
  1. villain24

    Tdi sport MPG?

    Hi all and a merry christmas, this has probably been done to death but just took my car out for a 40 mile trek. My average speed was 40mph and the comp read an average of 52.3mpg. Does that figure sound about right to all the tdi owners??
  2. loonymoon

    Mpg on Ibiza 1.4 75ps?

    I know this has been covered before but with the search I couldn't get a definate answer.... I've been getting about 32-35mpg average on my 1.4 75ps petrol - is this normal? It seems a bit low to me as the Parkers average MPG figure is 42 for this model. The petrol light comes on at about...
  3. allh2k

    Leon TDI 110 more mpg by chipping

    Hello I've got a question that I can't find the answer to any where on google. Q. Can I lower my BHP by chipping and then in turn increase my MPG? Car is: Seat Leon TDI 110 52 plate 55,000 I was thinking about doing this for 6 - 12 months and then returning it back to standard or...
  4. mpg mistery

    I am currently struggling to get above 41mpg when cruising at 80 on motorway for around 150 miles. I usually get above 50. Any ideas. Thanks
  5. FR*Man1984

    REVO'd FR TDi whats your mpg?

    Hello everyone! People with remapped FR TDi's, what sort of MPG should I be getting? Had mine done two weeks ago :cartman: (300miles ago) and my average mpg is 40??? :cry: What do you guys get. Please bare in mind this is all A-roads, as we IOM'ers don't have motorways! lol Just read...
  6. MPG's What ya all getting?

    Still not managed to find that special cupra:( Was just wondering though what sort of MPG return is everyone getting? I know it all depends on what tuning has been carried out, but on average? How much does it cost to fill up dry-full? how many miles are you lot getting to a tank...
  7. New Toledo TDi 105 hp MPG ???

    Hi all, I have a new Toledo Reference 1.9tdi (105hp) Its 2 months old now, got 6000 km (4500miles) on the clock and MPG is disappointing. I'm only averaging about 45 mpg on a daily run that I always got 54-56 mpg out of my old MkII Toledo Tdi (90hp). Maybe the engine is still too new...
  8. Cupra mpg???

    My Ibiza Cupra doesn't seem to achieve more than 38mpg on back roads taking it not going over 60mph, not revving it over about 2,500rpm. What would yours do under similar circumstances? It's remapped BTW. I'm getting about 46mpg down the motorway at 80mph?? Car only has...
  9. Mpg

    Hiya Just wondering whats your MPG like ? I drive a 2.0 Cupra Gti 8v Just been up to Birmingham and back today for the Motorbike show, and done a round trip of 360 Miles. I filled up on the way home and had about a quarter of a tank left, had done about 320 Miles at that point...
  10. Cupra_Wayne

    MPG indicator and lumpy idle

    A coil pack went and was changed the other night (thank you Hoochy!) Since then the car is showing an overall MPG of 9.8 at best :blink: Fuel isn't being used at this rate I don't think so I assume there's a fault somewhere. For example sitting on the motorway in 5th @ 70 is showing 11.1mpg...
  11. New cupra 180,mpg, running in???

    Hi,I have just recently sold my ibiza fr 130pd for a cupra 180 20vt:funk: I know i will miss the torque and fuel economy but bloody hell this cupra is a fuel monster,50 miles or so on a tenners worth of fuel!!!!:-o Maybe its me with a lead foot but has enyone else got a 180 and what mpg are...
  12. ? any one got a 1.9tdi stylance !!! mpg???

    hello looking to buy a seat altea 1.9tdi stylance but not getting any feed back from owners on this forum. is it that good you want to keep it all to yourselves!! or a complete dog and no one wants to admit to having one:p seriously please someone give me some feedback,about mpg servicing...
  13. uzzy

    FR TFSI MPG Figures

    I've nearly clocked one thousand miles in my FR (I'm lovin it by the way). Just filled up and I'm getting 31.95 MPG and I have been careful and aint giving her the beans, not yet anyway. What are you guys getting, does the run-in period really make that much difference? Mainly M6/A roads. I...
  14. davebnly

    Whats your MPG like in any LC or LCR???

    sorry if this has already been asked, but since i got my LC back 5 days ago after having the water pump replaced it seems to have a really low MPG now. Its an 03 LC remapped to 225 with forge DV and Powerflow Zaust averaging around 20-23MPG although on the motorway it will rise to around...
  15. 2.0 TDI sport low mpg

    I've almost completed 2000 miles in my 2.0spt tdi (17" wheels) and find it impossible to get more than 43mpg out of the car regardless of speed. My old 1.9 tdi would do 60mpg if you drove at fifty and were very gentle, following the traffic on the flat roads in lincolnshire. I'm averaging 39mpg...
  16. driving mpg?

    Hi people just wondering what mpg u lot got driving normally, thrashing it, and motorway? just had new maf in and still a bit worried car not running correctly thanks gus
  17. MPG figures?

    I need a new car. I drive a thirsty old (cough) mondeo at the moment and need a more fuel efficient car. I love the stylings and think this will be my next car of choice. Maybe the 1.9 or 2.0TDI stylance. BUT just wondering how close the SEAT published MPG figures are to real life? I...
  18. a_j_mair

    Average MPG

    what car and what is your average MPG wondering after seeing a few adverts claiming 35mpg etc i was recently counting petrol reciepts, came to £220 since 13/7 :-o normally averaging 25mpg on the trip computer thtas in cupra R i drive 20mile round trip to work and back, all...
  19. what kind of mpg are you getting

    hi everyone, just wondering what mpg you're getting, Ive done 22000 miles , i have a 1.9tdi reference 05 plate, covered 491 miles last tank, and filled with 52ltrs, works out to be 42.5 mpg. i think this is a bit poor, most of my daily drive is 20 Min's dual carriage way, and maybe a...
  20. waftywoo

    Need better MPG

    I have a Clio Sport and the MPG is running around the 28 mark. Im struggling to justify this so im now looking for the Leon TDi 150. I like the look of the FR but cant seem to get one with the wheels i want for anything less than £11500 on a 54 plate. There are alot of 04 plates with the...
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