
  1. str8ballin

    Accelerator Position Sensor fault codes.... please help!

    Hello all...:cry: I have the mk3 ibiza turbo engine in my 2003 polo and I used my original pedal sensor and just connected the seat wiring to it... Every other day the EPC light would come up on my dash and give me this fault code: 18087 - EPC Warning Lamp (K132) Circuit: Open P1679...
  2. Where do you position your tomtom?

    Or other portable sat nav? Im having difficulty positioning it where it doesnt get in the way of my vision on the road. Currently I have it up high beside the rear view mirror.. Though its still not ideal. Are there extra holders you can buy?
  3. altea arial position

    Hi all, picked up a 1.9 tdi rerence sport last friday and am very pleased with it. Only gripe so far is the arial and it's position. it keeps snagging on my up and over garage door when i open and close it which results in some nasty twangs if I don't pull far enough into the garage. "drive...
  4. Windscreen wipers - horizontal position

    This is possibly another silly question, but in the manual I've found references to a 'maintenance' or 'service' position (i.e. horizontal) for the wipers but nowhere I can see does it tell you how to do it (please put me out of my misery if it is there somewhere and tell me!). Please can...
  5. steering wheel position sensor ?

    where is it located ?. my esp light is on and i can only relate it to this as the MAF is new-ish. thanks chris
  6. Seat Position - Little knob?

    On the side of the seat there are 2 circular knobs. I know the big one is to change the angle of the back of the seat. *What is the little one for? And turning it which way does what? I have had a fiddle with it, but i cant notice any difference
  7. Position of Cold Air Feeds

    came across this...sorry if its a repost but thought people might find it interesting when choosing where to put thier Cold Air Feeds! http://autospeed.drive.com.au/cms/A_1023/article.html?popularArticle
  8. CHR15B

    Mat position pegs.

    In my 2004 Corsa and on my 2002 Toledo the floor had little pegs and the floormats had little holes for them to click into - very smart thinking whoever came up with that idea :) However in the Ibiza I have the standard mats, which fit in place fine and have the position holes on them but the...
  9. lukey

    Anyone know whats under the car in the drivers position?

    Anyone know whats under the car drivers pos.... car back, worse news than before now! On my 56 Ibiza FR TDi This week ive noticed that theres a banging coming from unerneath the car in the driver position, and its banging so i can actually feel it if my foots on the floor. ive had a...
  10. Throttle Position Sensor

    Hello board Im new round here :) Can anyone tell me where the Throttle Position Sensor is on my Leon or send me a schematic or drawings / photos ..Cheers Peeps
  11. PAUL HEV

    fault code(17748 Camshaft/Crankshaft Position Sensors (B2) - Out of Sequence A)

    17748 Camshaft/Crankshaft Position Sensors (B2) - Out of Sequence A anyone know how i go about sorting that out!! cheers
  12. sooty22

    mk2 fuel filter position?

    we are currently doi ng a service on my mates mk 2..... its a p reg 1.4 8v any one out there with any ideas as to where the ffuel filter is???? cheers guys.:)
  13. spyke85

    Seat won't lock in position

    The passenger seat is sliding away on its rails and doesn't lock into a fixed position. Car did have broken glass on that side, so is it some that has got trapped in the rails and blocking the mechanism? If so, is it a seat out job?
  14. Crank Position sensor

    Does anyone know where it is on a cupra sport (agg)? Cheers
  15. The Cupra Kid

    LCR 225 Steering wheel position

    Just out of interest how many peoples steering wheel is dead centred with the red bit in a straight line???
  16. Bora cd changer standard position

    this is'nt a seat question but i'm sure someone here will know. Where is the standard position for a 6 disc cd changer in the vw bora?????? and I'm sure VW will already have the lead in from the head unit, any suggestions where:help:
  17. Can’t change the position of the drivers seat.

    My parents have a V reg 1.8 20v Toledo. My mother went to change the position of the seat from way back where my dad has it to the very front where she has it. The only problem is that it came off in her hand. I presume they have been putting to much pressure on it to shuffle forwards and the...
  18. Russ_20vt

    What is your boost gauge position when off?

    After my worrys of MAF and N75 problems ive now noticed this, :( im sure it used to sit at exactly 0psi when off? How does yours sit? Is mine buggered? could be the reason why im reading 2-3psi down :censored: Thanks Russ
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