
  1. probee

    Blueflame vs Oem soundclip

    Ok peeps... just thought i'd post a soundclip of before and after the turbo back blueflame was fitted.. before - http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s107/pro-bee/?action=view&current=17042007032.flv after -...
  2. Connecting an MP3 player to OEM V5 headunit

    I am thinking of connecting my Creative Vision M to the Standard Seat headunit in my V plate 150 V5. I would prefer not to use the tape connection thingy which are about £4 on Ebay. Anyone done this? If so how. Thanks in advance Nick
  3. JmZ

    OEM exhaust bracket failed!

    Well after reading about it happening to others, i guess it was just a matter of time till mine went! :rolleyes: It looks as though the hanger is fine but the tin bracket has rotted through and come away from the mandrel bend, just as it passes over the rear axle beam. Question is how...
  4. Molehill_Mike

    **Information Only** OEM SMIC vs Laguna FMIC Logs

    Hey Peeps, For those that are interested....logs of my Laguna FMIC and the standard SMIC **PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS A LAGUNA Vs THREAD...OR A LAGUNA'S LOOK PANTS THREAD.... I WOULD ASK THE MODS TO ENSURE THIS....** I have done this as an informative thread only.... Mods K03S...
  5. 2nd hand OEM head units...

    how much would one be worth if i were thinking of getting shot of it?
  6. Can any 3rd party head units control OEM CD changers?

    The Symphony head unit in my Octavia has packed up. I'd like to find a 3rd party head unit that will control the OEM (Panasonic?) CD changer. I've found adapotrs to use a 3rd party changer with the original head unit on many car audio sites on the web. However I cant find one to go the...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)