
  1. clear tail lights for Altea.

    Hey chaps. We have the Light Blue Altea... other half has now decieded the red case on the tail lights doesn't go with the pale blue... (women). The only lights I can seem to find are: From what I can tell - they are exactly the same style as the original ones except the CLEAR...
  2. Smee

    Rear brake light and normal lights

    Are the rear bulbs the same bulb with double filament or are they seperate bulbs. my rear drivers side brake light has stopped working but the Rear light its self is. not to sure if i have a blown bulbs or a faulty cable. please advise. also what bulb are they h1 h2 ect Lee
  3. m.r.davies

    side lights to match 6000k hids?

    hi i've just ordered my 6000k hids, however, i've noticed some pics with the sidelights and they look rubbish so figured i need to get these after lots of searching and reading i figured i need to get a 12V LED sidelight set (12v 5w, W5W) if the above is correct, where can i get them...
  4. DonniD1991

    setting up fog lights

    just wondering if anyone has done this but i have a 1.2 ibiza that did not come with fog lights i then put a facelifted bumper on it and just wondered how a could set them up so they are working would appreciate the help cheers
  5. Can we (leon mk2 2008 owners) enable cornering lights through vagcom ?

    I read this article and i was wondering if it works for leon mk2 08?
  6. digby130?

    glow plug light flashing...brake lights working! help please

    hey guys car is a 05 ibiza tdi fr pd130 basically, after a search i thought it was the brake light switch (common problem on mk4 ibizas) which was causing the flashing glow plug light, but after i checked the brake lights (yes one was out but replaced that!) it was still flashing...driven it...
  7. JamesL

    No brake lights...

    Evening all Pulled up at work the other day and as I was about to turn off my engine the glow plug light started fllashing. Remembered seeing mentions on here about it meaning the brake pedal light switch having broken, so checked and sure enough I have no brake lights. This evening I cut...
  8. HID lights

    thinking about putting HID conversion onto my ibiza sport, is it worth doing? kits are roughly £150 i think or seen bulbs that claim to give a brighter/whiter light, are these any good? thanks
  9. cuprakris

    brake lights staying on

    was out in my car lastnight with the lights on obviously and i parked up to go speak to a friend and when i walked round the back of my car i noticed the strip light on top of the boot was on and also when the lights are off and i put my foot on the brake my o/s head light come on. so this...
  10. rear numberplate lights / satnav console

    Hi I drive the V5 170 toledo Recently i noticed one of my rear numberplate lights had stopped working. I left the lights on and attempted to change it, only for the other bulb to go out. Now, all fuses seem fine but i have no power going to the circuit coming from the car, to the boot...
  11. L5FLD

    Removing the rear fog lights.

    I've noticed a handfull of people smoothing the rear bumper effectively removing the rear fog lights from the bumper. Is there any legal issues with regards to this?
  12. Dash Lights On All The Time

    As the title suggests my dash lights are on all the time the ignition is on in my 52 Cupra R. Is this a feature or do I have a problem? Done a quick search and found no answers. Thanks For Your Help In Advance. Andy
  13. Should i have a ESP lights?

    Hi, should i have a ESP warning light on my dash? I've got a 2003 Cupra r? Cheers chris
  14. side vent lights

    hello all i saw a pic on here the other day s1 had lights fitted in there front side vents they looked great was it a certain kit (any links) or were they made up cheers
  15. Tyres, Lights and Servicing

    Hi all, very impressed with SCN - you've helped me sort my sticking boot lock already! I'm looking to trade in my almost new tyres (recently bought 51 plate cupra) for higher performance tyres (thinking Falken 452's?) but not sure where I can get this done, anyone know? I live in SW...
  16. allyboy

    abs and traction control lights

    alright there i have had the worst week ever was told by the dealer that my ecu was goosed as my imobiliser light kept coming on and now my abs lamp and tcs lights are on have used the launch diagnostic machine which is pretty naf but dont have a vag com as yet and it told me that the main abs...
  17. Dash lights/warning lights

    Hi sorry for all these questions as u can prob guess i've just bought the car and getting to know it. Should the ABS light come on when the ABS is triggered? Mine doesn't!! Is the traction control light the light to the right of the ABS light? When should this come on? When the ESP is...
  18. Your new seat ibiza mk5's lights ?

    Hi folks. i opened a previous thread as was (still am) experiencing what i believe so far to be a fault in my lights Could anyone please tell me if the following is normal. And typically if your seat ibiza 1.4 sports coupe does this: One fog lamp on at a time with headlights. Either...
  19. davea

    Cleaning Rear FR Lights

    Hey Guys, I'm starting to notice more and more a lovely greeny looking fungus starting to form in the edges of my rear lights. They are FR rears so its quite noticeable when looking... I've read on here that they are sealed clusters so I imagine these are going to be a right pain in the...
  20. Leon instrument lights permanently ON

    Just bought an 03 plate leon Se Tdi110 with full service history and 82k on clock. Just noticed that the instrument panel and other lights on climatronic panel etc remain ON all the time but definitely go off when the ignition is switched off. Is this a Leon "feature" or a wiring fault? Look...
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