
  1. PlatinumR

    It's official - I drive like a girl! (no offense)

    Just had my 30K service on the LCR to be told the front pads are 80% worn and recomend to have them replaced - original pads I should add! :D Not bad for 2 years old. ( the car not me.) Which ones the brake again?
  2. Funkyfin2000

    Cost of Official and cable

    Hi Guys, I need to purchase a proper ross tech cable and for my seat ibiza 2002 and my mates audi a3 2000. Plus my mates Seat Leon 2004.... Where is the cheapest place in the UK to get a cable and software in a bundled price (obvisouly USB version) Ive tried but...
  3. official new leon FR review ????
  4. Syphon

    EXCLUSIVE!: Official Leon launch model details now on-line (Cupra image added :))

    Seat have released details of the new Leon's launch models prior to the Barcelona motorshow. have an exclusive feature now available on the main site. An exclusive design analysis will follow shortly. *** Full details and pictures can be found on the main site here ***...
  5. m0rk

    Official SEAT Leon V2 pics & report now online

    Very Salsa More -
  6. andyb

    Official: New 2005 Toledo (Production)- your comments go here!

    following on from our thread on the Toledo, ( ), SEAT have now shown off the production version of the next generation Toledo. You can reads Zboyd's report on the new Toledo here:-...
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