
  1. Kogi

    Gearbox failure: Lost 1st,2nd and R gear

    Hi ALL, I have found some thread talks about pretty much the same issue, but I would like to hear whether its a common failure and there is still something that could be done in order to avoid it in the future. I lost my 1st, 2nd and R gear yesterday (after 3500 miles), means I can not...
  2. shantybeater

    pulling to in a direction when engaging gear??

    I've noticed (although its very slight) when changing gears sometimes i feel the car ever so slightly pull in one direction as i'm disengaging the clutch...any idea what it may be?
  3. Wont go into 6th gear

    My car has a small prob where it will not allow me to select 6th gear most of the time. Sometimes it goes in without any probs, but mainly it refuses. Not had this problem ever before, only started a few days ago. Car is out of its warranty now aswell which is a bummer! Anything I can look...
  4. GarryGti

    Melted gear linkages

    Is this going to be a problem as i've been advised there melted to the exhaust by JKM when it went in for its MOT. I've now dropped the car 40mm lower at the rear and i've got a vibration when i pull away in low revs wich sounds like something on the exhaust. There's a few people on her with...
  5. markthommo_84

    FR Gear Knob

    Hi guys, i won a Leon FR gear knob on the bay today, i was just wondering does anybody have a rough idea of how much they are from the dealers? I didnt know but put a max bid of £40 plus PnP - and i've got it for £35 posted. its this one...
  6. Rob GTI

    LHD Gear Knob fitment on RHD car

    I have tried ordering the Linea R gearknob and gaiter from IBEXparts online. They claim that the part is only available for LHD vehicles and will not fit RHD. I cannot see any reason why a LHD one will not fit. Can anyone enlighten me to something I may be missing?
  7. stezo2k

    1st gear very stiff

    Alright guys. I was on the way to work yesterday and i was changing gear from 1st to 2nd and the gear didnt mesh properly and now 1st is very very stiff (at first i had to force it in a few times) its not quite as bad now but do you think ive damaged my gearbox? any ideas? ________ Vaporizer reviews
  8. Andybon

    Richbrook gear knobs

    Has anyone got a pic of one of these fitted, And how did they fit,
  9. robdf2

    Will cupra do 60 in second gear?

    Basically as title says , will the Cupra do 60 insecond? reason im asking is i have problems with my car. Just another measure really. Cheers Rob.
  10. chris285

    gear problem

    ok i had a new gearbox put on this week due to old one dying, ratios are a little different and i know they had to modify the box a little to work but it all seemed to work fine. same box number as the old one although that was a vw anyway drive home tonight and was reversing up the drive and...
  11. sticky gear box

    hi guys,got an ALTEA 1.6 05 plate 11 months ago,within two weeks my whole gearbox basically collapsed,chewed itself up my garage said???anyway they reconditiond it and all was well.Now it seems to be sticking the odd time,rang the garage and told them,they said it was because its getting colder...
  12. Gear selector fork broken?

    Hi its been a while since I've been on here, however I am in now need of help and advise from the family. Basically I was driving home from work today stopped at a roundabout...slected first and went to pull away....i got nothing the car just revved like it was in nuetral...i...
  13. elliott87

    Gearbox Gone? or Gear Linkage?

    basically, i have 1, 3 and 5 gears, but cant get it into 2, 4 or 6. so its going into the top row of gears on the gear knob, but not the bottom row? and idea's if this would be the gearbox on gone or if it sounds like the linkage or something? i dont really know what the 'linkage' is, just my...
  14. dozza.13

    Blue smoke on start up & changing gear...

    I have searched, but found nothing conclusive on this issue.... When I first start my car from cold it chucks out a cloud of blue/whiteish smoke, and also does it when going from 1st to 2nd, and less so from 2nd to 3rd, with occasional large puffs on a trailing throttle. The problem seems to...
  15. gear lever buzzing noises

    Hi All, has anyone had gear lever buzzing noises due to engine vibrations? If so, how have you managed to fix it? Thanks.
  16. Ol' Timer

    Fifth Gear Review of new Ibiza

    There is a review of the Mk5 Ibiza on Fifth Gear's website. They rate it as 'average' and it is the first review I have seen which criticises the ride comfort and handling. I suppose they all have to say...
  17. Chrome gear knob surround

    Hello guys, few days ago I found this picture somewhere: You can see gear knob chrome surround. Anybody knows where to get one?
  18. Damoegan

    Removing gear shift bracket from gearbox (20VT)

    Basically following on from my previouse thread of making a diy short shifter for the mk4 ibiza (I cant finde my previouse thread though but it was similare to this thrad). I'm trying to remove the gear shift bracket off the top of the gearbox but it wonte come off for love nor money. It has...
  19. Noisy gear stick

    I think I've searched/read all the threads here about the notchy gearchange which seems to be common on the Leon, especially into 2nd, but not seen any mention of what I'm experiencing. I have this notchiness but also a sort of plastic rattly noise at the same time, almost as though there's...
  20. Robdrums

    Rear Wiper engaging with Reverse gear

    My Leon has suddenly started wagging its tail (rear wiper) when I engage reverse. It never used to do that, and though in the rain it's probably a good idea, it's a bit pointless most of the time! How do I switch it off and how did I switch it on? The car is an 08 Stylance with DSG. Cheers...
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