
  1. Rob GTI

    Panel Filter TFSI

    Anyone changed the panel filter yet? I don't want to go down the road of intake kit. I was reading the service handbook and it doesn't get changed for 6 years. I changed the filter in my Mini early at 20,000 miles instead of 50,000 miles and it was stinking, putting the "performance" panel...
  2. Robbie C

    Panel filter induction...

    Does anyone know where I can get hold of an uprated airbox and green panel filter? I've heard these mentioned a lot around the forum but never found a link to a retailer.
  3. the two vents on the rear panel

    with the floppy rubber hanging bits does anyone know how these work as in...if you're at any speed do they always suck air out the back? i assume they are to equalize pressure or something
  4. Questions for those with a green panel filter

    I fitted my green panel filter the other day and since then my MPG has dropped noticably. Has anyone else with a green panel filter noticed this? Also from reading posts from other people with the green panel filter i was expecting a bit of a induction noise but i has not got this. Any ideas?
  5. thomascy

    Panel Air Filter For Cupra 1.8 20Vt

    What is your opinion for the ITG panel air filter for the Cupra 1.8 20Vt? I am thinking to install one to my Cupra. :) Any other suggestions for panel air filters? Thanks, Thomas
  6. instrument panel bulb replacement, how do i get to the bulbs??

    Hi folks one of the back lights on my instument panel has gone out, also the right hand light keeps going out, think there is a loose connection on it. Can any1 help as to how I get to the bulbs to replace them? Do I have to pull the dash to bits to get to them or is there an easier...
  7. K&N panel air filter

    Got myself an auction stock clearance bargain. A brand new K&N panel air filter for £24.48 all in. :) Fitted it at the weekend and what can I say!!!! The engine seems to pull better from low revs but the best bit has to be at the higher end. It is absolutely flying. :D Never got...
  8. BigBadDamo

    Undecided .... Proper Induction Kit .. Or .. Panel Filter

    What would be better ? Ind Kit Panel Filter for performance wise but also the good sound factor ? thanks
  9. Kogi

    Gauges panel (with pic)

    Guys ! With your suggestions and advices finally have found the right place to install gauges .... have a look and thanx ! :p
  10. BigBadDamo

    Heater Control Panel Has A Mind Of Its Own

    If i switch my heater control panel on2 the 1st bar, it decides by itself to put the fan fully on or nudge it up a bar at a time, i have to put it back to the 1 bar at least 5 or 6 times before it settles and stops moving about itself :blink: any suggestions ? or take it back 2 dealer ...
  11. door panel water leaks?

    i have a 2.0 tdi referance sport, 1,500 miles, but have noticed water dripping out from bottom of all 4 door panels where they meet the metal part of the door. The water doesnt come into the car but sits on the rubber door seal. Water also finds its way into the plastic section at the...
  12. Smee

    TDI Cupra panel filter

    been advised by Dozza to get a panel filter and remove the flap in the intake.. been looking on the net.. can get a green filter for £40 delivered but is it me or do all the TDI range have the same Part number?? is it the same filter for all TDI?? Smee
  13. C11PRA DC

    JR Panel Filter!

    Hi all, I've acquired a NEW JR Panel Filter and as its not one of the more well known brands, can't decide if I should give it a try! Obviously it should improve airflow but will it still be as effective at filtering as the standard (frequently replaced) paper filter. Whats your views? DC
  14. Flameboydan

    Slam panel

    Hi, Just wondered if anyone could anyone recommend somewhere to get a front slam panel/headlamp? The bad luck fairy hit me again with an uninsured driver reversing into me at a roundabout... [:@] Cheers
  15. Replacement panel filter?

    Hey guys, Just wondering where to get a replacement panel filter from, i.e. where is cheapest with quickest delivery? Was thinking either K&N or Green Cotton? Any help appreciated :D
  16. Scuttle Panel

    Is there any particualr way that this is held in place? I've taken it off in the ever ending quest to find my leak!! but it doesn't seem to want to clip back in place now. Any ideas?
  17. RichieRich

    1.4 panel filter?

    anbody know if the panel filter for a 1.4 will fit a 1.2? even a one word answer is fine just wanna know lol thanks :)
  18. cuprakel

    panel air filter??

    im wantin to fit a panel air filter (as i cant afford proper induction at the moment :( ) im not expecting any performance gains, i dont want the noise of the car to change dramatically, i just want a bit more air flow from a decent manufacturer, can anyone advise the best one to go for...
  19. Green Panel Filter

    Hi Sorry if this sounds stupid. Just fitted green panel filter & Forge DV and took for a test drive. The car sounds louder than before, should this happen? Checked for leaks etc… & made sure everything was fitted correctly. Any ideas? Cheers Chris
  20. Green cotton panel filter? Where from?

    Hi guys, Where is the best place to buy a green cotton panel filter for the Ibiza FR 20VT from? Cant find the exact match for this vehicle on the website, only the TDI or 1.2 :( Where is the cheapest place to find these from as im surmising you can actually get these for the 20VT due to...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)