
  1. Car gone Pop :(

    Car gone pop - but now fixed I'm currently (not) driving an 04 FR TDi with 40k on the clocks and a rather "tame" remap - to give my clutch a nice easy time. Was driving out tonight on a nice quiet windy road, not being stupid but giving it a little bit of stick, slowed down as the road came...
  2. Pop Pop Bang am I a chav?

    I have a full cat back stainless exhaust made by Janspeed, and i am very happy with it, its nice and quiet around town and then it screams if you boot it. However, my friend has a magnex 6x9 and his pops and bangs everynow and again, like a disobediant rally slag! I love this popping and i...
  3. villain24

    POP!! yet again

    The bloody pipe has come off. Its the junction in front of the headlight on the left hand side. Anyone else had this problem. rung seat but they said two weeks!! i just bought a metal clip from halfords but the widthof the pipe is too thick. I had this done a month ago at the place i bought it...
  4. Yumann

    Alpine hu goes pop

    Every time i start the car the speakers goes pop when i have the HU on? Is there anyway to stop this? Cheers
  5. Russ_20vt

    Snap, crackle and pop hmm

    Since last sunday without touching or doing anything my stereo has started to crackle as i turn it above 25+. It seems to get louder the faster i go. In the evening it often doesnt do it as much and i can turn it up louder before it starts doing it. Its go no alternator whine so i dont think its...
  6. Pop up gazebos/marguees

    I was thinking of getting one of these so that I could put it up over the car on really hot days and polish the car! .... 1.> How many people on here have one? 2.> Are they easy to put up and take down? 3.> What do the neighbours think about you polishing a car under one of these? Thanks.
  7. ZBOYD

    Chilton takes a pop at Plato

    They've not even started the season and the war of words begins..... LINK TO BTCC ARTICLE :rolleyes:
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