
  1. New Sportrider owner needs a sensecheck

    Hello, I am new to the forum so please be gentle. I have recently bought a 2012 Seat Ibiza (6J) 1.6 TDI Sportrider with 90k miles from a local dealer. I have a couple of questions please... 1. Heat - The car has been fitted with a new turbo after some issues with it before purchase. Went on a...
  2. Seat Ibiza key trouble

    I bought my car in pretty poor condition have done it up but I've only got a spare key that looks like this And want to get a key fob is there any way I can wire up and get it all to work or will I need to pay for a new one.
  3. windows opening when unlocking and takein keys out of igniction

    my sister was hocering my cars today and said the wiindows kept on going down when she was oening the doors, and i tried it to see if i can fidn out wats wrng. it even haens when u take teh keys out the ingiction. any sugestions wat it could be??
  4. fellowsuk


    i have checked and cant find anything about this, hopefully we will be getting a K1 soon but me and the wife are sharing it, can anyone tell me if u get 2 remote locking keys or just 1 and 1 normal key like on my leon? if you dont get 2 remote keys any idea's how i could get another one without...
  5. Lost my car keys ..

    I lost my car keys .. or they 'vanished' i went through to seat and they said it could take up to ten days and would also cost 180 pounds however i googled 'lost car keys' and it came up with so many companies that come out to your car and make a new key for you however it was a bit more money...
  6. Keys

    Does anyone know if the non-remote key can get wet or not? Looks like some surf is hitting this weekend, but it'll be the first trip in the new car. Cheers, Jonny
  7. Getting the SKC code in order to program new keys?

    Hello all, first post so be gentle! :D I bought a 55 plate FR TDI yesterday and it came with only one key. I've been reading up on how to pair up another key fob and it seems that I need the SKC code (which apparently SEAT dealers don't have access to now). Is it possible to use one of the...
  8. Advice needed with keys

    Hi folk, can somone offer advise on this one please? Just bought a 52 plate Leon 1.6S, which has only one complete key. The key blade starts the car fine, and the 2 button remote works fine on the central locking. I also have another 2 button remote which also works fine on the central...
  9. oneofthetwins

    Car keys under shut bonnet!

    Hello all.. need help asap. Well was working on the car with the bonnet up sat my tools and the keys on the top if the air filter and then the bonnet got shut... thus locking the car and making me feel like a complete t*t anyways went to the seat garage ordered a new key .. dont fit...
  10. j.cavo


    is it possible to swap 1 key blade for another???
  11. Bits and bobs, stereo and keys...

    Haven't been on for a while (seems I only ever come on with questions, how rude!) but I'm back again to probe your collective brains. My Toledo V5 came with only one key and unfortunately this one key just so happens to be a non RCL key. I've read up on the reprogramming guides, very useful...
  12. Cupra137

    star keys?

    Hi guys, iv done a search but couldnt exactly find what i was after. Il be fitting some koni lowering springs tomorrow and i think iv got all the correct tools for it, but was just checking, do i need any star keys? iv got plenty alan keys etc, but no stars. Cheers guys
  13. keys and service book

    I've just spanked some cash on a 57 plate 1.4tdi and have a couple of questions: Firstly its only got one key, i want to get a spare and program it to the car, is this a dealer only job? If its not dealer only how is it done? and secondly is it possible to get a new service record and get it...
  14. bassfreak


    hey :).. i need some help with my car my battery has died on my car and the doors wont open :S ive got a new battery but the doors are stuck solid and i need a new key fob cos mine dont work, there is no seat garage near me only a volkswagen and they said i need to go to seat any idear on what i...
  15. greenakd

    Roof Bar Keys

    Can anyone help out there. I have lost the keys to my OE Roofbars and been to my local dealer but they don't seem to be able to help. I emailed SEAT and according to them my local dealer should be able to get replacement keys. 2 weeks later still no joy!!
  16. Locked the keys inside!

    Had driven the leon to the garage so the keys where in. Had the hoover out, did the back, had to close the back door to fit the hoover round to the front, went to open the front door.. no such luck, it had locked me out! So.. Any ideas? Don't have another key for it. ..TBH, the most...
  17. Keys

    Hi i wonder if someone can help me with this ive got a 2004 leon cupra R thats been de locked only leaving the boot lock ive bought a new central locking remote (the bit without the blade coz it comes in 2 halfs) does anyone know how to program them in to the car my original key is not...
  18. Keys???

    hi all, does anyone know where i can get a new key cut for my LCR?? and a roughly how much this is going to set me back?
  19. MargheD

    Keys Battery Life Span

    Hi all, I was wondering if any of you know how long the battery of the car key lasts. I've had my car for three years and a half now and I'm wondering if the time is coming when I have to change the battery so not to be locked outside the car. :D
  20. nc30rider

    How many keys with a Leon MK2

    Hi, Pick up my 57 Plate Leon TDI FR on Saturday Forgot to ask how many keys I will get with it How many do you get standard? Are they all flip keys with buttons for the remote locking? I really need 2 flip keys...... Cheers.
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