
  1. cupra_matt

    Clutch Pedal Snapped. GUIDE

    The wife picked me up from work tonight and i found my biteing point had changed alot and there was a large amount of play in the pedal. Made it home and guess what..........the second i pulled on to my drive it snapped. Its the common crap welds that have given way. I read on here that...
  2. Clutch pedal problem

    The clutch pedal on my Leon Cupra 2001 has come disconnected from the master cylinder plunger. Looks like some plastic bit came off and a small bit of metal cam unwelded. :( Does anybody know how to get the clutch pedal out ? I understand I can either get a new pedal or have the old one...
  3. Cupra20

    Clutch pedal part number

    Hi everyone, after having my clutch pedal snap i went to the dealer and asked for the part number and it turns out there are 2 for the car, one for the engine number and one for the car model (Cupra) just wondered if anyone knows which one it is: 6k2721 315C 6k2721 315E your help...
  4. accel pedal - ECU

    Hi guys I had a problem earlier this week with my accel pedal. I basically disconnected the battery as we were messing about with the amp and sub, on that day had a new temp sensor put in and had my seat remapped for a 6hr free trial. Cut long story short i disconnected the battery for sub...
  5. Lost Accelerator Pedal Cupra

    Hi guys in a great mess. Just had my temp sensor changed to a green one today as was a previous fault. I also had a free 6hr free remap today but got home and we was messing with the sub and amp. Did take the battery off for a minute and clock had reset on the dash. however the car starts...
  6. Vibrateing Brake Pedal when brakin hard??

    I was wondering if the following is normall or if anyone can explain it ~ When i maybe brake hard but NOT lock up i get a rubbling/vibrating! through the brake pedal i can push through it and then it will lock, It doesnt affect the brake force but it seems to be a warning to tell me the wheels...
  7. Dave_R

    The good old pedal box!!!

    Thought my pedal box was on the way out the other night, it went before and the garge welded it up when they noticed it cracked while doing my clutch cable. Been hearing a noise from the pedal everytime I changed gear the past couple of days so after work yesterday thought I might as well...
  8. chris999

    clutch pedal snapped!!

    listen to this... i was happily driving along, i go to change gear and when i put my foot down on the clutch i feel a click, then my biting point went from being at the top to almost at the bottom. 5 mins later i park up, put it into neutral applie the clutch to see wot it done and CLICK the...
  9. Clutch Pedal Snapped! How Much?

    After reading so many posts about clutch pedals snapping it has finally happened to mine! i was just driving into town when suddenly the pedal stuck to the floor! i managed to get the car out of gear and coast into a nearby car park, at the time i was approaching a bust set of traffic lights! im...
  10. Low clutch pedal (not the usual snapping issue)

    guys help, my pedal is awfully low when the car is cold i really have to push it into the floor to get in and out of gear, as the car warms up the pedal rasies, still not to its normall height but certainly more comfortable, this seems to have gotton worse over a few weeks, i know its not the...
  11. Cupra_Wayne

    Clutch pedal removal

    How difficult is it to get the pedal off? Had the little box break on me this morning :cry: Piece of sh*t design. I don't want to be hit with x amount of hrs labour when I can take it off get it welded and refit it myself. Just need to know how hard a job it actually is!!! Cheers! :D
  12. Bolt instead of welding clutch pedal?

    has any one drilled the pedal and bolted through instead of re-welding the pedal? reason i ask is i have no way of getting it welded back up... done a search seen one person done it which gave me the idea, couldnt find much else...
  13. Steve

    Broken clutch pedal embarassment

    The plastic bit just broke on my clutch pedal causing the pedal to go down to the floor and get stuck there. The worst bit was I was halfway up the ramp to Asda's car park and I didn't have enough momentum to get to the top. So I had to get out and direct all the cars built up behind me to move...
  14. Sinking brake pedal

    Over the weekend I noticed the following on the Passat: - With the engine running and servo assistance, if I press HARD on the brake pedal it sinks slowly but steadily, it will go all the way to the floor if I try for long enough (guessing around 10-15secs). - With the engine off and vacuum...
  15. brad_cupra05

    clutch pedal repair

    hi, been reparing my broken clutch pedal pretty much done but i cant seem to be able to get the little plastic collar in enough to be able to get the clip on any tips or how to's would be much appreciated cheers
  16. How Much To Supply And Fit Pedal Box??

    Found my trouble to be the famous crap box so what i need to know is how much should a dealer charge to supply and fit along with a new clutch cable also any good garages in the midlands that could do this??? thank you
  17. psq43

    Pedal box Noise!?

    Ok, have LCR225 with 27k on clock. Last few days have become aware of a rattle/knock/noise coing from pedal box/bulkhead area. BUT..... It only happens when in gear and moving, not wheh stopped or coasting! For instance, when i change up a gear and release clutch, get a dull rattle/knock...
  18. MikeA

    Damn clutch pedal

    Well I've read about it a fair few times on here, heard about it of various people in the past. And now its my turn :shrug: :shrug: The clutch pedal decides to hit the floor right at the time when I'm already late for work! [:@] Now i've had a look at the white clip has come off, doesnt...
  19. brad_cupra05

    God damn clutch pedal

    on the way home from work and the clutch pedal hit the floor, i know this is a common fault and needs rewelding etc but do you think something like chemical metal would be strong enough ?
  20. Clutch Pedal Problems

    Hi all Experienced a bit of a problem last night!! I was approaching a busy junction last night in my V5, after engaging the clutch pedal it never returned and something broke from the end of the pedal. As you can imagine It was a bit of a concern! Had to be towed home, my dad took a...
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