
  1. arge

    Low speed cooling fan fault

    Right, i have identified my recently purchased LCR has this fault with the low speed fans not running with the a/c on. [:@] I Will be fitting the new fan/fans myself but have a few questions... :help: Do both fans need to be replaced (one small one large on my LCR) ? Does anyone know...
  2. danthemanwhocan

    FR Tdi 150 weird noise accelerating from low revs

    Start the car, pull away and it's fine. Then once on the road and the car is a bit warmer, pulling away and accelerating from about 20mph in 2nd or say 30mph in 3rd, along with the normal diesel sound is this other noise, like a very light, rapid tapping sound, coming from the engine I *think*...
  3. tidied up leon cupra r

    Got my leon about 3 weeks ago, and thought it needed a bit of a tidy up. Had loads done to it already, but ended up rebadging it, new aerial and have now had the 19's oz powdercoated, and got an S3 strut brace powdercoated and fitted as well, tell us what you think: cheers
  4. Lowered cupra r's, how low you gone...?

    Got my cupra r recently, and its already been lowered about 20mm on eibach springs and dampers on 19's. Want it a bit lower, especially at the back. Wondering what you guys are using, and any pics if possible. cheers
  5. Stong fuel smell, low MPG.... help!

    Hi, I have owned my Toledo for about a year or so now, and it has always had a fairly low MPG and is gradually smelling stronger of unburnt fuel. The smell of fuel is much stronger when I first start the engine, but many of us have had a look, and have seen no sign of a fuel leak. It has...
  6. cupraolli

    how low

    pictures of how low you have had you ibiza's ive got coilovers for mine coming and dont know how low to have it. and anyone ever had theres lowered all the way on there coilies.
  7. how low on 17s?

    evening all! recently got myself an ibiza cupra and im made up with it:D the car has 17" wolfrace alloys on it and the suspension is still in standard form how much can i lower it without any problems with rubbg/scrubbing etc or having to start hacking bits off? also can anyone...
  8. ttothec

    Low Oil Temp Reading??

    finally got round to wiring in my oil temp gauge today, and im a little concerned that my oil temp is low ive read it should be between 80-100 degrees C here is a pic of as high as it goes it didnt rise any higher than this and i was driving for a good 40mins is it cos of the...
  9. Low coolant warning light

    hi guys, looking for a bit of help. when i start my car first thing in the morning when it is really cold (this morning -5!) the low coolant warning light bleeps and flashes. if i turn the engine off and start again it usally doesn't come on again. i have checked the coolant level and it seems...
  10. steve0

    Only getting very low boost?

    Car has generally been running fine lately; but then yesterday it started being a bit strange. I was cruising down the motorway and had been for quite a while with it being normal. It generally hits about 20-21psi on peak and then tails off to about 15psi on full chat. All of a sudden, I put my...
  11. cuprascott

    Washer Fluid Low Warning

    Should my FR have one? My old LC had one but i ran out of washers the other day in the new one and nothing flashed or beeped to tell me about it?
  12. Low Power, Rough Idle, Hard To Start

    Hi, Really need some help with this, i have an 01 ibiza S 1.4 THis morning it cut out on me however i restarted it after two attempts, the car ran fine all the way to work. However tonight, i get in the car and go to start and it doesnt start fully. Its ticking over but very little...

    LCR Idling low

    How do gents, i need a bit of help please, done a search but can't really find much. My LCR has started idling low around the 700rpm mark, cars always been fine at idle?? I've just fitted a FMIC and new dog bone bushes but can't see this making any diffrence,it was idling around 900rpm and...
  14. JIMYU

    low temp readings

    does anyone sometimes get a low reading on the coolant temp guage? For the first couple of years ownership the temp guage used to sit on 90 all day long and never budge. Its there most of the time but sometimes it shows a low reading which seems wierd.. for example last night, I had...
  15. How low can I put my Cupra

    Hi All I've just put some 17" alloys on my 2001 Cupra (NICE BIRTHDAY PRESENT OFF THE GIRLFRIEND) and now sits a bit high so I want to change the springs. I was wondering whats the lowest springs you can use on standard cupra suspension without causing any major problems and what do you...
  16. leaper71

    Low on power PD 150.

    Hi all. I've got a problem with my 2001 TDi 150. Its very low on power,almost like its a non-turbo. If you drive it hard it definately feels like it has no turbo but if you drive it at part throttle it feels as if it wants to go and if you get the throttle just right you get a little kick in...
  17. engine running a bit low on tick over!!

    My ibiza is a 1.2 and when it is ticking over it is ok, however it is difficult to set off as it trys to stall, is there any way that you can give it another 150/200 rpm on tickover???????:help:
  18. Low Power Fuel Prob?

    Car running slow,low boost over 4.5k,maf disconnected runs great. Replaced maf twice,no faults on vag-com wondering if running lean hence low boost? Had throttle body parameters reset fine for short while. replaced n75 and plugs also. any ideas?:shrug:
  19. Low power problems

    Hi, i have a 1996 P reg Toledo 1.9 TDi SXE with 1Z engine code and i have low power problems. I have hardly any power when pulling away in first gear and takes ages to speed up, it's really bad when going uphill and won't go over 70 unless it's going downhill with a back wind. I was...
  20. Mattyh87

    PD130 TDi - Very low MPG!

    My MPG is atrocious, mainly been used on short journeys (5-10miles), however, my fuel light came on at 200 miles after a full tank. Trip computer says im getting 40-60mpg on most journeys however. Any ideas? Car cuts out at the top of 4th gear and goes into limp mode aswell, could be...
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