
  1. Another head unit thread guys

    Hello all, I'm the proud new owner of a mk3 ibiza (non cupra I'm afraid :cry:), I've been lurking around here for about a week now, finally decided to join up since I've been on here so much. Sad to say that I've got yet another question regarding our lovely centre console. I've been...
  2. chunky monkey

    iPod Active Link To Factory Head Unit In An '08 Altea

    Can anyone give recomendations for an iPod active link to the Seat Altea Headunit. I have an '08 Seat Altea Reference Sport 1.9 TDI, which has the aux input, This is not any use for controlling iPod through head unit, I was mislead by my dealer on this... If I had known I would have paid the...
  3. head unit wiring

    my head unit does not save any of its settings (e.g. radio stations display settings) when the car is turned off and the same thing happens in my mk2 golf gti does anyone know how to fix it?
  4. Le0nheart

    Poorly fitting head unit

    Hello, Just put a new headunit into my 05Reg Ibiza FR - all good and now I can use my Ipod, but it sits slightly loose which isn't a huge problem just irritating. Will this work? w w w . caraudiodirect.co.uk/facia-adaptor-p-4444.html[/url] Cheers, :D
  5. New Head Unit

    Hi, I am about to fit a Blaupunkt Milano Head Unit to my Leon and I'd like to confirm I'm, doing the right thing before cutting any wires. (I'm sure this info is on the site somewhere and altgough I have searched, I cannot find it). Firstly I have read that I need to swap the permenant +ve...
  6. Amr

    Head phone on AURA?

    ummm... I never thought what does the headphone sign on the AURA radio-casette refers to? any AUX or something? or just to complete the nice look? :confused:
  7. Bluetooth head units - JVC or Pioneer?

    Hello Gents, My Aura and CD Changer is starting to throw errors (coming up with CD errors alot recently :think: ) and as my bluetooth headset is dying (30 mins talk time if I am lucky!) so I thought I would take the opportunity to upgrade my HU to have both features. Sooooo I have been...
  8. head gasket?

    i have recently changed the oil and oil filter and coolant, and went to check the coolant bottle today to find the dreaded mayonaise in the water bottle, does that indicate that the head gasket has gone? any1 know off a rough price? its a mk2 ibiza 1.6s (abu) cheers lads
  9. new head unit steering wheel control?

    does the steering wheel controls still work with aftermarket head units? im looking at an alpine unit that says its OEM remote ready. can anyone who has anyone changed there head unit help?
  10. single din head unit help leon mk2 57 plate

    hi guys and gals im thinking of installing a single din head unit in my 57 plate leon and was wondering if anyone else has done this can you keep the steering wheel controls?? can you keep the aux input?? im thinking of installing a sony mdx 690 mini disc player where can i get a...
  11. Head unit problems + Strange noise

    I've had my FR TDi since March, and not really had any issues (apart from faulty exhaust sensor within 1 week of buying the car). Now I have two problems at once : 1.) My CD player keeps playing up... the CD playing just seems to stop, then I can't eject the CD, and it gives me a "CD...
  12. ripspeed head unit

    i am hopefully going to be getting one of these brand new very cheap, i have heard there is a cable that needs to go onto the handbrake for it to work, is this true?? its the silver ripspeed one with the small 3" screen in halfords for 99.99 now any help
  13. Mk4 Ibiza FR - Head Unit Compatibility with steering wheel controls and 'Aux' input

    I would like to install a new headunit (currently Alana) in my Ibiza FR over christmas but dont want to lose functionality in my steering wheel controls or 'Aux' input (next to the handbrake lever). could anyone recommend a setup which will allow me to change the headunit without losing these...
  14. head lamps different colour HELP!!!!

    hi guys my mrs smashed up the front of the ibiza over two months ago, and to cut a long story much shorter, the reapirers have fitted a new headlamp to the drivwers side that is a different colour to the passenger side that survived the accident! our orriginal passenger side is different...
  15. New Head Unit Install

    Bought one of this recently ... http://www.mysilvercrest.de/en/artikel.php?a=127 also bought the Leon MK1 kit here ... http://www.nexxia.co.uk/Car_Stereo_fitting_kits/seat.htm. Its all fitted and works great (bluetooth is very handy) except for 2 things: Radio reception is awful even using...
  16. rickisgrate

    After market head unit question (not the usual)

    Another one. Before anyone sais use a search ive already tried and cant find what im looking for so here goes. Im putting my alpine head unit in my cupra at the weekend, its going in the centre console just under the original stereo, my mate at works making all the brackets up tonight plus a...
  17. arron2004

    Pictures of head units

    Hi guys im wanting to put a better sound system in my car has any 1 fitted a new head unit? and got any pictures? If so where did you get it done ? thanks arron
  18. Gap between head unit and shelf/cubby hole below?

    Ive just fitted my Alpine CDA-9855r headunit from my previous car and there's a gap between the shelf and headunit! It previously had a Blaupunkt Madeira headunit in which the previous owner must have fitted with a hammer and chisel! Im guessing once apon a time there was a dividing piece...
  19. Yumann

    Large Por AGUt Head Build (New Project)

    Large Port AGU Head Build (New Project) My large port AGU cylinder head build... Phase 1: Spec of Build: Solid lifter head CAT Mechanical cast camshaft set CAT solid lifter tapets with lash caps CAT Valve Spings Ferrea Oversize Valve Titanium Retainers New Valve seats...
  20. Big or small port head??

    can someone please clear this up for me i've bought a stainless manifold for my cupra, when i took the old one off, the new manifolds ports were smaller than my standard one. been told my cupra had the wrong manifold on in the first place. but why would this be or are the guys i bought it...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)