
  1. hon_n_gem

    What mods on your Cupra?!

    Guys and Girls, Quite new to the MK2 Leon, just wondering what are the choice mods you lot have done to your cupras! Need ideas, so pics and links would be great. Im thinking lowering, new alloys, exhaust and remap. Cheers hon
  2. big phill

    V5 engine mods

    i've done a quick search and not really found what i was looking for i want to do an engine swap on my cordy and was thinking of putting in a v5 what power upgrades can you get other than the usual ie filter, exhaust and remap i'm looking at tryin to get 250-300bhp is that possible out of a v5?
  3. edewer

    Mods for £300. what to get?

    hey guys. have been given £300 to spend on the car, and undecided what to go for really. Obviously theres the remap route but i dont really wanna go down that route til i'm running an exhaust/TIP etc so i can go stage 2. also dont really wanna go down the coilove route either so what...
  4. af1

    What are the essential mods for a Leon

    Hey, What would you lot say are essential mods for a leon mine is a phase 1 Tdi so no fancy bumpers etc. but still smart inside In my mind they are:- in no particular order Remap Cruise Control Auto Windows Body Coloured Bumpers (be it cupra / cupra R) Body Coloured Side Strips...
  5. knight85

    prices for mods...

    right, im looking for my first smallish/cheapish mods for my mk4 1.9 tdi FR and have narrowed it down to the following, (prices are from my 2 nearest seat dealers and include vat) seat sport strut brace £53.83 PD160 adaptor and hose £76.27 LCR splitter £21.59 cupra handbrake grip, £14.00...
  6. jwfcms

    My LCR Platinum Grey Few Mods

    A few mods i have done since owning the car for 3 months. Alot more to come inc FMIC, Big turbo and engine rebuild, drilled discs, miltek exhaust system, anti roll bars, strut brace. Remaped Refurbed Gloss black standard LCR wheels THS Turbo Intake Pipe Polished manifold and charge pipe Audi R8...
  7. 1st mods induction kit or not?

    Hi all, I've just bought a 2001 leon cupra and am looking at getting a remap and a few mods done. From browsing this forum which is full of useful info I have decided to get a remap and upgrade the dump valve and panel filter ( got a good quote for this). Is it worth also getting the...
  8. on what bassis are mods selected and themselves checked?

    question to zboyd and m0rk on what basis are mods selected and themselves checked to try to ensure consistent moderation. thx bill
  9. Bored - Quick Mods

    Right, proper bored at the moment. Any quick, cheap/free mods that I can do to the Cupra? Only thing I can think of ATM is to remove the door handles, sand down and re-spray. Anything else people can think of to do?
  10. AndrewJB

    Small Mods

    Right ive got a bit of spare cash left over from long Christmas night shifts so im thinking some more small mods First thing im looking at is the Forge Rear strut brace, Anyone got one of these for a mk4? do any other companies make them except forge? Second thing im looking for is some...
  11. Looking Into Some Mods

    hey new to the forums since i recently just picked up my LCR 225 after a long wait lol now just wondering which is the best route to go for a DV and a good CAI kit ? was wondering if the 007p Fast Road Closed Loop Diverter Valve is the right one for my LCR ? now with CAI kits which would be...
  12. Which Mods for Mk4 Ibiza Cupra TDi?

    Other than the obvious P-Torque remap, which mods are popular for the Ibiza Cupra TDi? From what I have read, some people seem to complain about the handling, so I'd possibly look to address this as best I can - what do people recommend? Please consider that I do a lot of motorway miles, so...
  13. Leon Cupra with a few mods

    Here's a few photos of my Leon Cupra with some minor mods.
  14. martin_hill_198

    1.6 coupe mods

    hello there i was wondering what modifications i could do for to the engine? i have a kent cam and decat... any more ideas dont want to abf it or anything like tht want to keep as 1.6 so cheap to insure still
  15. chris285

    Leon Thread - New exhaust and splitter pictures

    Finally found my camera cable to transfer the pictures, they were taken last weekend after only a wash so not the best they can be its an 05 plate fr tdi with 37k on the clock, had it just under a month and still on the same tank of fuel and i love it just a few to...
  16. 1.8T Cupra - Common Faults and suggested mods?

    Hi Guys, I'm just visiting from Clubgti & am after some advice from you. A friend is looking at buying a Mk1 Leon Cupra, I've done a search on here for common faults, the most recent post apears to be form 2006 & was just wondering if there is anything in particular to look out for on the...
  17. Suggested mods for my Formula Sport?

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with my Seat Ibiza Formula Sport? It's yellow, so I'm going to get the windows tinted, black rims, and have the calipers painted red. That's all I've planned at the moment. It's just standard at the moment.
  18. CraigW

    Craig's Mk2 Ibiza. NEW CAR Page 20 25/6/12!!

    Thought it was about time I did a readers ride's thread of my car. My car is a 1998 (S) Mk2 Ibiza 1.4 Estillo in Alpine White. Bought the car in December 2005/January 2006 from my local Seat Dealer. It had 2 previous owners and 75,000 miles on the clock. Also had full service history as it...
  19. jonisginger

    Visual mods for my car - advice?

    What should I do? Not looking to spend too much... Trying to find a Cupra (not LCR) bumper to put on her, and a sports exhaust. Any other ideas? Jon
  20. Dione J

    What were the first mods you did to your Cupra / R?

    Hi Guys, Fresh of the press a new VAG owner, I own a Black 2004 Seat Leon Cupra and I love it!! (no pics yet) I haven't done any mods yet (apart from bought some standard seat fitted car mats) So the question I ask to you all, what first couple of mods did you all do when you first...
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