread!

    thanks for the pass m0rk, i had a good day out, even if i did leave after the last Porsche race, my mate who's never been racing before wasn't so keen on staying & TBH i was a little worried about getting out if it rained (as the clouds threatened?). but as i said thanks for your efforts &...
  15. andyb

    New Toledo : Do not post here....

    as a new section has been created for the ugly pup :)
  16. andyb

    Recommendations of dealers - POST HERE (new upto date thread)

    OK, the other one ( ) is a bit out of date as a number of dealers have left SEAT franchise, or standards have changed, some due to new management changes, so, positive feedback only please, post away. Keep it simple (If its a...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)