
  1. Black magic paint

    Anyone know where I can get a hold of the Seat black magic paint, having no luck with the internet, is it likely a main dealer will have it? Ta :)
  2. Pic Request - Black magic Ibiza's

    Hi im new and looking to get a black magic ibiza fr tdi. I have searched hi and low on here and have only found a few pics of them. So just wondering if people could post there pics on here please :D
  3. My new black magic ibiza

    Here is the first lot of pictures of my new black magic MK4 ibiza. It is a ref sport, on 16's and de-badged. Loads more mods to come :D
  4. coxxic

    Black Magic FR pics

    Black Magic FR pics + question What is the thing near by interior light panel? It looks like ventilation duct. But on roof??
  5. New Black Magic FR - what Polish?

    Making the leap from what has been a cracking VRs Fabia to an FR Leon next week (if the dealer gets his act together!) and having read up as much as I can on the Detailing Forums I'm still unsure as to what the best bet is for a Polish/Wax on a new car.. Any ideas Gents? Cheers
  6. RikH

    Black Magic LC Q

    Hi all, Yesterday had the first "proper" go at the LC, with washmits and the like now after washing and drying with the sonus i just put poorboys natty's blue wax on, its come up great and looks good but am i right in that i should of used a normal polish before and then waxed and buffed...
  7. Black Magic Leon With Audi rs8 Alloys? Any 1 Got Any Pics?

    As the title says any ones got any pics of a black leon with rs8s on? thanks ppl also if it was lowered would be better as my cars currently sitting 60mm lower, thanks
  8. FinerDetails

    MKII Leon FR - black magic

    Welcome to the on-line Detailing Report of a brand new Leon FR in Black Magic Met paint, and less than 200 miles on the clock too. Washing and Cleaning Preparation The first task for me is to start to clean, and prepare the car for the Detailing work. As always, I begin by washing the...
  9. My New Black Magic Leon FR TDI

    Its just come in, went to look at it today, should be ready on monday all being well.. 8) More photos when I get it for real.. :wave:
  10. Reg

    Black Magic Leon Detail

    Had a call from a Nick_c_1986, a fellow forum user, looking to put some sparkle back into his 2004 Seat Leon TDI in the beautiful shade of Black Magic. Having fairly recently had a lot of paint done due to a kind taxi driver using the Nick's car as a brake instead of the middle pedal, I was...
  11. black magic paint

    I have black metalic paint on my beezer and it looks the dogs. However if you glance at it close up t certain angles you can see loads of slight scratches. Its done 6k before i got it so may have been taken though a car wash. Any ideas what i can do and does anyone else have this on the...
  12. Cupra Ross

    My Leon in Black Magic.

    Having loaned my P21-S Carnuaba wax to a mate, I was forced to use a "lesser" wax on the car this weekend. I found a bottle of Meguiars Gold Class in the cellar and got to work. While it takes a lot more effort with this wax, the results were surprisingly good IMO. The car is treated with...
  13. Chris 16v

    New Pic of my Magic Black LC (LCR splitter!) :D

    Morning folks, just a quick pic of the new LCR splitter. Im so glad i have done this - totally transformed the looks imo -far more aggressive! :D Moody pic in the fog a week ago :D - p.s we need a birmingham meet soon!
  14. Black Magic paint

    Hi all [B)] My Black Magic Cupra has 2 small stone chips that had been left to go rusty by the previous owner. I'm going to de-rust with a clay bar and wondered whether anyone knows if the Skoda paint from Halfords is a good match...
  15. autobhan magic

    hi all went to germany last weekend in my tdi fr 1687 miles round trip to visit friends indicated 140 on the speedo for over 1 hour. and was still getting took by german and italian exotics but loved it all the same the autobahns are only like our m/ways its just every one is going quick so you...
  16. Numenor

    Ibiza Fr 06 - Black Magic

    Heres some pics of my 2 day old Ibiza. I found the dingiest alley and some bins to take it lol, and they stunk of fish! Car is extremely dirty but the pics will do for now! Apart from the ignition coil dieing and me scraping the bumper on the second day, Im so happy!:funk:
  17. Polishing my black magic Ibiza FR

    Every time i wash my car i never seem to get that satisfying deep wet look shine :confused: ,any ideas on what i should use to get that desired look? Im currently using Turtle Wax car shampoo and putting a coat of Megs spray wax but it still doesn't satisfy me,what should i use? any preferences?
  18. Removing 'swirls' from Black Magic metallic paint

    Hi guys, Picked up my new Cordoba (Black magic metallic paint) last weekend, and I've noticed that the entire bodywork is covered in swirl marks. Apparently the guy had had the car valeted a week before I bought it..... yeah right! Some cheap polish and a bit of a hoover more like...
  19. magic wand waving

    Heres a good one. If you could wave a magic wand over your Leon and change 5 things to improve it what would you do???
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