
  1. Anti lag?

    Does anyone know if there is an anti lag system available for the 1.8t?
  2. Anti Lag kit

    Hi Guys, Does anyone have one, are they good, where can you get one from?? Kind Regards, Alex
  3. Cupra_Jeff

    GT2x fitted - major lag !!

    Right I need peoples help here. I recently got my motor back after having a GT2x, 3” ATP inlet, S3 injectors (with 4 bar FPR) and 3” MAF fitted. I got it all mapped with wideband lambda and its holding good a/f ratios right through to 7,000, with very little/no timing pull. However it seems...
  4. Pabs

    What would cause more turbo lag.. other than my imagination?

    Hey all, What could cause more/longer turbo lag.... other than my imagination? Just recently my car feels like it needs more revs to pull away from a standstill, but also like the turbo takes longer to spool... I still hit the same boost level (circa 20psi), it holds the boost for...
  5. virdi

    Does the IHI have the same lag as a standard turbo?

    Hi all, I understand that the IHI Turbo used in the popluar BT conversions... is Roller Bearing type. So from what I've been told - Roller Bearing Turbo's don't hardly have any lag.... as they're sposed to spin up very quick etc...? is this true? So... What I'm trying to get at is... if...
  6. Turbo Lag

    OK, I have searched, and found lots of bits and pieces on Turbo Lag, but no definitive answers. I've had my TDI a month and Turbo Lag is the one thing I am having trouble getting uted to - outting my foot down and having to wait up to a second before anything happens. How much lag should I...
  7. The MoffMeister

    Turbo Lag!

    is there anything anyone has used to reduce the lag in the turbo?
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