

    mk4 cupra faults

    yesterday my engine management light come on so today went to the dealer and had the faults printed out for me they said they need to look into it further and they would book me in next week. just wondering if anybody is familiar with the following faults and what may have created them. 1st...
  2. milltek exhaust on a mk4 ibiza cupra

    i am looking at getting a full milltek oval exhaust. does anyone hace any pics or does it look the seem as the standed one?
  3. mk4 golf 1.8t finally finished gt2x hybrid project!

    ok so its been a long time getting the car sorted but now after a lot of time and effort and all the necessary parts, including new fuel pump from the 225 cupra r, piperworx custom exhaust with 3" D/P, 3" MAF, custom charge pipes and FMIC, injectors, ATP manifold etc etc its finally come to an...
  4. mk4 golf 1.8t finally finished project!

    ok so its been a long time getting the car sorted but now after a lot of time and effort and all the necessary parts, including new fuel pump from the 225 cupra r, piperworx custom exhaust with 3" D/P, 3" MAF, custom charge pipes and FMIC, injectors, ATP manifold etc etc its finally come to an...
  5. Pabs

    mk4 ibiza cupra VAG-COM Logs - Boost issues

    Hey folks, First 2 runs done in 3rd gear, last one in 4th. EDIT: Can't get the (CODE) (/CODE) to display it in a decent format - so here is the spreadsheet itself:
  6. MartinDov

    Ibiza MK4 1.2 - Eclipse Blue

    Here is my 2004, 53 plate, SEAT Ibiza 1.2 in eclipse blue. Had it for just 5months now and time to start some work I reckon.. Firstly want some new alloys maybe rear tints. Just ordered aero front wiper today as fed up of standards. SX Standard Alloys
  7. Pabs

    Petrol mk4 Cupra - Any way to get boost from Diagnostics port?

    Folks, I've seen several boost gauges that can get their information directly from the diagnostics port, for example the Scangauge II. However, I've noticed that these only work on the diesels. Does the petrol cupra output to the diagnostics port differ on the two cars? Or are there any...
  8. mk4 ibiza custom honeycomb grill + pics

    ok so i started a custom honeycomb grill like the one evo2345 did, still unfinished but will show the prgress im making with it, i beleive i will be the 2nd mk4 ibiza to have one of these if it turns out well enough, i still have to filler in the S logo holder, smooth all the filler down and...
  9. Pabs

    Pabs Platinum Grey mk4 Ibiza Cupra - Stage1 OEM++

    Hey All, Well, I picked the car up yesterday, and have tonight spent most of the evening cleaning the car. It's a 2004 mk4 Ibiza Cupra, finished in Platinum Grey Metallic paint. Currently, it has a shade over 33k on the clock, so nice and low mileage. It used to belong to a fellow SCN...
  10. RaggedLob

    RaggedLob's MK4 Beeza 1.2- work in progress

    Hey all! Picked up my Flash red Beeza 2 months ago for a pricey £2800 (low miles and vgc, though :D ) I haven't planned any big budget Engine/suspension/bodywork mods, mainly because i need the money for uni, so instead i thought i'd make an FR replica, which can be done cheaply...
  11. What V.A.G. Seats will bolt straight into MK4 Ibiza?

    I've owned my 130 PD Sport for 4 months now and i'm pretty happy with it, just that the drivers seat is killing my back. I find this odd as i've had recaros/sports seats in almost every car i've owned and never had an issue. I think it's because the Ibiza sport seats are really firm but have...
  12. Adz.21

    Ibiza mk4 folding wing mirrors

    After seeing seans beeza on the weekend, i now cant stop thinking about wanting folding wing mirrors.. just wondering what bits i need to get to do it and how easy it is, as stuff like this is pretty much guarenteed to go wrong if even as much lay a finger on it!
  13. What power you Mk4 Ibiza Diesel guys running????

    Hey, As many may well be aware, i need a new smaller more eco car. I think i want to stay with Seat and i'm looking seriously Seat Ibiza'a TDI Cupra PD160. I still want to be able to play around with it and increase the power. So my questions are: What power you running? What did you do...
  14. RaggedLob

    Good Backbox for MK4?

    Looking for a decently priced performance backbox to fit a MK4 1.2, universal or otherwise.. My main problem is i don't want anything loud, something that isn't boomy at low revs, and doesn't grate over long journeys- just something that makes itself heard under acceleration.. Anyone know...
  15. ATP

    Mk4 Ibiza Cupra PD160

    and first mod:
  16. finally got pics ov mk4 ibiza

    this was what it looked like when i bought it now it looks lyk this what yas think? [B)]
  17. PH1L NI

    20mm Spacers MK4 Ibiza 1.9 Sport

    I have a 2007 1.9 TDi Sport Ibiza with standard 16inch 'sport' rims, currently lowered to the bottom on coilovers... Now the wheels sit under the arches quite a bit and it looks crap, just wondering would this kit be okay on my car...
  18. MK4 in car pc

    I have bought an in car pc that has been converted to 12 volts. The problem im having is that i can run the pc fine from the cig lighter but if i use it with an adapter so i can power my screen aswell the pc just restarts, what options do i have to power my lilliput 8" screen.
  19. Ting

    MK4 Suspension Advise

    Hi guys I've just recently fitted some new alloys, and when I got the tyres put on them the mechanic noticed my front driver side spring has the end snapped off. Basically at the end of the spring its supposed to curl round back on itself, making a circle but now its just a semi circle and...
  20. DanLewis1991

    Dans MK4 Ibiza Sport: New Rims ;) PG3 #46

    Heyy, Dan, Im 18, And Im From Newport, South Wales.. Passed My Test Last October And Bought Myself a Saxo... Spent All My Time And Money On It And It Ended Up Looking Like This.. However, I Had A Slight Accident Which Left It Looking Like This... I Was Absolutly Gutted But...
Genuine SEAT Parts and Accessories.