
  1. andycalvia

    most modded ibiza ever?

    Is this the most Modded Seat ibiza ever! made to look like an Altea! Not sure about the Rear of the car :confused: take a look CLICK HERE
  2. Ibiza Mk4 photos required - all models, standard or modded !

    Evening all I'm in the process of putting together a Mk4 Ibiza website, and I'd like to feature a selection of photos. All models welcome, from standard 1.2s up to modded Cupras, from any country. Please email them to: [email protected] with the subject "SCN Photos", and include the...
  3. StuRox

    Modded Lexus Lights

    Modded Lexus Lights - Now with PICS Just modded my black lexus lights last night, as made the fogs a stop/tail bulb, so now have two lights either side, and looks really good. Was a right bugger to get the wire from the boot to the tail lights, but only took an hour for the whole job...