
  1. Locked keys in Car!

    Yes, I locked the keys in my car, working in car left keys in foot well went in house came back out, car locked itself........ the best bit .......... not got a spare key :( :( :( any ideas?? (other than putting the window through?) Ta p.s. car 04 lcr
  2. New Keys

    I only have 1 key for my car and would like a spare i want a flip key just for easiness of it being in my pocket what one of these do i buy from ebay lol i am so dumb when it comes to cars so please excuse me
  3. Keys

    Hi all, I am a newbie here so please be kind. I have searched the other posts but can't find my answer, so here goes. I have the 2.0FSi and yesterday lost my keys in the house when I needed to leave pronto. So, I got the spare key out which is not the flippy kind. Just a normal one. The damn...
  4. bryan-1990

    keys - quick question!

    hey, lost my keys for my car yesterday! phoned the dealers and there sayin 21 days if it's a laser cut key? an i'm not sure if it is laser cut or not, anybody advise? thanks!
  5. edmong


    Just wandering how many sets of keys your meant to have when you bought the LCR new? I only have 2, oneis a flip key with the buttons and the other is just the key. Im wandering because ive just seen this on ebay...
  6. Lost the bloody keys, only bought the car last week

    I have just bought a Cordoba, R reg and it was immaculate. However having put the keys on the table at home my 16 month old has hidden the keys. We have spent a week turning the house and garden upside down but the keys are nowhere to be found. I rang my local dealer which is Derby, they...
  7. daniel_owen_uk

    Locked Keys in Boot

    Now I don't think this should be possible, but here's what's happening. When I unlock the car and don't get in, the car locks after a set period. (good) When I unlock the car and open the drivers door, the car won't lock itself at all. (good) When I unlock the car and open the boot...
  8. lost my keys

    i lost my keys on the weekend, and i havent got a spare set, who do i contact to make me a new set.. does any1 no how mutch will this cost?????????
  9. xd-data-ii

    Issues with coding keys to immobiliser

    Hey, Recently got a flip key. Used one off ebay and got a blank blade cut for my car. In removing the transponder from my spare key it smashed. I did get the one from my main key into the flip key and all is working. But i know have no spare key. But I do have a used transponder from the...
  10. reprogramme keys problem.

    hi. i'm sorry if this has been answered before but the threads ive seen are for ibiza's.. i have just got a flip key for my 02 leon. my blip key is 433mhz and new one is 434mhz, now according to threads the flip key will work with my car. i have looked in the manual, followed it on there...
  11. Stephen O

    Quick question (keys)

    Ive tried the majority of the 28 pages on the Flip Key faq's. But my question is will a 434Mhz flip work in place of my old 433mhz key? Or will it have to be 433 to match?
  12. how many keys?

    just picked up my leon 225 cupra on saturday after 6 months hunting for a good yellow low milage model within budget. The dealer handed me the keys with one spare which has no remote untill i got home didnt realise ive got no door locks and no handbook need to go pick that up but dont know if i...
  13. cmc

    Aura Release Keys

    Guys can someone tell me what the correct radio release keys are for a Mk1 Leon aura head unit please (with a link to a picture if possible?). I need to buy a set. Just had a parrot bluetooth kit fitted by halfords and it was a disaster. Long story, several botched attempts on their part...
  14. STPCG

    New keys

    Right guys I have read loads on here about flip keys, new blades and changing the transponders but I have a normal key for the long haired general and she wants a flip key, so I know I need to buy a flip key to start then have the blade made but what about the transponder? I have opened the...
  15. Keys and Immobiliser Codes

    Hi, Where would be the best place to go to get the keys and/or immobiliser code changed for my Leon? Paranoind or what I want to make it safe. Cheers.
  16. djjonnibgood


    Ive just dropped my immobiliser key down the drain with my fone! :doh: Ive found a replacement on ebay but was wondering if it would work as it may have a different frequency??? Can anybody clarify that if i transfer the transponder between the keys that the key should work when...
  17. Andy3004

    Maybe I look like a pikey?...(flip keys again)

    So I have now tried all three Timpsons places in Oxford, who say they can't (or most likely won't) cut the blade for me.... so, either I look like some pikey car thief, or they are all a**eholes. [:@] :censored: Anyway, can anyone recommend other places to cut the blade (other than the...
  18. keys

    hello, picked up me 2001 leon cupra yesterday, the only downside is the previous owner lost the remote key fob so i onyl have 1 key and it not a remote one. Whats the best way to get a remote one? if i go to Seat whats the general price they would charge? Are the key functions just...
  19. Cupra Keys

    I get my 56 beezer cupra tdi in 4 days and I was just wondering if they come with the flick key. I will also post plenty of pics when it arrives if you want. Thanks
  20. flip keys...

    ive seen a new flip key on ebay for £10, could it be programed to my cordy? its a 97 1.6.
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