
  1. ICE fitters around Bucks?

    Does anyone know any decent ones familiar with VAG cars (i.e. ones that one snap bits of trim etc) around Bucks? I need to finally get the HU fitted properly and the door speakers fitted and wired, and after the ballache it was doing the rest of it, I'd rather just pay this time! So, can...
  2. Jace

    Adding amps to the Factory ICE ?

    I'm thinking of uprating the sounds & adding an amp or two to the car (+ better speakers & a sub ), but will the factory headunit allow this ?? Does anybody know if it has any ouput leads attached for this type of upgrade ?
  3. Basic ice install in lcr problem!

    Hi i have recentley fitted a new Alpine headunit to my LCR along with a kenwood 1000watt amp and a pioneer sub. I had a similar set up in my last car, everything is wired up correctly etc. The problem i am having is when i turn the system to over half way, which is not very loud, the car...
  4. Willie

    Alright ICE dudes

    Right as with most people who post here I know very little about head units but I want a new one and hope you dudes could help me out. I have a 2003 LCR with the standard head unit. What I want to do is change this for an aftermarket one with specific features but without going to all the...
  5. Ice on inside of windscreen

    With the nights getting really chilly now and frost appearing on the cars, I've noticed that each morning not only do I have to scrape the ice from the outside of my windscreen, I have to do it on the inside as well!!! >_<" Has anyone else been experiencing this issue? - I drive a FR TDI -...
  6. Ice link help!

    Hello everyone. First of all sorry for the length of the post. I tried to install an ice link plus today, but could not get it to work. I searched loads of threads but coul not find an answer. (BTW I have a cupra with the aux in) So I got to the back of the radio and disconnected the...
  7. ICE - Front Door Speakers

    hello, I'm just in the process of upgrading my cupra with some decent front comps and a small sub set up in the back. Just wondering what people think of this set up and how good it would be, and if would actually fit!:confused...
  8. Jon TDI

    Dension Ice Link iPod Connection. Urgent Help please!

    Not sure what the correct number of pins/colour connector is on the Dension Ice Link for the Leon II. Anyone know???
  9. Riko

    First attempt at ICE install-HELP!!

    Hey guys, i need sum advice:cry: Ive got a Alpine head unit, Alpine amp, Alpine CD changer, and a 10" sub (not alpine) which i need to fit to my MK3 ibiza. Im aware of my options where to fit the new HU etc, but what i really need to know is what cables i need as i have nothing with the...
  10. Nutkin

    My first origanal Mod + ice

    Just fitted these today and i think they look awesome. !!! Just ordered some led sidelights so it doesnt look as pants. Sorry for bad pics on the phone ill get better ones if required. But you get the idea. And my sound system as a work in progress.
  11. MrBen2k7

    ICE, general help...

    hi guys, i am pretty good at installing ICE did a massive tripple amp 2 sup power cap jobby to my old fiesta... just need a little advice to save me ripping apart my car before i need too.... I got a seat leon 1.4 16v s, 2001 1 - what are the speaker sizes for the front/rear in-door...
  12. seat ibiza ICE HELP!!

    ite,, looking for suitable facial adaptors as cant seem to find one to fit.. currentley i have a facial with tape player and comp all as one with cd changer buttons.. wht are my options, a cd changer instead of a new facer?? standard cd box under the seat or wht??
  13. fr 150 boy

    how do i keep the memory on my jvc ice,when the ignition is turned off

    hi just one question,i got a 2005 leon fr 1.9 tdi,i have put jvc radio in it but everytime i turn off the ignition & then put it back on i lose all radio stations & setting. the cable which came with the radio has a bullett conector on each of the red & yellow wires,so which do i connect...
  14. ZBOYD

    Duncan James – Ice Cool in his Leon Cupra

    Duncan James, former Blue singer and star of both television and the West End, has chosen a rapid set of wheels to match his busy lifestyle in the limelight – the dynamic new SEAT Leon Cupra. The 29 year-old Brit – one of the stars of ITV’s Dancing on Ice show earlier this year, and the...
  15. chris285

    ICE dilema

    well my cd player seems to have finally given up the goat, about 2 and a half years old now. was a flip down unit originally which broke but still worked, and now its really died as i can't get the current cd out now the thing is i am looking at getting a brand new fr tdi soon so i am not...
  16. Gm8

    my ice setup ( wip)

    well after the car was so cheap i wanted resonable ( but cheap ) ice . I opted for the following :
  17. ICE fitters, and a power problem...!

    Hey dudes. I've given up attempting to fit everyhting in the car myself (such a balllllacccheee!!) Does anyone know any Leon experienced fitters (so they don't rip the car to shreds) that I can fling some cash to to finish it off, and roughly how much I should expect to pay? Most of the...
  18. Radio (or ICE) question time!

    Dodgy DIY WIRING Radio/Mirrors question time! looks like Ive got some dodgy DIY speaker wiring and the front left speakers on my car aint working( in the door and dash). how do i get to the back of my radio? I take it I have to remove the center radio console? how do i do that? I can only see...
  19. some ICE installation photo's & questions pls

    does anyone know what this pink connector by the pedals does pls and would anyone remove this inner door panel for dynamatting? thanks !
  20. ICE and insurance

    Do I have to tell them about my ICE incase my car gets stolen/broken into or will keeping the receipts be enough? Im insured with directline and they say Ive got cover on car entertainment worth up to £1000. :D
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