
  1. andy_dea

    people who removed air con what belt is needed

    hopefully this weekend will remove the aircon condencer and rad, and anyone know which belt can be used? been told single sided but unsure on length
  2. People with induction kits

    What happens to the secondary air pump hose that normally clips onto the side of the standard airbox when you replace the airbox with an induction kit?
  3. Jib 21

    Pods & Gauges...what do people have...

    I'm just looking at the Nomad A Pillar gauges for the LCR...what gauges to people have for their LCRs? I know Boost is the obvious one, but if I was to get a twin pod which other gauge is the most helpful? Voltmeter is out the question as I have a voltmeter for the install in the Headunit...
  4. Young people + LCR - What insurance?

    I'm looking to gauge what people between 21 and 23 are paying to insure there Leon Cupra R's and what no claims etc that is with [B)] Thanks :)
  5. rst_cupra_r

    Might interest people new scheme for cheaper petrol

    well got passed n this link by 10friends in my email thought id post it up here as were are petrol/diesel heads any free to join read it and see wat you think (not sure were to have posted this mods move or delete watever is best)
  6. Spanky

    Do you get people wanting to race....?

    Wanting other peoples views on this........ Do you get other cars wanting to race you when in your Cupra or Cupra R..? I know it can sometimes get a bit boring after a while, when every man and his dog wants to race, but sometimes (and in safe scenarios) you want it to happen :whistle...
  7. What do people think of these?

    Thinking of getting these on my mk4 ibiza. Just wanna know if anyone has them already? If not then ya''l think they would look ok?
  8. Funkyfin2000

    How do people Afford??

    Sorry if this is a bit of personal question......but im looking at buying a Leon Cupra as everyone knows! Ive been to a seat dealer today.....and i see the cupras as £12-15k....and wander how the hell you all afford one!?!??! Are they all on loans??? if so which ones and how much you pay a...
  9. People asking to much for Ibiza Cupra/ R

    Is it me or are people asking way too much for the Beeza Cupras? My mate has just bought an X plate with 50k on the clock for 4.5K and its mint. I thought that was a good deal. I've been looking around for a nice Ibiza Cupra and cant seem to find a nice one for under 6.5k! Cupra R i seen...
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